Monday 29 February 2016

Guidelines for good etiquette on myspace comments

As MySpace has evolved into an all-around social gathering on the web, it has developed an interesting system of etiquette. It's not what you would expect, but since it has evolved in such a way, you must learn to catch on quickly. Comments are difficult to understand for a newcomer, so here are some of the basics.

Comments are small bits of content that you leave on a friend's MySpace page. By the default MySpace settings, comments are visible to everyone who visits your friend's page. Your friend may have modified them to be hidden (though this can be reversed by turning the page style off), or to only show to people on his or her friend's list.

There is a certain threshold that determines whether you post a comment to a friend's page, or send it to them in a private message instead. The threshold depends on how personal the message is. If you've found a funny image or video that you want to show your friend, then it is generally good etiquette to leave it as a comment on his or her page. It will reach them as fast as a message would, and other people will be able to enjoy it as well. If it's a short, simple message like 'I had fun this weekend' or 'See you at lunch', then a comment would be appropriate. However, if you want to have an in-depth discussion, then messages would be better.

There are many different ways that you can leave fancy comments. If you just want to say hi to a friend, you can look on sites that are designed to give you interesting and funny material to post. It's a popular internet fad to take a funny picture, and add a caption that corresponds to the picture ' for example, a cat with a paw in the air with the caption 'Hi there!' This could be a good comment to leave for a friend, depending on his or her personality. You can also run text through programs that convert it into images 'for example, each letter could be a picture of a butterfly wing with patterns that resemble the letter.

So if you want to establish a MySpace profile, you should definitely consider how you can make good comments to your friends. It's a great way to build relations, keep up with people, and generally have a good time.

Help your child avoid smoking

What would you do if your son or daughter decided to start smoking?

Maybe your child already smokes. Perhaps you're a smoker and hope your child won't pick up your unhealthy habit. Maybe there is no history of smoking in your family, but you fear that your child's friends might serve as a bad influence.

Every day in the U. S., 1,500 kids become regular smokers, one-third of whom will die prematurely as a result. Many young people are driven to smoking through peer pressure or because they watch their parents and role models smoke.

For parents who want to quit smoking to set an example for their children, or for anyone who wants to kick the habit, one company has a unique approach that it says helps smokers quit gradually.

Safer Smokes Inc. ( bravosmokes. com) has created Bravo, a smoking cessation product made with lettuce leaves. It has all the characteristics of a tobacco cigarette with three key differences: no nicotine, no tobacco and none of the dangerous carcinogens derived from the additives found in commercial tobacco cigarettes.

With Bravo, smokers still get the experience of smoking a cigarette but without most of the harmful effects of tobacco cigarettes. People who use Bravo are able to eventually cleanse their bodies of nicotine.

Tobacco use is the nation's leading preventable cause of death, killing more than 400,000 people and costing more than $180 billion in health care bills and lost productivity each year. Nearly 90 percent of all smokers start the habit by age 18.

Clinical studies have evidenced the relative safety of the Bravo product when compared to tobacco cigarettes.

Sunday 28 February 2016

Accessories and their importance in mountain biking

All adventure sports have their set of must have accessories and gears. Basically these are required to maintain safety and comfort to the riders. Here we get a rough idea of these must have items and what are their uses and importance in mountain biking.

All adventure sports have their set of must have accessories and gears. Basically these are required to maintain safety and comfort to the riders. Here we get a rough idea of these must have items and what are their uses and importance in mountain biking.

Mountain Bike Gear – Choice of the Biker

There are a number of mountain biking accessories available in the market at vide price range. But it’s the personal responsibility of those involved in this sport to choose what is extremely important for them and whether it suits their budget. It is also important to carry spare parts depending on the type of bike in question.

Basically the list accessories required for mountain biking depends mostly on the type of bike used and the kind of event, even the time of event contributes in deciding what is required and what is not. Generally all mountain bikers carry helmets and gloves, but serious racers have to carry elbow and kneepads compulsorily as falling off is very common. All these accessories are extremely necessary for the biker’s safety.

While participating in overnight events it is extremely important to include headlight and taillight in the must carry list. The headlight illuminates the path ahead, thus allowing you to keep moving, whereas the taillight helps you to stay visible to the riders behind you. These lights are usually operated with the help of batteries charged by generators or re-chargers.

Quality bikes, worth the high price

A well-trained rider who performs stunts and ventures on extreme grounds prefers the fully rigid mountain bike. These bikes have soft rubber tires to increase traction and double ply rims to prevent dents.

They also carry an extra set of tires to avoid delay due to flat tires. Kick stand are mostly removed to prevent accidents.

Nowadays using end pieces on the handlebars has become a common practice, since major falls are very common in mountain biking. These end pieces prevent the hollow bars from puncturing. Generally these end pieces can be fitted on straight or slightly bent handlebars and not on curved or racing handlebars.

Nowadays there are many mountain bike resorts offering their services to these thrill seekers. Unlike ski resorts, these mountain bike resorts have special lifts to elevate these bikers to the top of the hill, from where they can ride downhill. So once a rider feels he is well trained and has all the required equipment he can venture out the slopes and enjoy the thrill.

You can stick to your budget

Recent studies have shown that Americans are spending less money on necessities than ever before. Yet, more Americans are also in debt. The unspoken fact that makes both those statements true is that Americans are spending more and more money on luxury items. Experts recommend creating a budget and sticking to it to avoid debt, but most people find that difficult to do without feeling deprived. However, there are a few things that you do quite painlessly to stay within set spending limits.

Pay cash. That's right; people spend more when they use plastic, whether it's debit or credit. Experts surmise that people simply don't pay as much attention to totals as they do when they have to count out actual money. But resist the temptation to withdraw funds $20 at a time. You'll rack up huge ATM fees. Instead, withdraw a set amount each week and see if you can make it last.

Practice mindful spending. Rather than keep an exact record of every penny you spend for a month (as many financial experts recommend) spend your time thinking about which of the things you buy on a daily or weekly basis are most important to you. For example, if you love coffee but are in the habit of grabbing a quick bite at your desk for lunch, splurge on good coffee but take a bag lunch to work. Tell yourself that you can have either that double caramel, half-fat cappuccino or a takeout lunch, but not both. Make notes on how much you save by choosing one over the other.

Round up. After you make a purchase using your debit card, when you mark it down in your checkbook, round the figure up to the next dollar. At the end of the month, transfer the difference you've accumulated to your savings account or use it to pay off high interest debt. Some banks are beginning to offer this service automatically. You can use the same practice with your change. Throw it in a jar and each month, deposit it in the bank.

