Friday 25 November 2016

Chinatown bus lines are a budget traveler s dream

A Guide to the Chinatown Bus

The word is out—the cheapest way to get from one major U. S. city to another is on the “Chinatown bus”. In recent years this has become transportation option of choice for budget travelers in New York, Washington DC, and Boston, and more recently on the West Coast. Students, backpackers, and an array of other savvy travelers have long loved the rock bottom prices that these bus companies offer. Despite the popularity of these bus lines it can still be difficult to find information on Chinatown bus service.
What exactly is a “Chinatown Bus”? Read on and you will have the inside track on this great budget travel option.

Chinatown Bus history

The Chinatown bus phenomenon began in the late 1990s when an entrepreneur in New York’s Chinatown started running daily bus service from Chinatown in New York to Chinatown in Boston. The service was aimed at Asian immigrants who wanted to shop or visit relatives in either city and needed cheap and convenient transportation. The service was bare bones—no advertising, customer service, or bus stations. Customers simply went to the bus stop, waited for the bus (or van), and paid the driver upon boarding. For those willing to do without frills, they offered virtually the same service as traditional bus companies at a substantially lower price. Before long, the word spread and all kinds of people started using the service. It became especially popular with students, budget travelers, or people for whom the service was simply more convenient.

Soon more bus companies duplicated this model and started offering service in other cities. Now you can find this type of bus service in Philadelphia, Virginia, Baltimore Washington DC, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco. At this point the term “Chinatown bus” is used more loosely to describe this sort of low-cost/low-frills service. Many, if not most, of the companies do not have Chinatown as their main location and may not cater to the immigrant population at all. These operators are also sometimes referred to as “curbside” operators.

How can tickets be so cheap?

$15 between New York to Boston? $25 from Las Vegas to Los Angeles? It seems hard to fathom. Chinatown bus companies are able to keep prices low because they operate in a fundamentally different way from traditional carriers. Foremost, the service is very basic. There is little in the way of customer service or amenities. Most of these operators do not have formal stations, picking up passengers at bus stops instead. They eschew traditional advertising in favor of word of mouth. Further, many of the operators play a very hands-on role in the operation—you will not see idle executives at a small independent bus company. Finally, these operators make sure they fill their buses. That is why Chinatown bus operators usually only operate on heavily trafficked routes. Indeed some companies only run buses at peak times.

Are they safe?

When these companies first started operating, concerns were raised about safety standards. There is still controversy within the bus industry about whether these newcomers are complying with the same regulations as the traditional companies. However, a task force set up by the Federal government to look at safety issues found that Chinatown bus companies did not perform better or worse than other types of bus companies (ie. charter, tour buses). All bus companies operating in the U. S. must undergo the same inspection standards and must comply with the same rules. Realistically there is probably a range of quality among Chinatown bus carriers. Some are fly-by-night operators trying to make a fast buck, while others are legitimate entrepreneurs who plan to grow and operate a long term business.

What you should expect

  • No frills service—the driver may be the ticket collector; there will not be a lot of customer service.

  • Comfortable buses. Despite the low fares buses are usually quite nice. Most buses are comparable to Greyhound and many are actually more deluxe.

  • Communication challenges. Drivers are legally required to speak enough English to help passengers in the case of emergency. In reality this is often adhered to rather loosely. At the very least, expect your driver to have an accent.

  • Possible delays. Many of these bus routes are on highly congested roads. When the roads are busy, expect delays.

  • Rest stops. Buses will have a lavatory on board but there is usually a 10 or 15 minute bathroom break on trips over 4 hours. Don’t be late returning to the bus, the driver will not count heads before leaving at the appointed time.

  • Full buses. Buses definitely sell out at peak times (weekends and evenings). Book ahead or get there early if you want secure a seat.

  • Plastic Bags. An odd little quirk on Chinatown buses is that every aisle seat usually has a plastic grocery bag tied to the arm. I guess they find this is the best way to keep the buses clean.

How do I find the Chinatown Bus?

Again, “Chinatown bus” is a term used to describe a type of operator and not an individual bus company. Many unrelated bus companies fall into this category. Since most Chinatown buses do not spend money on advertising it can be difficult to find out details about schedules and bus stop locations. Many of the carriers are becoming savvier about the Internet and quite a few have websites with information. Usually an Internet search will yield links to bus service to your destination. There are also several directories, such as chinatown-bus. org that include links for most Chinatown bus companies and the author’s employer, GotoBus. com, is a centralized booking site that has schedules and sells tickets online for most Chinatown bus companies.

The Chinatown bus is not for everyone. If you want an orderly system with American style customer service, you should probably stick to traditional carriers. However, if you know what to expect and come prepared with a sense of adventure and humor, you should enjoy the trip just fine. You will also enjoy the money you save!

Tuesday 22 November 2016

An adjustable rate mortgage can be the best option

An adjustable rate mortgage, ARM, is a mortgage that has a varying interest rate on the note.

For a lot of people this can be a very attractive option.

The interest rate on the mortgage periodically adjusts based on an index.

Because of the varying interest rate, borrowers may notice their payments changing over time.

Adjustable rate mortgages are sometimes confused with graduated payment mortgages. With a graduated payment mortgage the interest rate remains fixed while the payment amounts change.

With adjustable rate mortgages much of the interest rate risk is transferred from the lender to the borrower. Borrowers benefit when interest rates on the mortgage fall. On the other hand, borrowers lose out when interest rates rise. Usually the loans are available when fixed rate mortgages are more difficult to obtain.

Key Terminology

Index - the guide used by lenders to measure changes in the interest. Each adjustable rate mortgage is linked to an index.

Margin - the part of the interest rate from which the lenders profits. The margin plus the index rate is the total interest rate. While the index will change throughout the duration of the adjustable rate mortgage, the margin will not.

Adjustment period - the period between interest rate adjustments, usually denoted in the format of 1-1. The first number is the initial period of the loan for which the interest rate will remain the same. The second number is the adjustment period. It shows denotes the frequency at which the interest rate can be adjusted.

Loan Choosing Tips

The index is one of the most important considerations in choosing an adjustable rate mortgage. Even though you don't have control over the specific index that is used by a particular lender, you can choose a loan and lender according to the index that will apply to the particular loan in which you are interested.

A lender you are considering can give you an indication of the performance of the loan in the past. The ideal loan is one that has an index that has historically remained stable. As you consider loans and lenders, make sure you also consider the margin rate that the lender offers.

Many borrowers wonder about the benefits of an adjustable rate mortgage since the payments can increase over time. In most cases, the benefit of an adjustable rate mortgage comes into play when the interest rate of the ARM is lower than the fixed rate mortgage. The possibility of a payment increase is sometimes inconsequential. This is true if you do not plan to occupy the house for an extended period or if you expect your income to increase over the life of the loan.

Avoid Negative Amortization

Negative amortization is a key watch-out when you are choosing an adjustable rate mortgage. This can occur when a particular loan as a cap on payments that keeps them from covering the amount of interest on the mortgage. As a result, unpaid interest is added to the loan, causing the amount of the loan to increase, even though you are making payments.

You can start out with a positive amortization on your adjustable rate mortgage but end up with a negative one due to interest rate increases. The best way to avoid negative amortization is to avoid adjustable rate mortgages that have a payment cap.

Monday 21 November 2016

Swiss medica aims for success 2 with pms escape

PMS Escape Formulation Might Be Good For Stressed-Out Men, Too! When Swiss Medica goes shopping, don’t expect them to pay retail for the consumer health products they purchase. Since acquiring the O24/Sport product from insolvent German-based General Cosmetics, Swiss Medica (OTC BB: SWME) roared onto the radar screens of U. S. and Canadian pharmacy chains. Part two of their corporate strategy was the necessity of an encore product to avoid being called a “single product company.” Obtaining the North American licensing rights to PMS Escape overcame that hurdle. Internutria, which marketed PMS Escape in the mid to late 1990’s, sold more than $3.6 million of the product in about 25,000 stores, for the short time after it was launched in 1996.

However, a setback for Internurtria’s parent company, Interneuron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:IPIC), specifically a recall of Redux, forced the company to abort the launch of PMS Escape. In the same way Swiss Medica successfully revived the O24 product, lightning could strike twice in the form of PMS Escape' reintroduction. Interviews with two key PMS Escape spokeswomen helped clarify which direction Swiss Medica might run with their newly acquired product.

Perhaps a PMS Escape makeover is in progress, in the same way O24/Sport morphed into the O24™ Essential Oil Pain Neutralizer? Sure, the packaging says PMS Escape and the website ( pmsescape. net/) present the product as “a dietary supplement developed for women with normal PMS-related disturbances in mood and appetite.” However, the PMS formula could delve into new territory: Not Just For Women. In other words, stressed-out men might someday soon be customers for a variation of the PMS Escape formula. One such hint came during a recent interview with Dr. Judith Wurtman, the inventor of PMS Escape (see brief bio below). She told StockInterview. com a revealing anecdote:

“There is one gentleman who has been taking this for years. He has a very stressful job. He read about PMS Escape in his daughter’s magazine. He called me and asked if he could use this. I told him, ‘Sure, it’s made up of a specially formulated group of natural carbohydrates.’ He had his daughters buying it for him, and he started taking it. He would take it only once a day when he left work. By the time he got home from work, he felt fine. It (PMS Escape) has a cute name, but it’s not restricted to women. Men can certainly be just as stressed as women. It’s just not macho to do something about it.”

