Monday 1 August 2016

Female bodybuilding

Many people have the misconception that all female bodybuilders are muscle bound, steroid popping Amazons, who look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

There are certainly a small handful of women who will fit into this category and they compete in the elite championships such as the Ms Olympia, however the vast majority of women who are involved in bodybuilding are using it purely for toning the body and for fitness.

Female bodybuilding is an excellent sport for young women to strengthen their muscles, burn fat, and lift their overall fitness levels so they can compete at a higher level in other sports.

By lifting weights women can actually lose body fat, as the muscle they are building needs energy, and this is derived from using the energy that is stored in their body fat.

The average female bodybuilder is unlikely to build enormous muscles without the aid of special supplements or steroids.

This is due to the fact that women have a low level of testosterone in their body and it is testosterone that is needed to build the muscle that men can so readily gain.

Along with improved muscle tone, weight lifting also aids in the strength of the heart and the bones. This is particularly important because many women suffer from degeneration of their bones in later years.

Specific exercises for abdominal development will also help with the strength and support of the back and this can be very beneficial for women who are considering having a baby.

As you can see, there are many different areas where women can benefit from bodybuilding, and specifically weight training, without the concern of looking like an Amazon at the end of their training.

Most professional sports these days have weight lifting as part of their training routine and this also applies to female sports.

A female bodybuilder will have a higher level of fitness and a lower level of bodyfat than the average women.

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