Balance your budget. Once you've established your budget, be sure to check it on a monthly or preferably weekly basis. Personal financial management software typically contains a budget feature that will easily let you compare what you've spent to what you've budgeted. At the end of each day, throw your receipts in a basket and set a time once a week to balance your budget.

Friday 26 February 2016

Learning spanish easily

Methods for Learning Spanish Easily

Do you want to learn Spanish but you are worried that it might be too difficult or time consuming? Well, you’re not alone, but there is good news for you. There are a many methods that can make learning Spanish easy and can also be a lot of fun for you too! This article will walk you through a number of practical ways to help you learn Spanish easily. You can choose one, or experiment with several ways, that you find suitable for helping you learn Spanish.

Technology Helps To Learn Spanish

We all earn in different ways and now, with the help of technology, learning Spanish or any language, is easier than ever. And we all have the added benefit of learning in the way that is best for us. We can watch, listen or read. And what's even better, we can take our lessons with us with the help of our mobile gadgetry. Lessons, books, and programs can be downloaded to MP3 players or played in our cars, or on portable DVD players. We can learn in our leisure time or in our travel time or even in our study time. So, let's explore some of the ways learning Spanish can be made easy.

Learning Spanish is Easy

Learning Spanish need not be viewed as a difficult task, because it is not. You can always use the following methods:

Watch TV/ Videos in Spanish – Hearing the Spanish language spoken often will help you to absorb it, and will reinforce your level of your understanding of the language greatly. You can listen to news in Spanish, see Spanish movies without subtitles (so you can concentrate on the dialogues), and you can even watch cartoons. All these will help you learn the language faster and easier.

Study abroad – You can consider living in a Spanish-speaking region. It is very easy to learn Spanish if you are immersed in the language or are exposed to it constantly. Of course, the best way is to forget you know any other language, concentrating only on Spanish – only then you will be able to progress quickly. Conversation will make learning Spanish very easy.

Get a home tutor – If you learn better with constant guidance and at your own pace, try to hiring a home tutor. This could be rather expensive; however, it is very convenient and it makes learning Spanish easy because you always have someone who can correct and guide you and teach you properly.

Make a Spanish-speaking online friend – You can learn Spanish easily while chatting with your Spanish friend(s). The fact that you are making a new friend will make the process even more interesting and easy. As long as you are motivated to “talk” with your friends, you will be more motivated to learn and it will seem effortless.

Use bi-lingual books – There are a lot of books, which use bi-lingual texts. This helps to simplify the learning process a lot. Many people learn Spanish easily with the help of these types of textbooks. Of course, you will need to read a lot to build your vocabulary.

Use tailor-made software programs – There are many great software programs designed specifically to help the learning process go smoothly. which can help you. Some of these software programs guarantee that you will learn Spanish within three months and are specifically designed for speed learning. Many people have benefited from adopting this method the world over. You can try it out too.

I love lucy season 2 dvd review

Widely regarded as one of the best, if not the greatest, sitcom in TV history, I Love Lucy marked the beginning of the television era. Created by husband and wife team Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, the series completely changed its industry with its use of a live audience and the deployment of more than one camera angle. The product of true comic genius, I Love Lucy's ability to entertain audiences of every age remains as relevant today as it was upon its first inception…

The I Love Lucy (Season 2) DVD offers a number of hilarious episodes including the season premiere "The Anniversary Present" in which Ricky is spending time with a beautiful neighbor who is helping him find the perfect anniversary present for Lucy. But Lucy and Ethel are convinced that Ricky is having an affair, and they set out to spy on the two "home wreckers"… Other notable episodes from Season 2 include "Redecorating" in which Lucy unwittingly sells all the furniture after Fred and Ricky conspire to tell her she's won a home decorating contest, and "The Camping Trip" in which Ricky tries to keep Lucy (and Ethel) from horning in on his and Fred's camping retreat by taking her on a "trial run" (which he plans to make a miserable experience). But Ricky doesn't know that Lucy's on to his scheme, and she's determined to turn the tables on him…

Below is a list of episodes included on the I Love Lucy (Season 2) DVD:

Episode 36 (The Anniversary Present) Air Date: 09-15-1952

Episode 37 (The Handcuffs) Air Date: 09-22-1952

Episode 38 (The Operetta) Air Date: 09-29-1952

Episode 39 (Job Switching) Air Date: 10-06-1952

Episode 40 (The Saxophone) Air Date: 10-13-1952

Episode 41 (Vacation from Marriage) Air Date: 10-27-1952

Episode 42 (The Courtroom) Air Date: 11-10-1952

Episode 43 (Redecorating) Air Date: 11-24-1952

Episode 44 (Ricky Loses His Voice) Air Date: 12-01-1952

Episode 45 (Sales Resistance) Air Date: 01-26-1953

Episode 46 (The Inferiority Complex) Air Date: 02-02-1953

Episode 47 (The Club Election) Air Date: 02-16-1953

Episode 48 (The Black Eye) Air Date: 03-09-1953

Episode 49 (Lucy Changes Her Mind) Air Date: 03-30-1953

Episode 50 (Lucy is Enceinte) Air Date: 12-08-1952

Episode 51 (Pregnant Women are Unpredictable) Air Date: 12-15-1952

Episode 52 (Lucy's Showbiz Swan Song) Air Date: 12-22-1952

Episode 53 (Lucy Hires an English Tutor) Air Date: 12-29-1952

Episode 54 (Ricky Has Labor Pains) Air Date: 01-05-1953

Episode 55 (Lucy Becomes a Sculptress) Air Date: 01-12-1953

Episode 56 (Lucy Goes to the Hospital) Air Date: 01-19-1953

Episode 57 (No Children Allowed) Air Date: 04-20-1953

Episode 58 (Lucy Hires a Maid) Air Date: 04-27-1953

Episode 59 (The Indian Show) Air Date: 05-04-1953

Episode 60 (Lucy's Last Birthday) Air Date: 05-11-1953

Episode 61 (The Ricardos Change Apartments) Air Date: 05-18-1953

Episode 62 (Lucy is Matchmaker) Air Date: 05-25-1953

Episode 63 (Lucy Wants New Furniture) Air Date: 06-01-1953

Episode 64 (The Camping Trip) Air Date: 06-08-1953

Episode 65 (Ricky's Life Story) Air Date: 10-05-1953

Episode 66 (Ricky and Fred are TV Fans) Air Date: 06-22-1953

Episode 67 (Never Do Business with Friends) Air Date: 06-29-1953

End times the antichrist defined

If one was going to consider the primary points about the ''Antichrist'' as they are stated in the Bible, one could only conclude that the Antichrist is not a human being but the widespread disbelief in God.