Wendy Kramer, Vice President of Swiss Medica who will be re-introducing PMS Escape to pharmacy and supermarket chains, said during a recent interview, “PMS Escape has been shown to be effective in reducing stress, irritability, food cravings and improving concentration.” But, she looked beyond the immediate game plan, suggesting multiple products, “There is reason to believe that a similar formula will lend it self to a stress product, a weight loss product, or a product for feeling anxious or irritable, or a product for concentrating better.” Kramer frequently emphasized throughout the interview, “These are all avenues we are going to pursue clinically with this formulation for PMS Escape.” Kramer referred to Dr. Wurtman’s current use of a modified formulation of the PMS Escape product as a weight loss product, “She’s had quite a bit of success with it.”

Numerous serotonin deficiency experiments were done at MIT, and elsewhere, which previously identified broader uses for the PMS Escape formula. For example, Dr. Wurtman explained, “If you find people who are going through smoking withdrawal, and they are overeating carbohydrates, which they tend to do, it probably would help if you gave them the carbohydrates in a drink form.” Wurtman underscored, “Serotonin is absolutely involved in the mood changes that occur when nicotine is withdrawn.” Expansion beyond the current boundaries of the PMS Escape formula may already be past Swiss Medica’s blueprint stage, although no details were offered.

Serotonin Levels are the Key to PMS

It was a logical choice to pursue pre-menstrual “mood and appetite” disturbances during a series of serotonin deficiency experiments at MIT. Dr. Wurtman explained the background behind her development of the PMS Escape formulation, “We did a series of experiments, first with a drug that increased serotonin. When serotonin was being increased by this drug, they (women) became less anxious, irritable, angry, craved fewer carbohydrates and could concentrate again, in other words, they felt like themselves again.” Her work, in conjunction with her husband Dr. Richard Wurtman, led to the development of the use of Prozac®, which MIT patented for very severe PMS, and has since been sold under the brand-name, Sarafem®. “At the same time, we decided to just look and see whether carbohydrates themselves would have any positive impact on mild (not the raging kind of) PMS,” Wurtman pointed out. “We found that women really did report an improvement in their mood and their cravings. That was really the beginning of a series of experiments that led to the development of PMS Escape.”

Why women? Dr. Wurtman revealed what many men have been dying to hear, “Women are more likely to experience mood changes than men, because women’s brains have less serotonin to begin with, than men’s brains.” Hence, PMS Escape, which is made especially for women. But, serotonin bears further discussion to better understand why Swiss Medica might expand the PMS Escape formula into other vital “emotional pain” areas. Such problems are now addressed with mood-altering prescription drugs, which rake in $19 billion annually.

Serotonin is one of many different neurotransmitters in the brain. Each one of these ”brain chemicals” has an important role. As the neurotransmitter most frequently related to depression, serotonin controls several critical physical and emotional functions, including the regulation of hunger, thirst, mood, breathing, sleep, confidence, attitudes and many other things. Says Dr. Wurtman, who also authored The Serotonin Solution:

“When you have enough serotonin in your brain, you have a stable emotional feeling. When you don’t have enough serotonin, or it’s being used up too quickly, your mood can change so you feel depressed, angry, confused, or you have difficulty focusing. You have difficulty being attentive. You feel easily distracted. You become very irritable. Sometimes, your mood goes up and down very quickly. You can also feel very anxious. In addition, you feel tire – a sort of tiredness you might feel, like it’s been many days without sunlight in the winter time. It’s where you can feel incredibly fatigued all over. That comes from too little serotonin. It is also involved in regulating the appetite, in not making you hungry to eat, but in turning off the appetite when you’ve had enough to eat. It is also involved in other physiological behaviors in the body like chronic fatigue where there might be enough serotonin so people might feel aches or their joints hurt.”

Serotonin Deficiency Creates Volatile Emotions

Thirty years of human and animal studies demonstrate that serotonin nerve circuits encourage positive feelings, such as calmness, relaxation, increased confidence and better concentration. Serotonin neural circuits are said to help offset the emotions caused by brain dopamine and noradrenalin circuits, which promote negative emotions such as fear, anger, tension, aggression, anxiety and erratic sleep. Serotonin deficiency syndrome can manifest in many emotional and behavioral problems, including PMS, depression, insomnia, compulsive behavior and addictions. A chronic deficit of serotonin in the nerves using it as a transmitter is what leads to the deficiency syndrome. This deficit in turn derives from various problems relating to the nutritional biochemistry of tryptophan.

Wendy Kramer explains the action of PMS Escape in the context of tryptophan and increasing serotonin levels:

“Tryptophan is an amino acid that is commonly found in food. When we eat certain proteins, it breaks down during digestion to give us tryptophan. Tryptophan is then converted to 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) in the brain. It is this substance that in turn is converted to Serotonin. What PMS Escape does has little to do with any of the three. It causes an insulin response, which in turn plucks other amino acids out of the blood. Insulin does not attach to tryptophan, therefore allowing more tryptophan to cross the blood brain barrier and convert to 5-HTP and then into serotonin. In normal conditions, tryptophan is not only a small amino acid, but exists in the body in small amounts. So it has lots of competition when it comes to crossing into the brain.

The Problem with Tryptophan

A devastating crisis swept through the natural foods sector in the late 1980s. L-Tryptophan had emerged as the amino acid of choice because it was a health food supplement many were taking as a sleep aid. In early 1990, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the sale of over the counter L-tryptophan dietary supplements because it was linked to an incurable, debilitating muscle illness, Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome (EMS). Over 1500 were permanently disabled and 37 people died from contaminated batches of L-Tryptophan. A division of the Japanese petrochemical company, Showa Denko KK, had reportedly been experimenting with its purification process by genetically modifying bacteria to reduce their manufacturing costs. Later research identified the impurity, since labeled “peak E” or “strain V,” which reportedly led to those tragedies.

While not available as a dietary supplement, the brain requires tryptophan for “peace of mind” and better sleep. Tryptophan has a tough time crossing the blood brain barrier so it can help produce serotonin. However, a high intake of carbohydrates induces an insulin response, which then goes into the blood. The insulin response clears out the five other competing amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and tyrosine), but not tryptophan. In layman’s terms, Wurtman said, “What insulin also does at that moment is re-arrange the pattern of amino acids in your blood so that one of those amino acids, tryptophan, gets into your brain.

This also helps explain why a high-protein diet can make someone cranky. Dr. Wurtman shed light on this, “A woman who goes on one of those high protein diets may find within a couple of days a feeling that she is less calm and less content and less able to control her emotions than she was before she started the diet.” The dieter might say, “I’m not hungry on the diet, but I can’t stay on it anymore because I have to have carbs!” Insufficient tryptophan is making its way past the blood brain barrier, provoking a serotonin deficiency.

PMS Escape Fills the Void

In its simplicity, PMS Escape starts the process that results in higher serotonin levels. “The nice thing about PMS Escape is that it works faster than food,” said Dr. Wurtman. “You don’t have to prepare and it works faster than food. We picked the carbohydrates for their digestibility.”

Why not just eat a couple of bowls of steamed rice or pasta? Dr. Wurtman explained, “One of the characteristics of women with PMS is impulsiveness. One of the problems is women probably won’t steam the rice, and then wait to eat it. While they’re steaming the rice, they might have chocolate bars. They are going to throw food in their mouths until they feel better.”

Basically, PMS Escape puts a leash on the impulsiveness. “People don’t have to worry about controlling the amounts they are eating,” said Wurtman. “They’ll take one packet, and it’s enough.” PMS Escape tastes pretty much like a packet of Crystal Light®, according to Wendy Kramer. “They’ll never say, ‘This tastes wonderful and I’ll have six of them,’” Dr. Wurtman laughed, then advising, “Whereas if you tell people to even have breakfast cereal, they might eat the whole box.” On a more serious note, Wurtman concluded, “What we do is tell people to have the PMS Escape, and then you’ll be calmer, you’ll be in control. You’re impulsiveness will be under wraps. Then, you’ll be able to pick and choose the other foods you’re eating with the appropriate amounts.”

“It is important that brain serotonin be kept at an adequate level during that period of the menstrual cycle when women experience PMS,” reported Dr. Wurtman and her team in a 1995 article published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She wrote then, before developing the PMS Escape formulation, “To help maintain optimum brain serotonin levels without the use of SSRIs, which can have a variety of unwanted side effects, special dietary nutrients have been investigated and shown to be effective.”

From her research at MIT came PMS Escape. According to Wendy Kramer, “It (PMS Escape) should be in retail pharmacies this summer.” More importantly, when will men be able to enjoy the same heightened serotonin benefits women have with this formulation?

Dr. Judith Wurtman, Ph. D.

