Wednesday 21 September 2016

Bird flu h5n1 influenza status briefing natural protection

The Bird Flu has a defined area of infection and has found a host that has kept it alive for millenniums. Pigs are in the mutation chain as the virus transitions to people. The next bird flu step could be an overnite pandemic or a wimpering gasp of disappearance.

The virus H5N1, has a few similarities with the Spanish flu of 1918 that resulted in one of the largest pandemics in the last 200 years. Both of these contagious outbreaks cause high fever, lower respiratory tract failure symptoms, prostration, myalgias, and a postviral weakness that could last up to 6 weeks.

Twenty-four hour access channels have warned of a coming pandemic that may arrive in the form of H5N1 avian influenza, more commonly referred to as ‘bird flu’. The market for poultry products has decreased internationally because of a lack of consumer confidence in a safe supply.

In Eastern Asian countries entire flocks of chickens have been destroyed because of an outbreak that easily spreads from bird to bird, infecting the entire flock.

Proactive Steps

Current laboratory research currently indicates existing flu prescriptions should be an active and readily available treatment should the ‘bird flu’ H5N1 make its presence felt. While this is good news, there is a second wave effect that has historically been seen in such a widespread influenza outbreak. The second wave may occur when the flu strain alters just enough to render existing medications ineffective.

Knowledge is a primary key in the battle of any communicable disease. Understanding symptoms can provide both peace of mind as well as the information you need to know should a doctor’s visit be required.

Defining Bird Flu

Like the more common flu strains, ‘bird flu’ may include fever, sore throat, muscle aches and eye infections. However, ‘bird flu’ may also include pronounced lethargy, acute breathing difficulties and chest pain. In more extreme cases pneumonia may make an appearance as well as potential organ failure.

This virulent strain of flu virus has, to date, been spread primarily through poultry and water fowl. The limited human fatalities that have been reported have all been a result of close interaction with infected birds.

The incubation period for humans who do contract ‘bird flu’ may be as few as two days or as many as 17.

Industry Protection

Chicken farmers are taking radical steps to keep their investment safe. Disinfectant sprays are beginning to be applied and sterile clothing is becoming common when entering poultry facilities. Symptoms that include bird inactivity and decreased egg production are routinely reviewed and monitored.

What If?

Members of the World Health Organization have worked to develop a plan that could be implemented on a global scale to address both current issues as well as those that may be forthcoming in the event of a ‘bird flu’ pandemic. Steps are currently being taken to address the issues surrounding ‘bird flu’ and partner countries are gaining assistance from the findings of the World Health Organization.

Flu Shot

It is unclear if the annual flu shot will assist in the reduction of ‘bird flu’ cases should a pandemic occur. However, there is evidence to suggest they it may in fact do so.

It may be that ‘bird flu’ will never reach epidemic proportions, but knowing what it is and what it is capable of doing is a help in preparing for a flu strain that could join the ranks of some of the world’s greatest viral killers.

The best prevention of the bird flu is a strong immune system. Exercise the body and the lungs. Look for a natural antiviral supplement. While modern scientist search for a vaccine, we have natural remedies that we can employ. Colloidal silver is known to kill bacteria and virus.

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