However, there are some theologians who insist that the Antichrist is in fact a man who at present exists and walks among us. They also contend that the Antichrist will ascend to power and become a global tyrant. Some have speculated that Hitler would come back, former presidents as well as George W. Bush.

To somewhat paraphrase Hal Lindsey’s book ''The Late Great Planet Earth,'' this is the era in which the Antichrist seizes control over the world thereby signaling the homecoming of Christ.

Yet, the Bible offers no foundations for Lindsey’s ideas. There are example after example in certain parts of the New Testament that clashes with Lindsey’s interesting but whimsical arguments.

In 1 John 2:18, John 7 there is no single individual that is designated to be ''the antichrist.'' What John proclaimed instead is that ''many antichrist'' have arisen.

Next in passage 1 John 2:18:4:3 counters Lindsey’s says that some ominous antichrist will appear in last part of the twentieth century. What John proclaimed instead is that there are a lot of antichrists ''in the first century and that even now.. there are several antichrists.

Although dispensationalism, a form of pre-millennialism that is in vogue right now, have much to say about Antichrist, but much of what they are saying is inaccurate. To look at these sentences one can’t help but realize that when John mentions ''antichrist'' it is used in connection to being locked in a state of unbelief. They were former Christians or people who pretended to be Christians in John’s day.

Be careful when looking at 1 John 2:18 don’t take it out of context and try to apply the verse to the 21st century. The antichrist is not a human being but a human emotion of disbelief.

Mesothelioma and asbestos - the killer connection

Mesothelioma and asbestos are so much linked that many people call it by the name of mesothelioma asbestos. While mesothelioma is a serious cancer, asbestos is its main cause. While one may approve of things that remain of use for a long time, their effect on the surroundings decides the worthiness of that product in the end. The same holds true with asbestos. The 1940s and 1950s saw a surge of ‘asbestos’ as the next best thing to happen after cement in the construction industry. Due to it’s high degree of stability and resistance to very high temperatures, asbestos was applied greatly in insulators and ceiling tiles in homes, schools and factories.

However, this product is a harmful contaminant. Asbestos has the tendency to break into small particles and remain suspended in the air for longer durations. Any individual that comes in contact or inhales it becomes vulnerable to serious diseases such as asbestosis, lung cancer or the mesothelioma lung cancers.

Types of Mesothelioma:

Mesothelioma, asbestos related cancer, acquires it’s name from the mesothelium cells that are responsible for protecting and enabling easy movement of our vital organs such as lungs, heart and the abdomen in the body. Mesothelioma is generally of three types, pleural mesothelioma, peritoneal mesothelioma and pericardial mesothelioma.

If a person is suffering from hoarseness, difficulty in breathing, loss in weight, coughing, blood in sputum, chest pain, weak muscles, reduced tactile sensitivity, he may be suffering from Pleural mesothelioma or the cancer of lining of the lungs. This is the most common type of mesothelioma and almost two-thirds of the mesothelioma patients suffer from pleural mesothelioma. The Peritoneal mesothelioma or cancer of the lining of the abdomen causes impaired bowel motion, bloating, swelling in feet, and nausea. This is less common among mesothelioma patients and it affects one-third of the mesothelioma patients. Pericardial mesothelioma is of the cancer of lining of the heart. It is also caused because of asbestos exposure. However, its prevalence is rare. Pericardial mesothelioma manifests in the form of chest pain, palpitations, cough and dyspnea.

Lawsuits Related to Mesothelioma and Asbestos:

The hazardous consequences of long term contact with asbestos and its linkage to mesothelioma cancers has led to several lawsuits against its manufacturers. The mesothelioma or asbestos attorneys claim that the asbestos manufacturers were aware of the harmful affects of asbestos exposure and yet persisted with its use for profit motives. This is the reason why juries have ordered stringent awards in many mesothelioma and asbestos related lawsuits.

How to get back in shape

Before starting to work out make sure you get a full physical from your doctor and a letter stating it is ok for you to do physical activity. Many gym and aerobic centers will require this before letting you start.

Depending on how long it has been since you last did regular exercise it is recommended that you start off slow and gradually build up your workout to harder levels.

It is generally recommended to start off at the gym with just the treadmill and the lifecycle for the first week or 2. This is to wake the muscles up and to slowly get you prepared for a harder workout.

You will generally want to find a speed on the treadmill that is a pace you can keep up with little discomfort and do it for 20 minutes. After this take a 5 minute break, stretch a little and have a drink of water, then go back and increase the speed just a bit then do another 20.

Remember that pushing yourself too far is taking a gamble that you may not be able to live with. In a casino you can put everything you have on the roulette table and maybe you win and maybe you lose, but in the gym if you push too hard you can die, so take things slowly.

Many people make the mistake of getting back into an exercise program and going all gung ho an trying to get back in shape in just one hour, well let me tell you this will not work. The only thing this will do is make you very sore the next day and you will not be able to workout that day, and it will make you lose interest fast in the gym. Discomfort in ok pain is not.

Depending on how long it has been since you last worked out, I recommend working out 4 or 5 days a week. This may seem like a lot but if you were trying to win a poker tournament you would go to a casino or an online casino and poker room to practice almost every day right? So you will have to do the same with the gym.

Working out 5 days a week does not necessarily mean you have to go to the gym every day. I recommend the gym 3 times a week and the other day or 2 you can just go for a long fast paced walk around your neighborhood. Try to vary the things you do so that you do not work out the same parts of your body 2 days in a row.

Most professionals will tell you that if you work out your arms and chest on a Monday do not exercise those muscles again for at least 48 hours. This is to give the muscles time to heal and grow. It is this straining and resting of the muscle that makes it grow not just the working it out. If all you did every day was work the same muscle group in a few days the muscle would be more likely to tear in a painful experience and the only thing you will be able to do for several months will be playing in an online casino from your laptop in bed.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Dusting off a dream writing success at any age

“Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I'll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I'll give you a stock clerk.” - J. C. Penney

Country recording artist Tim McGraw confided in an interview that there was a guy at a 7-11 that could sing him under a table. So, why is that guy serving up Slurpees while Tim is performing to packed stadiums?

The reason is the same for writers as it is for singers. There are many incredibly gifted writers who will never have a book published. The reasons are many, but it often comes down to their willingness to follow a dream or to shelve the dream for other reasons – some noble and some steeped in fear.

“The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible -- and achieve it, generation after generation.” - Pearl S. Buck

There is something about the idea of writing without fear. The dreams we may have once had do not need to remain a simple reference point for ‘what if’s’ and ‘might’a beens’.

The good news about writing is that the more real-life experiences you have the more you may be able to relate. It is never too late to pick up a pen and began to compose something extraordinary.