Judith Wurtman, Ph. D. is a research scientist at MIT (Massachussetts Institute of Technology), and the founder and director of Harvard University's TRIAD Weight Management Centre. She received her Ph. D. in cell biology from MIT and took additional training as an NIH Postdoctoral Fellow in nutrition and obesity. Dr Wurtman has written 5 books including "The Serotonin Solution" and "Managing Your Mind through Food". Her scientific research has been published in over 40 peer-reviewed journals. She is married to Richard Wurtman, M. D, a professor in MIT's Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences. He has written or co-authored 950 articles in peer-reviewed journals, edited or written 17 books, and been the inventor in 49 United States Patents.

Much of the initial research on serotonin was conducted at MIT by Judith and Richard Wurtman, described in the Encyclopaedia of Natural Medicine as "pioneers in brain chemistry that have made many valuable contributions that further our understanding of how amino acids affect mood and behaviour."

Texas holdem 4 betting structures explained

Even though the United States have made it illegal to gamble online, poker keeps on gaining popularity through the different tournaments that are shown on television such as the World Series of Poker by ESPN. This created a problematic situation: while players claim that poker is not a game of chance, the US government decided that it is.

For a few weeks, panic erupted in the poker world as rumors spread like bushfires that this ban would stop all tournaments. But this proved to be untrue. In fact, because of the online gambling ban, the popularity of tournaments only increased. And in most of these tournaments, the favored game is Texas Holdem.

This article focuses on those planning to take what was once their online casino pastime to a poker tournament close by. You will need to follow some basic betting structures, and we describe these for you. Even if they seem difficult to follow, don't worry. Just practice these at home with friends and you will soon learn the flow of these wagering structures.

Note: Remember that all the games rely on a basic maximum and minimum wager, and all the betting structures should be understood accordingly. Keep in mind that each game has a set limit that is fixed before the game commences. Once begun, the limit remains unchanged until the end. Note also that the tournament organizers or the casinos are those that decide these limits.

1) Structured Wagering Limit:
This means that there are two limits you play to. During the first two rounds, you place wagers according to the lower sum, and then you start betting according to the higher amount set. When you find a game called according to two amounts such as 4/8 dollar limit, then, it means that this game will be played according to the structured wager. Another thing to remember when entering such poker games is that you can only place four wagers each round and not one more.

2) Spread Limit Wager:
Here, you are free to place wagers in a pre-set range and you don't have to place fixed bets. When you find that the limit is within a range then it means that you have found a game that will be played according to the spread limit. Examples are games which can be played between a range of twenty to a hundred dollars. Note that such games do turn out to be expensive because some might bet according to the high limit. Another variation of the spread limit bet is to have a range of four wagers. What this means is that there is a certain amount you can bet for the round before the flop, for the round on the flop, and on the round after the flop and a certain amount for the river.

3) Basic Pot Limit Bet:
In such Texas Holdem games labeled as being played according to the basic pot limit, what it means is that you can place wagers anywhere between the amount that is the big blind and the total size of the game pot. Here too, take note that games such as these can result in high cash pots.

4) No Limit Betting:
This is the one version that pulls in the high rollers from all over. Here, there is not limit at all one how much you wager or raise. Note that unless you are a high-roller or unless you have a tremendous amount of experience playing Texas Holdem at tournaments, stay clear of such games.

Should i consolidate my credit card debts

Unlike general debt where the answer to problems is rarely to consolidate, the consolidation of credit card debt is often worhtwhile. Credit card debt consolidation is regarded by many ias being the first step toward card debt elimination. But, before you taking the initial step towards consolidating your credit card debt, you need to understand that consolidating credit card debt (or using balance transfers) is an action that is being taken to eliminate your credit card debt. Consolidation of your credit card debt is not simply a mechanism for putting the problem away for a while.

Credit card debt consolidation is a good option for more than one reason; not only do you get relief from the increase in the amount of your credit card debt, but you may also get other benefits. Many card issuers make offers to new users who transfer in ther existing balances that can be very attractive indeed.

Almost all offers for consolidating credit card debt/transferring balances have an initial period with a low APR often as low as 0%. This is, in fact, one of the main reasons why consolidating your credit card debt is an attractive option.

As well as low APR, offers for balance transfer often include benefits such as 0% interest on any purchases made during first few months after the balance transfer. This is another thing reduces the rate at which your credit card debt increases. Of course if the purpose is reduction or elimination of debt then new purchases are not the highest priority! These are the two most significant benefits that credit card issuers offer to attract new clients into consolidating their credit card debt with them.

After these main benefits there are other benefits such as additional reward points on the issuer's reward. These reward points can be redeemed for other attractive goods/rebates/rewards etc, but thioer purpose is to encourage you to spend more money and increase, not decrease your debt!

Sometimes, the new credit card might be one that caters better to your current spending needs both in terms of credit limit and the way that you might use your new card. For example, the new credit card might be co-branded by an airline that you frequently use. The credit card you are consolidating to might open up discount offers to you. But usually these offers all encourage additional spending.

The most important thing to remember when consolidating your credit card debts is the reason for doing it. If the purpose was to reduce debt and manage payments then you can and must ignore any offers that will increase your indebtedness. Balance transfers are not offered by card issuers to make it easy for clients reduce their debt - the opposite is true! As a credit card user you must use the tools offered by card issuers to YOUR benefit, not the bank's!

Good luck reducing your debt through disciplined credit card consolidation and balance transfer.

Friday 18 November 2016

Dog training - house training your new puppy

House training is the first thing your new puppy must learn. The toileting process a puppy learns in the first few months as a member of your household will last a lifetime so it’s important to do it right the first time. House training issues are the number one reason why dogs are taken to animal shelters so let’s begin.

It’s important to understand that your puppy probably won’t be completely trained until he’s about 6 months old. That’s because young puppies lack the bladder and bowel control that they need to be reliably left alone for long periods of time.

It is also important for you to be available to supervise your new puppy but we all know that life happens. If you can’t be available for a period of time, confine your puppy to a small puppy-proof room. The entire floor should be covered with newspaper or some absorbent, disposable material. At first, your puppy will go everywhere in the room. As he gets older he will favor one area. Slowly reduce the area covered in papers until the puppy eventually goes only on the toilet papers. The floor in the puppy-proof room should not resemble other floor areas in the house like carpet or hardwood. Once your puppy is used to eliminating on a particular surface, he will want to eliminate on that type of surface.

If you want to train your puppy to use only papers, your task is complete. Most owners prefer for their dogs to eliminate outside so the puppy-proof room should only be used when you aren’t home to supervise. If your puppy spends time in a crate, which he should at first, you can place papers in one area in the crate for your puppy to use. Dogs are naturally very clean animals and they will do their best no to soil their bed area. This really helps your puppy develop self control.

For puppies who are to be outdoor trained, take the puppy to his designated toilet area every 45 minutes. When your puppy does his business in his designated area, lavish praise on him. Don’t be afraid to look like a fool when providing this praise. He is learning the most important lesson in living in your household so go overboard with praise.

Put your puppy on a consistent feeding schedule so you can anticipate his needs. While he does need free access to clean, fresh drinking water, don’t give him unrestricted access to food. Likewise, until he is fully trained, do not give him the run of the house. One thing that will greatly aid in this process is putting a collar and long lead on your puppy and tying the other end of the lead around your waist. Your puppy will like being close to you and he won’t have the opportunity to make many mistakes.

That doesn’t mean that mistakes won’t happen. When they do, don’t punish or reprimand him. He won’t understand the reason for the punishment and he might become nervous or agitated. He might even think he is being punished for eliminating at all. This could set your training back rather than moving it forward.

The main thing you need for house training your puppy is patience and a good sense of humor. Be calm and relaxed while being consistent in your schedule and your puppy will be relaxed and calm while learning what he needs to learn to become a well adjusted member of the family.

While you and your puppy are bonding during this training time, you can start to introduce other commands like sit, come, stay, down. See my other articles on these individual commands and be sure to join me on the web at:

dogsrule. hickorypublishing. com.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Correspondence from the irs yikes

It’s a moment every person dreads. You pick up the mail and there is an envelope from the IRS. It’s not a refund check. What do you do?

Don’t Panic

Each year, the IRS sends out millions of “correspondence audits” to taxpayers to request payment of taxes, notify them of a change to their account or request additional information. These audits normally cover a very specific issue, often notifying you of additional small amounts of income for which you owe tax. Each letter and notice provides specific instructions explaining what you should do if action is necessary to satisfy the inquiry.

Most correspondence can be handled without calling or visiting the IRS. You simply follow the instructions in the letter and the matter is put to rest. Alternatively, you can contact the IRS to contest the matter. Simply call the telephone number indicated on the letter or write an explanation as to why you disagree. Make sure to include copies of any supporting documentation you want considered by the IRS. Typically, it will take the IRS between one and two months to respond. During the first quarter of the year, it can take two to three months.

Sometimes, the IRS sends a second letter or notice requesting additional information or providing additional information to you. Be sure to keep copies of any correspondence with your records. The IRS has been known to lose track of actions involving a taxpayer’s account.

Worse Case Scenario

Everybody has a few really bad days in his or her life. You know, the car breaks down, you spill coffee on your shirt while driving to work…you get notice of a full blown audit from the IRS. The first step you take should not be drinking to excess or driving for the border. You have rights when the IRS comes calling and one of them is particularly important.


