Saturday 30 January 2016

Personal debt consolidation loan - the help you need for your family s future

You may be struggling under the weight of a high debt burden and wondering if you will need to downsize your lifestyle by moving to a cheaper neighborhood. Before you take your children out of a good school, why not consider the option of a personal debt consolidation loan? By consolidating all non-mortgage debts into one lower interest loan, your monthly debt repayment costs will be dramatically lowered, freeing up money for other things.

There are a number of benefits to using a personal debt consolidation loan to consolidate debt. These include:

OVERALL LOWER COSTS. When you are struggling to pay bills and just get by every week, the impact of high interest rates over a long period of time can easily be ignored. However, if you spend tens of thousands of dollars on interest costs over a decade that is money you could not have used to build your wealth, even if you wanted to.

ONE, LOWER MONTHLY REPAYMENT. This is the benefit that will give you immediate relief from financial pressure. Firstly, you won’t have the stress of trying to find the money for the many debt payments you were juggling. Depending on your current loan amounts and the interest rates being charged on them, you can save a good amount or a substantial amount by combining all your loans into one personal debt consolidation loan. Secondly, you won’t have the stress of having to make a number of payments every month on different dates. It can be difficult to manage the payments and easy to miss a date leading to late payment fees and penalties.

A SET PAYMENT AND SET TIME. A personal debt consolidation loan has set monthly payments that do not alter so you know exactly where you stand. The loan will also be fully paid out at the end of the term. This helps you to manage your finances better and also provides the assurance that you will be debt free at the end of it.

LOWERS STRESS. Modern life is stressful enough without serious financial pressure thrown in. It has been found that high stress levels are linked to diabetes, heart disease, cancer and hormonal imbalances. These health effects can place even more stress on you and so the cycle continues. If debt is the main cause of your stress, you can break the stress cycle with a decision. A personal debt consolidation loan can lower your overall stress levels substantially and your health will probably start improving straight away. And the side effects are all positive!

So before you uproot your family and settle in a less salubrious neighborhood, seriously consider the option of using a personal debt consolidation loan to improve your financial position. It may be a more palatable solution to your debt problems.

Friday 29 January 2016

How to get your child to think for themselves

Do you find that you are continually telling your children what to do? Brush your teeth, put your plate away, make your bed, don’t forget your hat, put on your shoes…sometimes the list feels endless.

I don’t know what it is about putting on shoes but I used to have battles with both my children to put their shoes on. I remember one time screaming at Jake to put his shoes on because I had told him, maybe ten times to do it, and he hadn’t. He was playing or getting distracted or pretending he didn’t know how. Then I lost it, he burst into tears and his shoes still weren’t on. I’m sure the neighbours must have thought I was balmy yelling about shoes! Before I became a mother I would never thought that I could end up screaming about something so trivial.

After I thought about what had happened and I was shocked that I had exploded over such a simple thing but as any parent knows it’s the simple things that trip you up. The positive out of all of that was that I knew there had to be a better way.

I started off by asking Jake to put his shoes on and then just expecting him to do it. I refused to repeatedly tell him what to do. That helped but it wasn’t quite enough. Then I started asking him what he needed to do to get ready and after a short period of time, bingo! He got that going out meant shoes on. Sure there was the odd grumble but nothing like before.

If you’re tired of being your child’s personal alarm then try asking them questions instead. Questions like ‘what do you need to do to get ready?’ if you’re going out somewhere. Or ‘what do you do after you’ve finished your dinner?’ when they get up and walk away from the dinner table with their plate and glass sitting where they left them. Or ‘do you have everything you need?’ when they are about to begin their homework or go outside and play ball.

What is the difference between these two approaches? Well the first means you have to do all the thinking and all your child has to do is follow your instructions (it’s surprising how difficult that sometimes can seem for your child!). Don’t get me wrong there is a time and place for straight out instructions but in many instances there is a better way and that way is by asking questions in order to get your child to think for themselves about what they are doing and what they need to do next. If you consistently use this strategy then over time you will not even need to ask the question to prompt them into action. They will just do what needs to be done. No, really, it does work. Give it a try, you may be surprised.

I’ve been following the ask, don’t tell strategy for some time now with my two boys and ok, we do have the odd hiccough in the system but on the whole it works well and saves me the endless round of rote orders.

The best evidence I have that it works is that when we are getting ready in the morning and I tell them I’m going upstairs to brush my teeth they know that is their cue to put on their shoes, collect their bags and lunch boxes and strap themselves into the car. Then I come down and off we go. It makes getting out the door soooo much easier.

There is still the odd drama about which shoe goes on which foot or delays while they negotiate which toys to select and take with them in the car but even in amongst all that, it is still a dramatically streamlined routine compared to what it was and as a result, the odd fuss can be easily accommodated and rarely escalates to a stand off.

Thursday 28 January 2016

Uses of an expired domain

Expired domains can provide a lucrative ongoing income. Before you register an expired domain you need to consider what uses you can make from it to maximize your revenue.

To explain, expired domains come about as domains are only registered for a certain period. If the domain isn't renewed, then it will expire. Many expired domains have had a lot of time and effort spent on promoting them, so there are obvious benefits to be gained by re-registering an expired domain, such as ongoing visitor numbers.

Most passive revenue gained from an expired domain could come from advertising. It is worth noting that different adverts can pay different rates. For example, a financial services advert would normally pay more for a click-through than an advert for cooking recipes.

The more visitors your domain receives, the more clicks your adverts are likely to receive. So it is important to consider the number of links pointing to the domain, and the domains rankings in the top search engines. The more links and higher ranking, then the more visitors the domain is likely to receive.

There are websites out there that can provide this information on expiring, and expired, domains. You should seriously consider using their services in order to find your quality expiring domains, as they can vastly simplify your search.

So concentrate your search for expiring domains that will receive visitors and are based on a subject that will be attractive to advertisers. Once you have found an expired domain, and registered it, you will then need to consider your options.

A quick and simple option is to sign up to a domain parking service that will show adverts and split the advertising income with you. It may be quick and simple, but it is probably not the most effective use of your domain.

Instead consider building a website based on that domain. This may seem a daunting task, but with the help of a good teach-yourself-HTML book, free website templates, and a little practice, you may surprise yourself how quickly you can put together a website. Good content, and lots of pages, can be the key to a successful website.

To have a website you need to host it. There are many cheap hosting options from around $10 per year. There are even companies that offer free hosting - but make sure that the free hosting package allows you to use your own domain name.

With your own website you are then able to show your own adverts, or sign up to services such as Google AdSense which will show adverts for you.

You can also add links from this new website to any other websites you own, thus further promoting your other websites.

Links to third party websites can also be sold. If your new website is of a high enough standard, paid-for links can provide a significant income.

Building your own website is a harder task, and may involve an outlay for the hosting, but the income you can derive should outweigh the extra costs.