Sometimes the only thing that will set you apart from a better writer is simply your willingness to write – then share it with others.

"Self-trust is the first secret of success." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The noble art of writing allows a wordsmith to venture into the hearts of humanity and welcome others to the exploration. Unlike certain other entertainment fields, becoming an author is something that can and is done at any age.


Bessie Anderson Stanley

He has achieved success

who has lived well,

laughed often, and loved much;

who has enjoyed the trust of pure women,

the respect of intelligent men

and the love of little children;

who has filled his niche and accomplished his task;

who has left the world better than he found it

whether by an improved poppy,

a perfect poem, or a rescued soul;

who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty

or failed to express it;

who has always looked for the best in others

and given them the best he had;

whose life was an inspiration;

whose memory a benediction.

Perhaps its time to dust off a dream.

The facts and fiction of meta tags

It amazes me sometimes, the amount of outdated and mis-information that can be found on the internet.

One of the best examples would certainly have to be Meta Tags. I still talk to people that are of the firm belief that all they have to do is add the proper META tags to a site and that site will automagically rank for their target terms. Where do they get this information? The internet of course.

With that in mind, I've decided to put down the fact and fiction regarding META tags as of 2007.

First, for anyone who is new to the net and unsure of what a META tag is, let me define what exactly META tags are.

META tags, are bits of code that are placed within the tags of a webpage. Their intent was and is, to give information on certain aspects of that page to software programs (such as search engine spiders) without that information being readily visible to the normal visitor.

The two best known (and misunderstood) META tags are the "description" and "keywords" META tags. It is the outdated and false information that is associated with these two tags that is the reason I am writing this article.

Let's start with the description tag. The META description tag was designed to give robots visiting your page a brief description of what that page is about. It is this description that is often used along with the page title in the SERPs (search engine results pages). So, by adding the META description tag to a page, you are able to (sometimes) control the text used to describe that page in the SERPs.

The question is, does the META description help with the actual ranking of the page. At one point in time, yes, it did. Does it today? NO! Not at ALL. on to the META keywords tag. This particular tag, was originally intended to give robots indexing a page a list of keywords that particular page was about. This was a BIG thing. This tag literally allowed you to TELL the search engines WHAT keywords that page was supposed to rank for. Wow...imagine the possibilities.

Well, MANY people imagined the possibilities and MANY people to FULL advantage of them. So many, that within a matter of just a year or two of it's initial use, almost none of the top engines even used it anymore. As of today, NONE of the top engines use the keywords tag in any way for ranking purposes.

So...does the keyword tag still have any uses? Nope. The thought was nice, but the greed of many webmasters quickly made this tag obsolete and useless. You will still find many sites using this tag as it doesn't hurt anything, but it has absolutely no beneficial affect on ranking any longer.

To summarize, neither the META description or keywords tags have any positive affect on rankings. The only one of these two tags that has any use is the keywords tag and that is simply to assist in controlling the description used in the search engine listings.

If you run into someone telling you they will work with your META tags to help your rankings RUN, don't walk away from them!

See you at the top!

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Tenant loans- tenants only resort

As if the problems of tenancies were not enough that loan providers too have started treating tenants in a step motherly fashion. Such is the indifference of loan providers that it appears as though loan opportunities are all shut for the tenants. Since they do not have a home of their own, tenants are often eyed with suspicion. What if the tenant runs away after borrowing? Legal procedure sure offers a relief but it is often too protracted.

However, not all loan providers view tenants in a similar fashion. It is these lenders who offer loans to tenant. Tenants are the people who do not have a home of their own. People who have been living till date in their parents’ home too count as tenants, unless parents are ready to allow the usage of their home as collateral. A loan to serve the tenants is known as tenant loan in the UK.

UK tenant loan is basically an unsecured loan where the borrower does not have to offer any collateral to the loan provider. Take any secured loan and the clause of collateral will always come along. Whether it is the home of the borrower or any other asset which serves as a collateral, there is always the fear of the collateral being taken away permanently by the loan provider. How else do you think the loan provider will recover his loan? UK tenant loan is free of any such fears as there is no collateral.

One more advantage of tenant loan, which extends to unsecured loans in general, is that they are relatively faster in getting approved. With no collateral to value, the loan providers can save significant time during approval. Compare this with a secured loan against home and we find that the valuation of home takes as much time as the other processes taken together. Thus, if you are taking a tenant loan in the UK, you can hope to receive loan proceeds much faster than your counterpart who has taken a secured loan.

Compared to the earlier times, the number of lenders with loans for tenants in the UK has increased. The lenders have realised that by taking a moderate risk they can increase their customer base.

UK tenant loans are awarded for sums ranging up to ₤25000. Tenants thus may not qualify for a large amount as in a secured loan. This constitutes one of the tactics to reduce the risk involved in the process of offering tenant loans. Tenant loans can not be used for tasks which have a larger cash requirement. Making small improvements in home and debt consolidation are the purposes which can best be undertaken through a tenant loan.

Additionally, the interest rate on the UK tenant loan will be very high. As most of us know that rate of interest is heavily dependant on the amount of risk involved in a particular loan deal. We discussed in the very beginning of the low credibility of tenants. This implies that the tenants expose loan providers to greater risk. Thus, tenants have to pay a higher rate of interest. The borrowers can escape interest rate fluctuations by using the several options that come on interest. Rate locks, capped rate, discounted rate etc form some of the interest options to lessen the bitterness of high interest rates.

Having a bad credit history will not be accepted with ease in UK tenant loans. Credit history is the only instrument through which borrowers can trust borrowers. When credit history is tarnished, they will find it very difficult to make the lending decision. Credit deformities may have been ignored had there been sufficient collateral. Does this mean that tenants with bad credit history have to return empty-handed? They would have to return thus had it not been for a few loan providers who are ready to lend with this much risk.

Tenants must be good researchers for finding good deals in UK tenant loans. There is no shortage of loan providers who try to take benefit of the problem of the tenants. They will often increase unreasonably the rate of interest or will include too many of the hidden charges. Borrowers who are able to surpass these lenders are the ones who find the best deals in UK tenant loans.

Monday 22 February 2016

Balance transfer disasters

There has been a rapid growth in the availability of zero per cent rates in the credit card industry. These have been caused by the combination of very low national interest rates, and the injection of fierce competition from American lenders such as Capital One. The UK credit card industry is now recognised as one of the most sophisticated and competitive credit card markets in the world.

One of the most popular innovations in the past number of years has been the introduction of the zero per cent balance transfer. This has revolutionised the finances for many indebted customers. How it works is if you have very high interest charges on one of you’re out standing credit card balances, then you can transfer it to a new credit card. In exchange for getting your business in this way, the new credit card provider will give you a zero per cent interest rate on the sum transferred for a period of usually, six to nine months.