You have the right to be represented by an accountant or attorney at your audit. Under no conditions should you even consider going to an audit by yourself. Doing so would be like throwing red meat to a lion. Instead, spend the money to get representation and let them handle the audit. In most cases, you won’t even have to go to the audit.

Nightmarish tax audits are generally a thing of the past. A letter from the IRS should not cause you to faint. Usually, the news isn’t that bad. If it is, hire representation and let them handle it.

Thursday 10 November 2016

A perfect technology for growth

In online marketing, Google and SEO process are conducted. Now days, this conduct is at first place to divert the visitors passage directing to your passage. SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion complete the idea about search engine optimization is out of the limit of different article. It may happen that even if you your site is at first place in the Google, very less or almost no hits to your web site. It is because of the matter of keywords chosen in the description of your website. Plenty of big internet marketing companies put their hands up against Google. Google is the only search engine that frequently updates its algorithms and places new challenges in front of these companies. Many websites get affected daily by this attack of Google. SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion process programmers uses this and verify the significant topic successfully while online practice. Server loges are able to show you the type of phrases used by the visitors to find out your website. Apparently it will help you out to exploit visitor’s hits to your site and increase in the rate of conversions. When you optimized your web pages, log files can show you the specific keywords used by visitors for your website i. e. their hit are targeted by the specified keyword. You must be very studies and selective regarding this.

Phrase dictionary of SEO process programmer must be big enough and of new trend because he must know how people go to a definite page using their required phrases. Upgrading the use of these new phrases to SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion is the best trick. Also you can achieve maximum visitor’s hits by creating individual web pages with using all new keyword phrases. It describes your website and purpose of SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion will get achieved automatically.

Key point is that keep optimizing your pages frequently. The newly optimized pages can obtain better search engine rankings. Make daily tradition of searching your own website purely using unusual phrases.

World cup 2006 preview - ukraine

Outright Odds: 66/1

Group H Winners: 12/5

This will be the Ukraine’s first major tournament they have qualified for since narrowly missing out every time following their independence in 1991. This time there was no messing about and they became the first European side to qualify for the finals, bar hosts Germany of course.

They suffered one defeat in 12 matches, at home to Turkey, but overall won a tricky group which also featured European champions Greece and perennial qualifiers Denmark with ease.

The Ukraine are managed by Oleg Blokhin, the 1975 European Footballer of the Year and USSR stalwart which saw him collect 109 caps and score 39 goals in the process. His tactics utilise the talents of Andrey Shevchenko but, more importantly, do not have to base every attack around the AC Milan forward as Blokhin prefers to use a 4-3-3 formation.

Shevchenko spearheads the attack admirably, with 28 goals in 63 international appearances, but he is capably backed up by Bayer Leverkusen’s Andrey Voronin and Shaktar Donetsk’s Andriy Vorobey who make up a devastating three-pronged attack.

The team do not just rely on Shevchenko’s goals. Like fellow qualifiers Serbia & Montenegro and Croatia, Ukraine’s success was also built around a solid defence which kept six clean sheets in a row which saw as many consecutive wins from October 2004 to June 2005.

Dinamo Kiev goalkeeper Alexandr Shovkoskiy can rely on his back four of team-mate Andriy Nesmachny, Shaktar’s Anatoliy Tymoshyuk and Dnipro pair Andrey Rusol and Vladimir Yezerski.

Ukraine supporters are optimistic about their chances, drawing parallels with the successful Croatia side of 1998 which finished third. They are talented enough and underestimation could prove costly to more “fashionable” opponents. Manager Blokhin has promised a semi-final appearance which will make a mockery of their 66/1 (Coral) odds.

Recommended Bet

Forget Spain, the Ukraine could be the genuine “dark horses” for the World Cup. They brushed aside quality opposition during the qualification process and are good value to win Group H at odds greater than 2/1. Let’s not forget about Andrey Shevchenko either and the AC Milan striker could mark his debut on the world stage as a genuine Golden Boot contender.

Ukraine to win Group H @ 12/5

E/W Andrey Shevchenko as top goalscorer @ 22/1

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Now is the time to travel to russia

For a country that encompasses an area of over 10.5 million square miles, it is no coincidence most people know very little about Russia, aside, of course, from textbook blurbs of Tsarist rule, Mongolian raids, bloody revolutions and snowy, desolate Steppes. The mere expanse of the Russian border makes the country a more versatile destination than any other place in the world. Visit the arctic zone and navigate through sub-tropical regions without ever leaving the country! A closer look and a few tips can subdue your fear and pique your interest to travel to Russia.

Western Russia: Travel to Russia's Heart and Soul
Western Russia includes Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) and the Black and Caspian Seas, making this region the commercial and political core of the nation. Initially the capital of Russia, St. Petersburg was built by Peter the Great and is filled with both haunting and enchanting remnants of a time past. St. Petersburg is certainly the most European and best preserved city, adorned with stately architecture and regal cathedrals that echo of a romantic and prestigious era. In the early 20th century, the capital moved away from the European border to Moscow where the Kremlin, Red Square and Lenin's Mausoleum (where you can view his embalmed body!) stand as testaments to Russia's rocky history. In the Southwest, Volgograd is traditionally accepted as the origin of the Russian Empire and was fortified in the 1500s to protect tsarist Russia's southern border from Cossack and Viking pillages. With these bases covered, leave the crowds behind and head east into a land with a history all its own.

Travel Russia from Europe to Asia
There is nothing quite like seeing six thousand miles of land in a single trip. The epic journey aboard the Trans-Siberian Railway is for those who consider the journey to be just as magical as the destination. The longest continuous rail line on the planet takes you from metropolitan Moscow through vast steppes and the Siberian taiga, the largest remaining forest in the world, to finally arrive in the commercial bustle of Russia's main Pacific port city, Vladivostok. Three alternate routes and several extensions into European and Asian nations have also been constructed and provide more options to travel Russia's breadth.

Many travel restrictions have been lifted since the 1990s and it is now possible to arrange overnight stays in many of the fascinating towns and breathtaking landscapes along the way. Make sure to spend a moment in the Siberian town of Ulan Ude, Russia's main Buddhist center, and visit the Tibetan Buddhist monastery that has been restored since the oppressive rule of Stalin. The Baikal Lake region is also a very popular stop and a perfect place to be immersed in the natural beauty of Russia's heartland. Baikal Lake is the oldest in the world, estimated at 25-30 million years old. The lake region is home to over 2,500 animal species including a unique Siberian species of freshwater seal and thousands of migratory birds.

Accessibility is the new attitude toward foreign tourism in Russia. A society that has long been closed-off, particularly to westerners, is now ready to embrace curious visitors with open arms. There has never been a better time to travel Russia!

For more information on travel to Russia and other destinations in Europe, and discount airfare to Russia, visit cfares. com.

Hoodia gordonii can give you better weight

If you want to lose weight, there are lots of products that are available in the market. But of course, you do not simply use a product that claims to make you lose weight.

Yes, each of us wants to have great body in order to feel better and great since being obese or overweight can make a person shy to mingle with others. Obese or overweight soon lack their confidence and tend to be alone and changes the way they relate with others.

If you are in search for a product that you can use in order to lose weight, you have to be careful though since each product are claiming that they can aid one to lose weight. But definitely, not all products works, there are some that can waste money and can’t make you lose weight.

You can check out products on the internet, magazines, television and you can find lots in the market. In order to find the product that will work effectively, you have to do some shopping or research so to have the right product for you. There are lots of websites that offer such products, so you have to check out the website and make sure that it is a reliable one.

A reliable website can give you lots of information that you need to have about the product. Take time in searching for the right site; make sure it is a good one.

If you are in search for the right product, hoodia gordonii is one of those products that are designed to make you lose weight naturally, which means it is known without any side effects.

Hoodia gordonii is an appetite suppressant comes from the extract of a cactus-like plant which is a cucumber like looking and can be found in Kalahari Desert of South Africa. This plant takes its maturity after about 5 to 7 years. The plant was used by San people to suppress their hunger and thirst for centuries now. These people remove the skin and spines and chew it especially when they are out for long hunting.

Hoodia gordonii was been proven and tested that is can effectively make one lose weight since it has a miracle molecule which can trick the mind by signaling that you are full and have eaten even if not. So you can use it if you want to lose weight.

But do not rely everything on losing weight, you have to help out as well and you can do it by associating hoodia gordonii with eating healthy and making physical activities.

You have to watch the foods you eat, make sure it has the proper nutrients that can help the body and never eat too much. You have to give at least 30 minutes to an hour of your spare time everyday in doing physical activities or exercise.

Indeed, in taking hoodia gordonii and using the right dosage can make you lose weight effectively.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Creating a successful blog

It is almost a necessity for an online business owner to have a blog these days. There are all types of blogs out there: informative blogs, personal blogs, and marketing jobs, to name a few. Now businesses have to compete using these blogs to receive a higher ranking in the search engines.

In order to have a successful blog, you will need to insure that it is well-written. You will also have to check to make sure it is designed well and that you can update it frequently and regularly. You need to take the time to research and know your audience before you start so you can be sure to target them appropriately.

But what if you are not trying to start a blog for business purposes? How can you create a blog that is successful if you just want to have a blog? There are some tips you can apply to help insure that your blog will do well.

