Saturday 19 March 2016

How to use free articles on your website or blog

You’ve typed and clicked and dragged and dropped, and your website or blog is ready to go. Your visitors are happy, they click your links and go from page to page. You get great feedback, but the more you do, the more they want from you. How can you keep your visitors interested, and informed, so that they keep coming back?

Content! You need content! If you are descended from Charles Dickens, Emily Dickinson, and Albert Einstein, you can probably write it all yourself in your sleep. But if you are like the rest of us, you could use a little help.

That’s where free articles can help. You can get free articles for your web pages, and use the content to add to your site in seconds. The only thing the author asks is that you include their ‘about the author’ information, that generally includes a link to their web site or web page.

What can you do with free articles?

1. Introduce new ideas to your visitors.

2. Show points of view you agree with, or disagree with, to stimulate discussion.

3. Elaborate on topics that are not the central focus of your site or blog.

4. Introduce your visitors to experts in the field.

5. Establish your own expertise through your selection of good article

6. Review the article and publish a link to the full article.

You can get free articles through an article syndicator, such as isnare. com They have tens of thousands of free articles on almost any topic you can think of. Some of them are very, very good. Some – not so much. But in a few minutes reading, chances are good you can find at least one article that will really interest you – and your website visitors. Or you may find dozens – or hundreds – of articles, that you can use for a long time to come.

Yes, it could be that other websites will be hosting the same article. But the web is a huge place, and your visitors are interested in the unique collection of information that you provide to them. The information is valuable not only for what it says, but also for where it is located and what else it is associated with.

If you are concerned about your visitors clicking on a link and leaving your website, consider having the author’s link open in a new browser window. That way when they finish reading the article, they can close the window and they will still be on your site.

It is surprising how much free content is out there. When you start looking through article directories, you may find a lot of useful information to enhance your website, including ideas that you have never thought of. Read five articles at random, and see if you don’t learn something useful. Now imagine your own web visitors having this same experience, only with articles you have hand-selected for their interest and usefulness.

At some point you might want to write your own free articles to bring new traffic to your website. But that topics is the subject for another article.

Try some free content today. I think you will be pleased at the quality and usefulness of many of the free articles that are available to you today.

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