While taking advantage of these zero per cent offers is highly advisable, as it can save you literally hundreds on interest charges, there are still precautions that you should take if you wish to avoid some costly mistakes. The first thing to realise is that there are different types of zero percent. What you will most likely come into contact with is zero per cent on balance transfers or zero per cent on purchases. You must not confuse the two.

If you have zero per cent on balance transfers then that will not mean you have zero per cent on purchases, so any purchases you make during your zero per cent period will not be at zero per cent but at your standard rate. This can be very important if we look at the situation using an example.

Supposing you have five thousand pounds on a credit card a 15%. If you transfer this to a card that gives you 0% on balance transfers for nine months you will save hundreds on interest. However, supposing the new card has a standard rate of 15% also. Now, if you have your five thousand on it safely at 0%, but suppose you make one hundred pounds worth of purchases. And then you pay back one hundred pounds; the one hundred you pay back will be applied to the first one hundred of the five thousand-balance transfers. This will leave you with 4,900 left at zero per cent on the balance transfer, and 100 as a purchase that attracts the standard 15%.

In this way you can quickly see how a zero per cent balance transfer can become a 15% purchases balance.

Please listen don t just hear me

“One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of attention."

-- Jim Rohn

Did you know that there is quite a difference between listening and hearing?

Hearing is receiving sounds and communication. We hear all the time, but are not always aware of everything we hear because we are not listening. To listen means to hear and pay attention to what you are hearing. If you hear a birdsong when you are out, and then you listen to it focusing on that one sound, it becomes clearer and more distinct, than many of the other sounds that are there.

In relating with other people listening is a skill that needs to be learned. It is not merely hearing them give an account, or relay some information. Listening means to pay thoughtful attention to what a person is saying with the mind intent on understanding the message to be delivered. The art of listening also involves watching the person’s body language, maintaining eye contact, asking for clarification when needed and also listening for the unspoken message. If you truly listen, you are able to make a connection with someone without necessarily speaking yourself.

The skill of listening is frequently overlooked, or given a low priority in our communication today. Yet everybody enjoys talking with a good listener!

A major factor to a person having poor listening skills is that they are too self focused. People fail to listen carefully because they are too concerned trying to be interesting themselves, rather than be interested in the person they are talking to. They falsely believe that to be liked and accepted they must demonstrate their intelligence and knowledge with their words or comments. They may cover up their own nervousness and insecurity by constantly talking to fill the air. Talking makes them feel good, and they don’t consider the other person, rather just take advantage of having an audience

Many times people believe if someone is telling them about a challenge that they are having, that it is a cue to jump in and start solving the problem. However, most people wish only to have a sounding board and just to have you listen. To take over disempowers the other person.

Here are some good ways to develop listening skills:

Be interested in the person you are talking to. Listen with the intention of learning about them. If a person senses you are really interested in getting to know them, they will begin to feel warmly towards you and talk more openly. This is a good way of building rapport, and also winning them over to your side.

Develop an attitude of curiosity towards people. Ask them questions about what they think, feel and enjoy. Find out how they see the world, what opinions they may have, their aspirations, and their experiences.

Develop your observation skills to notice things about the other person. What brings a smile to their face? What small things are important to them? When you notice even small things, it makes the other person feel special and important.

The benefits of having good listening skills are far reaching. You build rapport quicker with others and you can act and speak from an informed position. You gain a greater understanding of others and are able relate at a deeper level. People respond to your interest and become interested in you. It increases your popularity and others are open to cooperate and help you out when you are in need. Most importantly is how you can make a positive difference for someone, just by listening to them.

How to use make up as a fashion accessory

Makeup can be one more accessory to your personal image and that’s why we are going to explain to you step by step the most flattering and easy trends so that this season you will be beautiful.


There are various flattering trends this season. On the one hand, there is the natural look with earthy and gold tones, and neutral tones for the eyes and transparent but shinny lips. On the other hand, there is the sexier look with darker tones for the eyes from navy blue to purple, and (don’t forget black), and dark sexy lips.

ADVICE: Choose a look that works for you and one that you feel most comfortable with and follow the advice that we give you below.


Give a touch of something pearlescent to your foundation and you’ll achieve a modern and flattering look.

ADVICE: Apply your foundation to the entire face. Once it has been absorbed in to the skin, wait a few minutes for it to absorb, apply a small amount of illuminating powder in the T zone, forehead, cheekbones and chin. Blend it well with a brush for a pearly but natural effect. The result, light satiny skin.


Brighten your look by using a light cover up which is lighter than your skin tone over your foundation.

ADVICE: Blend it well around your eyes with your finger tip to take away any excess. And that’s it, a great look without bags and full of life.


For a natural look, use browns and neutral tones.

ADVICE: Apply a golden tone on the upper eyelid to achieve the look and give it a touch of light. If you want your eyes to have a stronger look, use a dark brown pencil on the inner eye.

For a sexy look, use darker tones, the ones you like the most, from navy blue to bottle green. Or if you like, use grays or blacks.

ADVICE: Don’t forget to put the darker color on your eyelid putting a blended line next to the eye lashes and put makeup on the outer eye with a black pencil. Lighten the eyelid just under the eyebrow with a pearly or shinny white for a sexy arousing look.

ESSENTIAL: Everyone notices mascara so curl your eyelashes beforehand and use two cotes to give them volume.


Give your cheekbones a healthy look with soft rosy natural colors.

ADVICE: Blend blush well with a clean brush and loose powder on your cheekbones.


If you want a natural look, or you have put too much lipstick on, apply lip gloss for a juicy natural look.

ADVICE: Choose a lip gloss that also shines and protects your lips.

On the other hand, if you want to forget the natural look, try a passion red or a bright fushia. The result, sexy provocative, but natural lips.

ADVICE: Use a well-sharpened lip pencil that is very similar to your lipstick to outline your lips. Do this before applying lipstick so that the color will last longer and it will be easier to use darker tones.


Wash your hair with a rinse similar to the natural color of your hair to make it brighter but without changing the color.

ADVICE: Ask you hairdresser. There are rinses that naturally moisturize and give shine to the hair.

Sunday 21 February 2016

Truck and suv exhaust systems - different styles

Let’s assume that you have decided to purchase a performance exhaust system. Let’s also assume that you already know the benefits of putting a high-performance exhaust system on your truck or SUV: better gas mileage, more horsepower and torque, and a louder, high-performance sound. These high-performance exhaust systems give you all of those benefits by providing less restriction and making it easier for your motor to send it’s exhaust gases through the exhaust system.