First of all, select your topic. Since you aren't using your blog for marketing your product, you can write about anything that appeals to you. You can use a blog as your own personal online journal or you can use it as your forum to comment on the news. Just be sure to choose something you are passionate about, something that you know well, and something that will allow you a chance to show the world the real you with all your talents, knowledge, and ideas.

Secondly, write your blog as if you were conversing with a friend. Make your writing conversational and free from a lot of technical jargon, unless you are directing it only towards a very specific readership. Post frequently because having more content on your blog will help more people to find it through search engines.

Use your blog to get your opinions out to the world. You are not moderated and you are free to express yourself in whatever way you choose. However, do not use your blog to insult people or try to damage businesses or organizations.

Be wise in the decisions you make regarding your blog usage. Remember that you are influencing people's views and they will be evaluating your credibility. If you are offensive, you may lose readership.

Finally, take time to promote your blog. Don't be afraid to keep the URL for your blog in the signature line of your emails. You never know when an email might cross the path of someone who might be interested in what you have to say.

If you publish a newsletter, be sure to promote it there as well. Finally, you can join blog directories and post the link there or join forums related to your topic and share your link with others.

If you do consider using a blog for business purposes, realize that it needs frequent updating and good, solid content. Some people consider paying someone to maintain the content aspect of the blog once it has been created.

Many people make extra money serving as content writers and prove to be beneficial to blog owners.

How is a round bluebird like an upside down airplane

Maybe you have heard of the "upside down airplane." It's one of the most sought-after collectible postage stamps in the world. The two-color stamp gets its name from the fact that it depicts an airplane flying upside down, relative to the stamp's text and decorative border. The "upside down airplane" was the result of a printer's error, if you're wondering.

In the world of vintage radios, the equivalent of the upside down airplane stamp, in terms of collector desirability, is the Sparton Bluebird. Unlike that famous postage stamp, though, the Bluebird was not created by mistake. Far from it. Having an unlikely shape and appearance for a radio of its day, it was the carefully thought out product of one of the top designers working in the 1930s (as well as the 1940s and '50s), Walter Dorwin Teague.

Teague's Bluebird is considered by many to represent the pinnacle of industrial design in the art deco mode. The outstanding feature of this radio is a 14-inch round mirror that is tinted a cobalt blue and accented with streamlined chrome strips and knobs. The radio parts themselves are hidden in a housing situated to the rear of the mirror, and having a forward-facing speaker. Everyone who sees a Bluebird radio is struck with its astonishing yet simply stated beauty. Some Bluebirds have even been displayed in museums.

The original 1936-vintage Sparton Bluebird sold for between forty and fifty dollars. Today you would have to pay $3,000 to $5,000 to acquire one. People have been known to bid more than a thousand dollars on eBay for a non-working Bluebird!

Due to the fragility of the radio's mirror, it is thought that many if not the majority of Bluebirds ever sold may have been damaged at some point and ultimately discarded. If you ever come across an intact one for sale, consider yourself lucky--and snap it up!

Originally, Bluebirds came with a 14-inch round platter that was made from a mirror matching that of the radio. The Bluebird would be set on the platter as a way to display it to greatest advantage. Finding a Bluebird that still has the platter with it is an especially rare occurrence.

Replica Bluebirds have been produced from time to time. Some of these replicas are quite lovely in their own right, but don't be fooled by them if you are wanting to get your hands on the genuine article. If you find what appears to be a Bluebird, look for the Sparton name on it and the model number 506 or 566.

Walter Dorwin Teague's bold designs made a powerful impact on the industrial and commercial landscape of the middle part of the 20th century. He and his firm designed cameras for Eastman Kodak, a passenger aircraft interior for Boeing, and a Steinway piano for the 1939 New York World's Fair. The design company he founded continues today.

For all his achievements, though, Walter Dorwin Teague will always be hailed by radio collectors and enthusiasts for one thing: the Sparton Bluebird, a marvel of the art deco era.

Monday 7 November 2016

The effects of the banning online gambling

Everyone talks about the negative impact of online gambling, but they are not talking about the negative impact of banning online gambling.

A reason for banning online casinos was to make sure that underage children were not using thee parents credit cards to gamble online, but besides the fact that most online casinos did everything possible to ensure to verify the age of the account holder before allowing any gambling to occur, but by banning it you are only stopping the law abiding casinos from taking bets and not the less reputable online casinos. They will use third party account like PayPal ore Click2pay which provide a loophole in the new law.

By banning an activity especially such a popular activity as online gambling all that can be expected to happen is for people to find ways around the law, such as the Speakeasies of the 1920’s.

A Speakeasy was a nightclub that served Alcohol during prohibition and was usually hidden in the back rooms of pet stores and innocent looking book stores. Every time a speakeasy was raided the next night another one was opened, and this is what will happen with these online casinos. If the government finds one operating in the USA and gets it shut down or manages to stop the money flowing to it then another will open.

By regulating online gambling the government would know exactly who was running the casino to make sure they were running it honestly and within all the laws, and it would help make sure that the criminal element did not get rich and gain power a second time in the history of the USA because of a bad lawmaking decision.

Another reason given for the ban of online gambling was to help protect against a rise in problem gamblers from have casino gamming in your home 24 hrs a day, but no proof has ever been found that shows that people who would normally not be inclined to go to a casino and gamble would decide to do it just because it was now in their homes.

The facts actually show a steady rate of people with gambling problems and growing at the same rate it has been growing for over 25 years.

Many experts are now saying that there are some positives to the online gambling ban, but those positives would be even better if the industry was properly legalized and not, just by putting a mostly unenforceable law in place.

But this to be a pattern the government seems to always make, it is much like the war on drugs. Last time I checked thee was still a drug problem in this country even though drugs are illegal, yet in countries like Holland where the use of soft drugs like hash and grass are legal the number people with drug problems is much lower per capita then in the USA. This is because the money that is brought in the form of taxes from these sales goes to fund the public schools where they properly educate kids on the negative effects of these drugs, so most of the people who smoke are tourists and not the locals.

Maybe one day the government will learn from its past mistakes and make things right.

Home staging for home selling

Home Staging for Home Selling

Home Staging can help you workout the best deal while selling your home. Home Staging is nothing but a means of packaging your home to impress prospective buyers. All commercial goods undergo extensive packaging phases before they are exposed to the consumers and produced to the end-users. An attractive packaging material can make an impact on consumers easily. Similarly Home Staging can help you create a positive impact on the buyers thus getting maximum return out of it.

At whatever circumstances you decide to sell your home; to consolidate your debts, to relocate to a new place or to shift to a bigger home; you will always want to get a higher amount back than what you invested to this property. With that said, Home Staging can be of great help for you. Everything is subject to ageing on this earth, so your home is. Now, when you go to sell your home, the customer would try to bargain on basis of depreciation. Home Staging plays a vital role here. The companies expert in this field make up the defects, decorate the exterior and interior look and apply certain techniques, so that the customers get attracted to the property and want to possess it at any cost!

There are certain Home Staging techniques that often give profitable output. Some of these are directly associated with renovating the property and some, on the other hand, help you treat the home buyers psychologically. Applying good painting, repairing walls, floors and other structures fall under the first category. Whereas, replacing years old fittings and fixtures, renting attractive furniture that looks good when placed in the newly painted room, placing some other accessories at visible places etc. help to influence the buying decisions of customers.

All these techniques should be applied from buyers’ perspective. Kennewick WA Real Estate may show you the right path of thinking. Home buyers always want spaciousness and light to be there in the new home. So it is important to paint the home with the color that makes the rooms well lit and look bigger. The furniture arrangement should also be done in such a way so that the rooms do not look clumsy and jam-packed. Actually furniture plays an important role to influence home buyers. That is the reason; Home Staging companies arrange some pieces of furniture for the homes that were never occupied even. Furniture helps buyers realize how the home will look like after settling their own pieces in place.

So never hesitate to consult Kennewick WA Real Estate before you decide to advertise for your home in the property column or confirm the appointments with potential buyers. If the consumer likes your home at the first sight, half the battle is won. So the first look matters a lot. Hence, Home Staging should not be viewed as an expense; it is an investment on your part and is likely to yield huge profit in future. Staged home always help you get the desired amount; it really works like the wild card and makes your pocket happy!

Sunday 6 November 2016

Consider switching car insurance providers

While the majority of homeowners switch around when it comes to getting the cheapest deals on their gas and electricity many are failing to consider switching when it comes to their car insurance. However just because the deal you got last year on your insurance was the best available, it does not mean that the same will apply this year.

Just as with any type of car insurance when buying online you have to take extreme care when choosing a policy. The easiest ways to get your quotes for the cover is to go with a specialist broker and allow them to search around on your behalf to get you the cheapest deals and the key facts of the policy. By allowing a specialist broker to look for car insurance on your behalf you could make huge savings based on the policy you took out last year. It is a well known fact that insurers will offer low cost insurance to those taking out a first policy with them and then slowly bump up the cost year after year, which means that the 43% who have just renewed their policy year after year might well be paying over the odds.

However just as important as getting cheap premiums for your car insurance is getting the right cover for your circumstances. Insuring a second hand car for fully comprehensive will be costing you more than had you chosen third party fire and theft and providing third party is adequate you could save money. Reading the terms and conditions of the policy is also essential then it comes to taking out insurance as this is where the small print can be found and how much the total cost of the insurance will be along with exclusions.