And just a side note, the following phrases all mean the same thing: cat-back exhaust, high-performance exhaust, high-flow exhaust system, performance exhaust, free-flowing exhaust, aftermarket exhaust, and custom exhaust.

So, now that you already know the benefits of a high-flowing exhaust system, let’s talk about the different styles or the different configurations for cat-back exhaust systems.

Single Side Exit

This type of aftermarket exhaust system uses one pipe to vent the exhaust gases from your motor and away from your truck or SUV. Typically, these have an exit location (where the end of the pipe is) just behind the rear, passenger-side wheel. These also generally cost less than a system with two exhaust pipes. Surprisingly, these single pipe systems tend to produce more power than most dual systems.

Dual Side Exit

This style of custom exhaust system is quite similar to the Single Side Exit, but uses two pipes to exit the exhaust gases from your truck or SUV instead of one. This means that your engine has less restriction and generally has quicker throttle response. It also lends itself to producing a louder, more aggressive exhaust tone.

Dual Rear Exit

This configuration of high-flow exhaust system uses two pipes to vent the exhaust gases from your motor. This unique design differs from the previous two because the pipes exit out the rear of the vehicle, just under the bumper or roll pan. This free-flowing style of exhaust system has all of the benefits of the Dual Side Exit exhaust but can be perceived as louder because the sound is directed out the rear of your vehicle, directly at the traffic behind you. Depending on how aggressive your driving habits are, this can either be a good thing, or a bad thing. One side note: you may not be interested in this exhaust system if you are towing any kind of trailer because the exhaust gases can leave soot on whatever you’re towing.

Extreme Dual Exit or Opposite Side Dual

This style of cat-back exhaust uses two pipes to exit the exhaust gases from your motor but differs from the Dual Rear Exit. The Extreme Dual Exit has one pipe exiting behind each rear tire. This free-flowing exhaust system has all of the same benefits of the other dual systems, but unlike the Dual Rear Exit, it won’t leave soot on your trailer.

For more information on truck accessories, please visit TruckAccessory. com.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Searching for college grants the easy way

There are a number of tips to make searching for college grants a little easier. The first and probably the most important piece of advice is to apply for as many college grants as you can. The more you apply for, the greater your chances are of receiving some. You could end up with enough college grants to cover all of your tuition fees and maybe more.

It is important to apply for college grants from as many different sources as possible. The most common type of college grants are federal grants or those from the colleges themselves but you should also try looking for other organisations and companies that offer grants and apply for those too.

A great source of information for college grants is the financial aid office of the college that you are going to attend. Your local library will also have a wealth of information available. Another source is, of course, the internet. You will find lots of sites offering information on college grants for free. Don’t be scammed into paying for a service guaranteeing to secure you college grants as these are not legitimate.

There are so many different types of college grants available that there is sure to be some that you are eligible for, even if you don’t think so to begin with. No matter what your financial circumstances are you can still be awarded grants to help pay for textbooks and living expenses. Try looking for specific college grants that match the course you want to take.

You may be surprised at just who offers college grants. Sometimes there are companies and organisations in your home town that would be happy to give financial assistance but a student has never asked. It is worth speaking to business associates of your family and friends about college grants too as they may know other possible sources. There is no harm in asking whether a firm does offer college grants or not – the worst they can say is no.

Every student would love to be given enough money to pay for everything but the reality is that a large number of college grants offered are only for a relatively small proportion of college fees and expenses. Don’t ignore these smaller grants. The chances are that the small ones have less competition for them and you could well end up with a lot of seemingly worthless college grants that add up to be a decent amount of money.

It is important to start your search for any available grants as early as you can. That way you can get ahead of the competition and you will also have more time to apply for the maximum number of college grants possible.

Get fit for golf to play your best

Fit for golf is a term you should have heard by now. It’s all over the television and now becoming mainstream with amateur golfers wanting to reach their full potential. Golfers are now realizing there is a fitness component to golf, and are seriously considering getting fit for golf.

It may sound like an oxymoron, but tell me if you’ve ever hurt yourself playing golf. How about a strained lower back? Or, a sore shoulder after playing? The list of injuries from swinging a golf club is a mile long.

This would defend the point that getting fit for golf is NOT an oxymoron, but in fact a necessity, if you want to end the frustration, and play like you know you are capable of.

Golf is a ‘physical’ game that puts a tremendous amount of stress on the body. Muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints pay the price if your golf muscles are not strong enough to withstand the forces from swing at up to 100 mph.

Think about that!

You swing a 3 foot implement at up to 100 mph, while maintaining a very dynamic body position. That’s physically impossible unless you’ve got the muscular strength and flexibility to achieve these swing mechanics.

Look at putting! How often have you practiced for only 5-10 minutes and your lower back was killing you? You know what the culprit was? Tight hamstrings and a weak lower back. Golfers who are fit for golf don’t experience this. They can practice putting for an hour and not feel it.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

How about hitting out of deep rough? How many times did you leave the ball right where it was when you started? Or if you did advance it, your wrist was killing you after that?

This would not happen if your were fit for golf!

You’ve got to take a look at the facts! Golf is ‘physical’. Golf takes a tremendous amount of strength and flexibility. Golf causes injuries to body’s that are out of shape. Golf is frustrating when you are the shortest hitter in your foursome. Golf can make you crazy!

Stop the insanity…and Get Fit For Golf!

Friday 19 February 2016

Writing articles for the web that get read is easy when you know this

Writing articles for the web is a learned skill. And you can learn it. In fact, you can master it. Once a professional writer in the print publishing world, I had feature articles published by some well-known names (Woman's Day, The Washington Post, Family Circle, Christian Science Monitor and more). Fortunately, as a self-publisher online, I'm able to transfer some of my professional print writing skills to this form of online publishing. I don't struggle with writing articles. And that makes filling my websites with useful, well-written information a lot easier for me. But it's not so for everyone. Some people struggle with article writing. Maybe that's you.

Do you struggle with writing articles for your website readers? Do you want to write articles for other newsletters and websites that get free website traffic for you, or just more traffic to your website? If you struggle with article writing or if people don't read your articles, I may be able to help you. While writing content for the web and writing content for print publications is not exactly the same, there is some overlap. Here are some things I've learned about both content formats that might help you write better articles for both web publishers and for your websites.

Your article should have:

ORIGINAL CONTENT - The one word magazine writers hate to hear their editor say is "fresh". Editors frequently use the word as a reason to reject submissions as in "your tips are just not fresh enough". Editors want originality. Their publishers want originality. Readers want originality. Everyone is in agreement about wanting original article content.

But if something has been said or written about a thousand times before, you CAN still say it again. You just need to have your own original spin and be using your own words (that means no plagiarism too). You need to have your own writing style or personality (which you'll develop with time). My research tells me that originality is what both readers AND search engines want from online content. They want original content. The articles at your website need to be "fresh". The articles you submit to publishers need to be "fresh". With practice and persistence and a little bit of diligence thrown in you CAN write original articles for the web or for your website (to add diversity to all those reprint articles collecting on your site).

CATCHY TITLE - The online experts say you need key words in your online article titles or headlines to catch the attention of the search engines in the right way. That means you need to put the term or phrase you think people are searching for on your subject near the front of your article title (or at least somewhere in it). But you also have to remember that you're still writing for readers. So on top of making your article title work for search engine optimization, it still has to entice viewers to read it.

You don't necessarily need a clever article title, just one that appeals to your target audience and briefly describes the article topic. If I'm looking to lose weight quickly you can be certain "Weight Loss - 3 Easy Steps to Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days at Home" will catch my attention. If I want to know what Britney Spears is doing (and by the way, I don't), a title like "Guess What Britney Spears Did Now" will catch my attention and make me read further. But if I'm trying to learn the difference between a flat panel monitor and a flat screen, I'm perfectly happy reading an article with a boring title such as "Flat Panel Monitors and Flat Screens Defined for the Home User". That title addresses my need at the time for specific information I'm seeking on the web. And it has your key phrase "flat panel monitors" right in front too.

GREAT LEAD - The best title in the world won't keep readers engrossed in your article, if the first paragraph stinks. In the print world, editors happily rewrite their writers' leading paragraphs to make the lead just so. There are MANY ways to write a leading paragraph. Just remember that your goal is to intrigue the reader while giving him a clear indication of what he's about to learn in your article. And the SEO experts say the first sentence, or near the beginning of your first paragraph, is a good place to put that key word or phrase once that you're focusing on for the search engines' sake.

GOOD GRAMMAR AND SPELLING - Sloppy writing affects your credibility and makes you look lazy. And it makes for a bad reader experience. If you want to keep readers coming back to your website for the content (or publishers coming back to article directories to use your content), get a grasp on your spelling and grammar. A dictionary and grammar book by your side while proofreading your article will be helpful.

CONCISE FLOW - In high school, many students fluffed up their articles with extra words when the teacher assigned them the task of writing a certain word count. That trick isn't useful after high school (if you ever considered it useful). Most likely you have plenty to say about your topic if you know it well or if you've researched it well. Tight concise writing is as appreciated in the online world as it is in the print publishing arena. Don't repeat yourself or use excessive words to make a point or statement. That will help keep your copy clean. And know that concise writing doesn't necessarily mean short articles. You don't have to write 300 word articles. You don't have to write 3,000 word articles. Just don't write a 1,200 word article that really can be written in 500 words.

It's these writing techniques that make you a professional writer and not a sloppy amateur whose writing for the web doesn't get read. And it's these techniques that will help you to add better content to your website and get your articles published by other websites and newsletters. And good article writing means more traffic for your website.

The copper river delta shorebirds festival bird watching alaska style

Held in Cordova, Alaska, the Copper River Delta Shorebirds Festival is a bird watcher’s dream come true. Hundreds of thousands birds migrate to the delta for your sighting pleasure.

Copper River Delta Shorebirds Festival

Held every May, the Copper River Delta Shorebirds Festival is the place to be if you want to view shorebirds. Literally millions of birds migrate to the delta on the way to breeding grounds throughout the Arctic. The little town of Cordova knows a good thing when it sees it.

The Copper River Delta is essentially a refueling spot for the migrating birds. As you probably know, migrating birds will haul tail when the migration urge overcomes them. Many of these birds will fly for days on end until they must have food. In the grand plan, Mother Nature has arranged for the river delta to be the fast food stop for these birds.

Due to the frenetic pace undertaken by the migrating birds, food becomes a major issue. As they arrive at the Copper River Delta, they land and eat…and eat…and eat. It is the rare opportunity where you get to see so many birds grounded for such a long period of time. Put another way, it is a deluxe bird watching opportunity.


So, what can you expect to see on the delta? With so many birds, I’m not going to go into specifics other than to say you can see a wide variety of Loons, Grebes, Herons, Swallows, Yellowlegs, Tattlers, Sandpipers, Swans, Chickadees, Wrens, Ducks, Thrushes, Magpies, Warblers, Alcids, Finches, Jaegers and Turns to mention only a few. Put another way, you won’t run out of things to see.

Getting There

Getting to Cordova isn’t the easiest of things to do. You’ll have to fly in from Anchorage, Juneau or Seattle. Alternatively, you can hop on one of the Alaskan ferries, but need to look into the specific mechanics involved.

It is the rare day indeed when a birder can view millions of birds in their natural habitat. The Copper River Delta Shorebirds Festival offers you that day every year.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Is it possible to earn an honest income on the internet

Each day, hundreds or even thousands of people start searching for a way to earn some extra money from home. From the moment when they first type "how to make money from home" into a search engine, they are bombarded with an incredible volume of information, business opportunities, shady deals, and outright scams. How does one sift through all the hype and shrill sales pitches to find a legitimate online business? Does an honest income program even exist?

Everywhere you turn, you see statistics that claim 95% or more of those who try to start an Internet business will fail. Why? Why does such a large percentage never see success? One possible reason is that they are so overwhelmed with all the claims and information that they just give up. Maybe they try one or two programs, lose money, or even worse, are seriously scammed, so they decide everything online is a ripoff. Their very limited experience leads them to believe that the only people making money online are borderline criminals. This, of course, is not true, and one needs to consider that the sheer number of programs online makes it impossible to judge them all based on one or two.

Another factor which contributes to the high failure rate would have to be inaccurate expectations. Too many people start looking for a means to earn some money online while expecting to suddenly earn thousands of dollars in their first week or month. They have somehow come to believe that instant Internet riches are there for the taking, with no requirements of any investment or effort on their part. Then when they are not rich in a week, they just give up.

Some people seem to think that just signing up as a free affiliate should guarantee them a massive income. They seem to expect the company producing the product or service to give them sales. There is a lack of understanding about how to advertise online, or how to drive traffic to a website, or even that any effort is required to do so. Money must come from somewhere; in order to earn something, money must change hands at some point – someone must buy something from someone else.

Where does this leave us? Anyone who would like to earn money from home through an Internet business needs to understand the key word there is “business.” The means to working for yourself is to start and build your own business. No business ever builds itself. There will be time and effort required. And the effort required which most people fail to recognize is the need to educate yourself about the Internet and how to market a business online. This educational process will be different for each person who attempts it. It is difficult to know who to trust and what information is reliable without spending some time (and money) on testing.