Paying cheap premiums for your car insurance is ok providing you know what the cover entails and that it is adequate for your particular circumstances. If you go with a specialist broker online then you can be sure that along with searching the top UK insurance companies for the best deals they will also gather together the key facts of the policy. You should go over the terms and conditions with a fine tooth comb to ensure you have all the cover you need, one policy might come with very low premiums but if you then have to start adding on such as windscreen damage and breakdown cover this will boost up the cost considerably.

Comparing premiums for car insurance and switching providers every year should be classed as essential and so should comparing the key facts and small print. Never be tempted to take out insurance solely on the "bargain" premiums without first reading the key facts, instead get tailor made insurance with a specialist broker along with free honest advice. It costs nothing to get advice and to allow a specialist to shop around on your behalf for the quotes, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by getting quality insurance while at the same time making savings.

Registering domain names the best way

The case for registering domain names is just a common event in the world today. In fact many people from different places around the globe engaged in registering domain names for certain purposes. Some of them were even searching for great resources that will aid them in the process of registering domain names. So if you are one of them, then you should further read this article for your great advantage.

Generally, there are so many important considerations that surround the process of registering domain names. Some of those are already given by some resources and some are not yet revealed. So to mention a few of those important factors for registering domain names, it is often considered that you should know that the sole way for registering domain names is to make use of the services of a domain name registrars. The domain name registrars are accredited organizations of the ICANN or the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers to aid those who wish to get a domain name.

In registering domain names, it is very nice thing to consider that no one can access and modify the leading database of domain names which is now maintained by the InterNIC, except the domain name registrars. Thus, for registering domain names it is only the domain name registrars who get hold of everything when it comes to domain names. And mentioning the master database, the experts considered it as a database containing the documentation on the complete domain names registered to date.

Besides, when you are engaging in registering domain names, it a common fact that you know exactly that if you come across a domain name registrar that is out of the list, there is a great possibility that such domain name registrar taking hold for registering domain names is just acting as a reseller for one of the accredited domain name registrars as it is only an accredited domain name registrar who can amend the domain names database and so take hold of the process for registering domain names.

And in most cases under the process of registering domain names, some of the domain name registrars who take hold for everything regarding registering domain names, greatly specify the cost for registering domain names. But it is a common account that the domain name registrars largely expect to pay a yearly fee from the domain name holders or the consumers in general. Along with setting the prices for registering domain names, most of the registrars provide some sorts of discounts for more than a year, but then the domain name registrars have no power for selling more than a 10-year registration operation for any domain name.

Saturday 5 November 2016

Using a cholesterol test kit at home

Blood cholesterol testing is usually performed with the help of health specialists. However, with various home medical supplies available on the market, you can now monitor your cholesterol levels in the cozy ambiance of your house with the aid of a home cholesterol and blood monitoring test kit. But what are the benefits of having a cholesterol test kit at home?

Why use a home test kit?

One great benefit of a cholesterol test kit is that you are able to identify whether you need to make changes in your lifestyle to reduce your cholesterol. It has been identified that the risk of heart attack is higher when your blood cholesterol is above normal. As a result, it is imperative that people maintain low cholesterol levels to reduce this risk. Using home medical kits to monitor your heart health regularly is a practical way to determine if your cholesterol level is normal.

Preferably, you should have your cholesterol examined at least every 3 to 5 years. Home tests can be regularly used to keep a check for any sign of increase in cholesterol when it may not be easily noticeable. A visit to the doctor just to check your cholesterol level may be time-consuming. And because of this a home cholesterol test kit can be a more efficient approach to getting peace of mind.

The application of cholesterol test kit for home use has answered the consumers’ wish to have a cheap option to monitor cholesterol on a regular basis without visiting their doctor. Precise and simple to use, they can be an early indication of potential problems.

Though heart disease and high blood are deemed as the most common threats to people, early prevention and detection of symptoms through home cholesterol test kits can help win the campaign. But, even if you see no clear symptoms of high cholesterol, being conscious on your eating habits and keeping an eye on your overall health is essential for long term health.

Friday 4 November 2016

Things to consider when buying a home

When buying a home, it is easy to get caught up in emotions such as love at first site. This can lead to disaster. The best way to buy a home is to apply your daily life to it.

What Do You Do Daily?

Ask yourself what a typical day is like. Then, for any home that seems like a real possibility, think about how you’d handle a typical day there. Can family members shower and dress in a timely fashion without getting into each other’s way terribly? Is there a good place to put on make-up? If someone needs something quickly touched up with an iron, can you picture a way to handle that?

Picture the way you and other family members handle breakfast and lunch preparations if they’re made at home. Can you see that flowing well here?

What about evenings? Do you cook dinner at home and dine together as a family regularly? Is there adequate counter space near the sink, refrigerator, and stove? Can you picture preparing a typical meal in comfort in this kitchen?

If you have school age children, what about homework? Do you and they like a homework “station” near where you’re working in the kitchen tidying up after dinner and near where you’re catching up a few chores after that? Or do they do homework in their rooms? Can a computer station, good light, etc. be arranged where it’s needed?

What about exercise? Does one or more family members take a daily run? Use exercise equipment indoors? If so, where would these things take place?

Weekly Chores and Hobbies

Are there grocery stores, dry cleaners, a library, a farmers’ market, or whatever retailers and service providers you and your family use regularly near this home? If not, how would you handle that? Does the home have places suitable for any messy hobbies that matter to you and yours? Does anyone refinish furniture, build models, work with clay, paint pictures? Can you find a reasonable place for those activities?

What about the “enrichment” activities you have your children enrolled in? How would you handle getting them to hockey practice, dance class, and the like? Can they continue in the programs they’ve been in, or will you have to find new ones? Is the answer satisfactory?

Meaningful Infrequent Activities

If you’re changing geographic locations and have a choice of locating within, say, a fifty mile radius of your workplace, you might want to consider the possibility of locating in several different towns. “Trying on” living in each town can hinge on availability of activities you do infrequently, but enjoy greatly. For example, if you and your spouse really enjoy concerts and plays, you can check out what’s available in that realm in each town and then focus your attention on the one you like best.

You might even go to the trouble to write out a little “check list” of things that matter to you and judge each home you’re thinking is a good possibility by how it measures up. You might want to encourage other family members to do the same. This is apt to increase the chance of your finding a new home in which you’re all very pleased with the quality of life you develop after you move in.

Pregnancy and hair loss

First of all congratulations on your pregnancy!

One of the major changes is change with the hair like other parts of the bd. It could thin or fall out, or it could also thicken. Understanding why this happens during pregnancy and what you can do to help the problem will help you in fighting the thinning and loss of your hair or with extra hair growth.

Hormones have lot of effects on your hair. The main reason your hair will change during pregnancy is the change in hormones. Estrogen plays a large part in the way that your hair is shaped. If your hair begins to grow faster and becomes thicker, it is most likely because there is an increased amount of estrogen that is moving through your body. Estrogen moves to the hair follicles in your body to increase the growth rate. There will also be extra nutrients that are provided from the estrogen increase, which will also increase hair growth. This is usually a result of the estrogen allowing the metabolism to move faster, which then supplies extra nutrients throughout the body.

Another change that you may notice from pregnancy is a change in the style. Your hair may not only be fuller or thinner, but may also change from straight to curly, or have the opposite effect. This is usually attributed to the hormone changes as well. The hormone increase that you experience will automatically move into the cortex, where hair begins to grow and add the texture to it. Usually, this will not change back until the hormones return to normal after pregnancy.

These same changes also occur after your baby is born. You may realize that your hair is thinning or falling out. Usually, the first three to six months after pregnancy will cause a change in your hair. This should be expected and is normal after a pregnancy. This usually occurs because the estrogen levels are able to move back to normal and slow down the nutrients that are moving through your body.

If your hair falls out during pregnancy, it’s because of not receiving the nutrients your body needs. Without those essential nutrients, your body is unable to produce the amount of estrogen it needs. One of the things to be aware of is if your hair falls out during your pregnancy. If this occurs, it is most likely a result of not receiving enough nutrients for your body to produce the right amounts of estrogen. This is especially a problem within the first trimester because of morning sickness and nausea. It is important to make sure that you are getting the right amounts of nutrients during this time to allow your body to stay balanced.

Knowing what changes your body goes through during pregnancy will help you adjust your hair routine to keep it healthy. Additional vitamins and other supplements will help your hair and scalp healthy and your hair beautiful.

Strength training strategies that actually work

Over the years there has been a surge of different strength training techniques that have come onto the market and just faded away. Here we discuss the training strategies to gain the maximum amount of muscle in the shortest time possible that have stood up to the test of time.

Most of these strength-training strategies have been around for years but are not followed by many training systems these days. Lets look at a few below that actually work.

1. Training Frequency

The two main components of strength training are the intensity of the exercise and the recovery after the exercise. Infrequent, short, high intensity weight training sessions, followed by the required amount of time to recover and become stronger is what is needed to increase functional muscle size in the shortest period of time.

The latest research has repeatedly shown that muscles over-compensate (become stronger) up to a week after the previous workout, provided that the muscles are trained to failure.

Remember it's not the training volume but the intensity and recuperation that are important when it comes to gains in strength and muscle.

2. Exercises Per Session

Tests under strict gym conditions have revealed that you've only got a limited amount of (readily available) energy to use for a weight training session. Blood tests on individuals have also revealed that blood sugar levels (available energy) drop dramatically after 20 to 30 minutes of high intensity training.

As you only have a short period of time to train before our blood sugar level drops, "Exercise Selection" is crucial. You have to use Multi-Joint or Compound movements, as these offer the most training stimulus for the available amount of time. In other words, we can train many muscles simultaneously and thus use our energy more efficiently.

Performing three to four exercises with high intensity during a session are what most people are capable of. All the main structures of the body are worked hard during this time. Working on these big compound movements has a knock-on effect throughout the whole body; there is no need for specialization techniques or isolation movements.

The fact is, the whole body is worked hard, rest and recuperation is allowed to take place and at the next exercise session we push out a few more reps than before with the same weight, then we have gotten stronger i. e. more muscle.

3. Number of Sets per Exercise

After performing one complete set a compound exercise to total failure, it should be just about impossible to generate the same force and intensity for another complete set of the same exercise.

If you're able to generate the same force and intensity for this second set then it'll be pretty obvious that not enough effort has been put into the first set. Thus you'll have to raise the intensity level you put out for the first set.

If you give the first set 100% effort and work the exercise hard to total failure (eg. you cannot move the bar after the last rep) then there will be not more requirement for further muscle stimulation on that specific exercise.

If you think that volume training (multiple sets) is more effective then you're wrong! The latest research shows that single set training is as beneficial as multiple set training. Training one set will decrease the chances of over-training. It will also allow you to save more energy for other exercises required during the workout.

4. Number of Repetitions per Set

The development of muscle and strength is interrelated, it always has been. Strength training Sessions produce increases in strength that is equal to increases in functional muscle. (You’ll become stronger and grow muscle).

Cycling intensity through changes in repetitions and weight throughout a ten-week program is an effective way to maintain progression and avoid training plateaus (slumps in strength).

Repetitions can be cycled, the higher repetition range will stimulate the slow twitch muscle fibres and promote endurance. Moving further down the scale, the lower repetition range will activate the fast twitch muscle fibres and increase strength and muscle size.

Five-star hotels in barcelona spain a discriminating traveler s home away from home

Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is one of the largest cities in Spain. It is second only to Madrid and is one of the most influential European cities. It enjoys a globally acknowledged trendsetting image. Additionally, it has a very diverse art and cultural scene.

So, when you're in a city as steeped in tradition and culture as Barcelona, why settle for anything less than the best? Start your vacation with a classy and extravagant bang by staying at the five-star hotels in Barcelona. Very few hotels in the world can rival the opulence and exquisite service offered in these hotels. The city itself is renowned for fine living and gastronomic treats. It is, thus, no wonder that a stay in any of the five-star hotels in Barcelona will truly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for weary travelers.

Hotel Arts Barcelona

Hotel Arts Barcelona is one such hotel. Arguably the most popular among five-star hotels in Barcelona, Hotel Arts offers breathtaking views of the marina and port area. The view can be seen regardless of your accommodations. You could book a suite, double room, or a luxurious duplex apartment and be equally treated to a magnificent feast for the eyes.

Hotel Arts of Barcelona is owned by the Ritz Carlton Group. It is situated in the marina area of Port Olimpico. If you are looking for style, charm, and an idyllic beach location, then the Hotel Arts is the perfect place for you. The staff are polite and friendly, and they will pamper you like royalty.

Eurostars Grand Marina Hotel

My personal favorite among the five-star hotels in Barcelona is the Eurostars Grand Marina Hotel. As its name suggests, this hotel is in Barcelona's marina area. It sits very close to the area where cruise ships dock. Like the Hotel Arts, the Grand Marina Hotel Barcelona offers astounding view of the marina area. It also gives guests first class accommodation and ready access to the heart of the city.

Le Meridien

If ready access to the city is what matters the most to you, then you cannot get a better option than Le Meridien. The hotel is on the famous Ramblas, the center of Barcelona's hustle and bustle. Like other five-star hotels, it boasts of an amazing view of the Ramblas. Unfortunately, the hotel's greatest draw also proves to be its greatest problem. Because most of the rooms in La Meridien overlook the Ramblas, guests can expect a little street noise. If you think you would not mind this, then book yourself into the Le Meridien. A basic double room can cost you between 330 and 360 Euros.

Claris Hotel Barcelona

The Claris Hotel Barcelona has an interesting geometric shape. Like La Meridien, the Claris Hotel is not far from where the action is. It sits at the intersection of two busy roads, and while this makes the hotel accessible to almost any vehicle, guests can expect to be subjected to a little road noise.

The Palace Hotel Barcelona

The Palace Hotel is not much different from the Claris and La Meridien, although it certainly is more pricey. For a double room at the Palace Hotel, expect to pay 380 to 550 Euros a night. The Palace Hotel is located in the modern part of town. It sits close to numerous cafes, bars, and shops. It is also surrounded by many historical buildings and is not far from the city's best shopping area.

Hotel Melia Barcelona

This hotel's location is not as accessible as the others and is, thus, not as conducive for sightseeing compared to other five-star hotels in Barcelona. However, it is only a ten-minute walk away from the nearest metro stop, and from this starting point, one can go anywhere in the city. What sets this hotel apart, aside from the distance? Locals and guests claim Hotel Melia serves the best breakfast in town!

A stay in any of the five-star hotels in Barcelona will make your vacation truly memorable. Ultimately, however, it is not just your preference for luxury that you have to consider but the health of your pockets.

How to stop your dog from biting

Every year well over 4 million people are bitten by dogs. While some of these bites may be minor, others can leave serious injuries or even death. If you own a dog which bites someone, you could find yourself in legal trouble. If it kills someone, you could end up behind bars. While I don't want to scare you away from owning a dog, there are some things you will want to do to make sure your dog doesn't bite you or others.

The first thing you want to do is never approach strange dogs. Even if the dog is behind a fence or tied up, it could see you as being a threat. You should also keep your own dog away from other strange dogs. It could be injured or killed if the strange dog decides to attack it. You should also avoid petting your dog without letting them sniff your hand first so that they know who you are. Under no circumstances should you run from a dog. Dogs are natural predators, and will almost always chase you unless they're trained.

When a dog is eating, sleeping, or caring for its young, it is best not to startle or disturb them. They may snap at or bite you. It may be necessary to neuter your dog if it is going around and getting into fights with other dogs constantly. You can also take your dog around others to keep it from being nervous when in the presence of people it is not familiar with. Dogs should also be trained not to chase anyone. This is one of the most common things which leads to a dog biting someone. You should also give your dog rabies vaccinations, and never allow it to go places without your supervision.

If you should be attacked by a dog, the first thing you want to do is remain calm. If you panic you are likely to make bad decisions. You will also want to wash the wound as soon as possible. Use soap and water and contact your doctor as soon as you can. Contact the animal care agency in your area and let them know that you have been bitten. Describe the dog and where you encountered them. Let them know what direction you think the dog went in.

Being the owner of a dog which likes to bite is a serious issue. You can avoid biting by training the dog while they're young. Once they get older, it will be difficult or impossible to get them to follow your commands, and if they bite somone else, you could be in a lot of trouble.

A good web site builder

You need a good web site builder to build web sites and make good money on the internet. There are some out there that you don’t have to know anything about HTML. These web site builders are known as WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) builders. Once you have a good one and with some direction you can earn good money on the internet. Believe me when I say a good web site builder can save you a lot of time.

Sure you can hire someone to build a web site. If you want to make money on the internet this practice can get very expensive. You will most likely be creating a lot of web sites or at least plenty of pages. I would really suggest purchasing a good web site builder if not the best. Can you imagine what it would cost you every time you come up with an idea for your web site to get a web designer to do the work you need to have completed?

You would be amazed in how, within a short time, you would be creating web pages and entire web sites with a good builder. This type of software program would make building web sites and pages so easy that you will not even be aware of what you have accomplished. But others like family and friends will be in Awe thinking you are a genius. You don’t really need to be a genius or even very technical to create money pulling web sites.

There are things you need to learn to get your web site making money, such as marketing techniques, search engine optimization and good web copy. Don’t let these terms scare you. A good web site builder allows you much more time to focus on these things and you don’t need to be a genius to learn them.

If you are looking to get into making money on the internet, there are many ways to do it but having a good web site builder will save you an enormous amount of time. I would suggest investing in a good one if not the best.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Bad credit debt consolidation loans choosing the right lender

If you are ready to bring your finances under control, a bad credit debt consolidation loan may be the right move for you. However, in today’s fiscal climate, there are a lot of debt consolidation scams to watch out for. Choosing the wrong lender can leave you in a financially worse position than when you started, while choosing the right lender can help you towards your goal of financial control. Research can help you to make the right choice.

What To Look For In A Lender

You need to understand that when looking for a bad credit debt consolidation loan, you are facing higher interest rates than someone with good credit that is seeking a loan. That, however, doesn’t mean that you should be paying outrageous rates and fees. Spend some time comparing rates and fees among lenders to get a feel for what is the norm for your financial situation.

When you get your potential lender list down to a likely few, check out their business reputations. You are bringing your debts together into one lump sum. The lender pays the debt, and you pay the lender a monthly sum, made up of the loan amount, the interest and the fees that the lender charges for his time in negotiating with your creditors and the risk he takes in making the loan. Therefore, you’ll need to make sure that they make payments to creditors on time. You’ll want to know if there have been any complaints for fraud or poor business practices. The Better Business Bureau is a good place to start your research.

Your home is usually the collateral on a debt consolidation loan. Thus, if you default on payments, you could lose your house to the lender, who would then sell it to cover the loan. Thus, you should beware of a lender that doesn’t take the time to help you figure out the smallest loan necessary to achieve your goals. Unscrupulous lenders will be pleased to loan you more than you need, as the profit from the fees charged and by taking hold of the collateral if you fail.

The best bad credit debt consolidation loan providers also offer credit-counseling services to help you through this difficult time period. These services can help you organize your finances and improve your money habits so that you’ll never find yourself in this situation again.

A debt consolidation loan can be just what you need to get your financial life back on track, provided you choose the right lender. Just as important as choosing the right lender, however, is developing the good financial habits that will bring you out of debt and into relative prosperity.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Seeking assistance in regard to a debt consolidation loan non profit debt consolidation services

In the 21st century, many, many men and women find themselves struggling with their finances. If you are reviewing this article, chances are that you are a person who is struggling with your finances and your debt today. You are a person who is looking for a course you can take to deal with your out of control debt. In this regard, you might be interested in obtaining a personal debt consolidation loan.

Through this article, you will be provided with a general overview about a personal debt consolidation loan and about how a non profit debt consolidation service might be able to assist you in preparing for an in applying for a personal debt consolidation loan. There are many ways in which non profit debt consolidation services might be the perfect choice for you when it comes to assisting you in developing a plan of action that includes obtaining a debt consolidation loan.

When it comes to non profit debt consolidation services in the proverbial real world, a significant number of communities have consumer credit counseling services. These agencies are established to provide a wide range of different types of debt control services. For example, these non profit debt consolidation services, these consumer credit counseling services, can assist you in negotiating with creditors. In addition, these companies will assist you in obtaining an appropriate debt consolidation loan, if that is an appropriate course for you to take.

One of the most important services of these non profit debt consolidation services is the fact that these entities can work with you in developing long term solutions to your financial problems. While it is all well and good to obtain a debt consolidation loan, but if you have no plan of action for the future, you can end up sinking in debt all over again. In the end, you do not want only to put bandages on your financial troubles. If you do just that you will continue to bleed red. Through non profit debt consolidation services you will be able to work with trained staff members to create lasting and enduring debt control and financial solutions that can include using a personal debt consolidation loan as a valuable and central tool.

There are also now non profit debt consolidation services that operate on the Net at this point in time. These services are very convenient and are perfect for people who are busy day in and day out. You may want to consider non profit debt consolidation services online because of the convenience that these services offer to consumers. Once again, these services can also provide you with guidance and assistance when it comes to making application for a debt consolidation loan.

You need to keep in mind that by obtaining debt control assistance and personal debt consolidation loan guidance from an online agency or organization, you will be better able to protect your privacy. If you are like many people, you don’t want other people to needlessly know of your financial situation. You can access help and assistance from online non profit debt consolidation services without anyone else knowing that you are receiving this type of assistance.

Mortgages - types of interest rate

Types of Interest Rate

You have researched into all the different mortgage types and found a suitable one for you. Now is time to look into what type of interest rate you wish to pay. The type of interest you wish to pay will depend on your circumstances and how much you are willing to pay out every month. You will find out below that not all interest rates/types are the same.

Discounted rate

A discounted rate allows the buyer to pay a reduced payment for a fixed amount of time. After the fixed term is aver the rate usually increases to the national base rate. Discounted rates are attractive for first time buyers and also home buyers who require extra cash for renovations. The term of discount does give you time to get used to having a mortgage payment.

Fixed rates

With a fixed rate mortgage you are guaranteed the same rate of interest every month for a fix period or term. This rate will not fluctuate as long as you are in an agreement for a fixed term. The fixed term can be anywhere from 1 to 7 years. Do be careful when taking a fixed rate mortgage term don’t forget to ask the lender if you have any obligation to stay with the lender after the fixed term is over?

Variable rate

Variable rate mortgages do tend to fluctuate around the base rate, and are generally higher then the discounted, fixed and capped rates that are also available. Usually, after you have been at a discounted rate, your interest rate will move up to a variable rate. This could be for a specified time you have agreed to with the lender.

Capped rate

With a capped rate mortgage, the lender will cap the mortgage rate to a specific amount, which allows the interest rate to never rise above this level for a fixed term. However if the interest rate decreases? So will your rate.

Tracker mortgages

A tracker mortgage actually tracks the Bank of England base rate. This means your mortgage stays in line with interest rates. The way a tracker reflects on your monthly mortgage interest payments is that they go up when the base rate goes up and go down when the base rate goes down.

Similar to a standard variable rate mortgage a tracker follows the percentage rate imposed by the Bank of England. Unlike the standard variable rate mortgage changes annually or monthly a tracker mortgage guarantees to follow changes in the Bank of England base rate within 2 weeks of the interest rate changing, allowing the borrower to benefit from both falls and rises of the interest rate quicker.

However, there are disadvantage to tracker mortgages. If interest rates were to rise sharply, so too would the cost of a tracker, so in situation like this you would lose out and find yourself paying more per month that you did the previous month. In this type of situation a fixed rate or a capped rate mortgage would have been advantageous to the borrower.

Trackers do work better for the borrower when interest rates are falling but if you look at the bigger picture, they give you clear insight to whatever the Bank of England does with rates. With a tracker both the borrower and the lender know exactly what they are getting.

Flexible Mortgages

With a flexible interest mortgage, you the lender can usually pay more if you have extra cash available, pay less if you need to save a little, maybe even take a holiday from your payments. Flexible is what it is, flexible. Also the interest on a flexible mortgage is calculated daily instead of annually. So you reduce the interest amount with every payment.

Checking the APR

Always remember to check the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of the mortgage you are considering taking out for a specified term. Usually the lower the APR the cheaper the rate at which you will pay back every month. However do be careful, some lenders will offer you the opportunity to take a very low APR over a fixed period and then a standard rate for a further fixed term. Situations like this can potentially turn to disaster for some people. If you have discounted mortgage rate for two years at 3.9% which totals a monthly payment of Ј300 per month, after the 3.9% term has ended, you are still in a contract with the lender for a further two years at a rate of 5.9% you will find that the payment will increase substantially.

In this situation you could find yourself not being able to afford the mortgage payment, also unable to transfer your mortgage to another lender due to redemption penalties for early breach of contract.

Redemption penalties

The various discounted mortgages available e. g. capped, discounted and fixed do tend to carry a redemption penalty. This is due to the lender operating a special rate for the fixed amount of time. Some of the standard rate periods can be for a longer period than the special rate term. So do not forget to read the small print, and always remember to ask about the redemption penalties and the standard rate period of the mortgage you are enquiring about. There are mortgages out there now that offer no fixed penalties or require you to be tied in with a lender over the discounted period.

Sunday 30 October 2016

Where to look for reliable data entry jobs

Data entry workers are expanding at an incredible rate across the nation, and for obvious reasons. It is extremely easy labor and the pay can actually be fairly decent if you put in the time and effort. However, because of the type of work that is done, data entry jobs are simply not for everyone.

Data entry jobs are popular amongst many people because it is easy to do and it allows you to work from home. There are various positions available, but most require you to either copy and paste information over and over or fill out forms. It is this kind of no-brain type of work that intrigues many people because of the simplicity.

While there are several types of work at home jobs on the internet to choose from, data entry jobs are on the high-rise more than most opportunities. In a society where most professions require some kind of degree, data entry jobs require no special education or degree at all. And despite this, there is still a decent amount of money that can be made.

All over the internet you will find data entry stuck in the category with things like work at home scams and type at home scams. Unfortunately, this is not exactly the case. There are some data entry positions that claim to offer more than they can actually pony up. But if you can find the right opportunity, you can actually do fairly well.

So how do you go about finding an honest and reliable data entry job? The first tip is to hang around webmaster forum. These forums are great because webmasters are constantly looking for people to do their monotonous busy work for them, and are willing to pay a lot for you to do it. By hiring you to do their busy work for them, they can spend more time on advertising and updating their website. Therefore, there is a high demand for quality data entry jobs with webmasters.

Another place to look is at Craig’s List. Craig’s List is now the largest online classified website on the internet. You probably are familiar with Craig’s List as a company that buys and sells goods, but they also have an outstanding section for writing gigs. This is a reliable company that is always looking for data entry positions to be filled.

While it can be easy money for the type of labor that is being done, data entry jobs certainly are not for everyone. They can be boring and monotonous, but most people know this heading into the job. Therefore, do not force yourself into a job like this because it will be difficult to motivate yourself to work. But if you can handle the task in front of you, data entry jobs can be a great way to pick up some extra cash.