One of the most important things to educate yourself about is what is legal and what is not. There are so many websites thrown up which will promise you riches overnight, but which are in reality a scam to make the originator some quick cash. It is mandatory that one spends some time researching, from independent sources, what laws apply to whatever business is being considered.

There are definitely many different ways to earn an honest income online. If you can find a successful entrepreneur, who is focused on legitimate income opportunities, and who can prove their success, you would do well to listen to their advice. Anyone who is trying to build an online business needs to be patient, as building any business takes time, but also to be very careful of the minefield to be found on the Internet.

Monday 15 February 2016

Recovering after bankruptcy - simple tips to ease the pain

The first major job after bankruptcy is to improve your credit score. The following tips will help:

1. In the UK you can check your credit rating at Experian, Equifax and CallCredit. In the US, get a copy of your FICO score: Check the report and bring any anomaly to the notice of officials. It can take up to six-months to get the mistake rectified.

2. Plan your income and expenditure: The next job is look at the causes of your bankruptcy. You can plan your income and expenditure and you need to look at you and your family's budget in detail.

3. Pay bills on time: The delay in payment may cause a severe setback in your credit rating.

4. Pay off loans: Some loans such as education ones are not covered under bankruptcy so if you are still paying them, pay them regularly. If possible pay higher than the minimum amount due so that it will add some points to your credit score.

5. Put some money in a savings account: You need to open a savings and checking account with a bank and need to pay in a small amount of money every month. This will help in improving your credit rating.

6. Use credit cards judiciously: Never delay payment. It's better if you hold off on borrowing from your credit cards, as it will allow you to get a lower outstanding debt and thus a higher credit rating. If this isn't possible use it sparingly and pay the due amount on time. It's better to have a limited number of cards, but do not quickly increase, or decrease, the number you have. That will affect your score.

7. Do not take out any loans: Some financial institutions offer special loans after bankruptcy and charge high interest rates. Such financiers only add to your troubles.

8. Visit consumer credit counsellors: After bankruptcy, you need to know the art of managing your resources so that you are not trapped again. In such situations, credit counsellors can help. They are professionals having plenty of experience in dealing with similar problems and you will also find their advice useful.

Why are most human hair wigs made of asian hair

At first sight the answer seems very obvious – they are cheaper. And of course that is true. But in fact Eastern European hair is not that much more expensive – the amount necessary to make a good wig is about 30-50 USD in Poland or Czech Republic. That is not a fortune if you are going to spend a few hundred dollars on a wig. So what is the catch?

The problem is on the supply side. There are over 2 billion people in Asia and only 200 million in Eastern Europe. Most of people in Eastern Europe have no need to sell their hair for economic reasons. Moreover, I don’t have to emphasize how rare it is in rich Western European countries to sell one’s hair. That is what makes European hair rare and explains why local wig-makers purchase only the amount necessary for their own production. Outside of Eastern Europe, due to its rarity, the price of the best European hair (so called “raw virgin hair”) is skyrocketing.

Hence 99% of human hair wigs are made of Asian hair. This hair is marked by such trade names as “human hair” or “remy hair”. If the producer or a sales person does not state directly that the hair is exclusively European, you can be 100% sure that you are dealing with Asian hair.

Asian hair is by nature very dark (black), very straight and thicker than European hair. Subject to a complicated process of a pigmentation removal, the hair looses its natural shine and resilience. Before it finally gets to you it will be dyed several times using synthetic chemical products, which no one would use to dye their own hair. Such a hair has a tendency to show a ting of a dark or red color. This is why it has to be dyed several times and go through a bleaching process. That way any color can be obtained, but hair structure gets damaged during the process. It is not pleasant to the touch anymore and even after as little as twenty weeks it will loose its shine and become dull.

Another issue concerns the manner in which the hair is obtained. It is not planned from the start with the thought of creating wigs. Hair is cut in random hair salons. Part of the hair also comes from ritual ceremonies of cutting of the hair as a sign of entering into adulthood. Such hair in the fervor of the ceremony falls to the floor and is gathered from there and placed in a great pile. In the process the hair is turned against and opposite to each of its strands and not layered in the same direction. Although it may not seem so at first, this does change the fundamental significance in the quality of your wig.

Every strand of hair has a coarse cuticle, which clings to the cuticle of the neighboring hair if they are layered in the opposite direction. In effect hair is twisting and intertwining into a hair clump so difficult to comb out. The only method for solving this problem is to completely remove the natural cuticle, which is then replaced with a silicon one that gives the hair its shine. It is a brutal and destructive process – such a wig will maintain its sheen no longer than for a period of 4 to 12 weeks. After that time hair becomes dull and unattractive.

The best Asian hair comes from India and Pakistan. In reality, it is not much better than hair described above. The advantage is that this hair is less stiff and may have a natural tendency to from slight waves. For that reason, many producers claim that it has the same qualities as European hair, which is not true.

If only there were more Eastern Europeans, life of wig-makers and their clients would be simpler, heh?

Sunday 14 February 2016

Seriousness of allergy rhinitis

What is actually allergy rhinitis? Allergy rhinitis is an allergic disease, which is caused by the sensitinogen that reacting on the mucous membranes in the nasal cavity. It consists two types that are perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis. Perennial allergic rhinitis occurs throughout the year; whereas, seasonal allergic rhinitis usually occurs during the blossoming or flowering season. In this season, plants start to release their pollen for breeding purpose. Pollen is one of the sensitinogens to the allergic rhinitis. Clinical features of allergic rhinitis are; itching in the nose, sneezing, watery nasal discharge and nasal obstruction. There are about 20 % of adults and children have seasonal or perennial allergic rhinitis [Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1986;94:470-5]. Although it is prevalence in most of the countries regardless tropical or seasonal, most of the conditions are not treated adequately and the consequence is that allergic rhinitis becomes chronic. The chronic state of allergic rhinitis usually will lead to more serious complications of the upper and lower airways such as asthma, sinusitis and otitis media with effusion. Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear. Fluid is built up in the middle ear and causes temporary lose of hearing. However, if this chronic disease is not treated properly, it may lead to permanent hearing impairment.

A few medical scientists had carried out surveys to study the epidemiologic links between allergic rhinitis and other airway diseases. What they had found out were, 78% of patients who had asthma were also had allergic rhinitis [Allergy 1983;38:25-9]. They also found out that 99% of adults and 93% of adolescents, who had allergic asthma, also had allergic rhinitis [J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997;99:S138]. Besides, the other study that had been carried out for 23 years was found out that college students who previously had allergic rhinitis had three times higher the possibility to have asthma compared to those students who had not had allergic rhinitis before [Allergy Proc 1994;15:21-5].

Many researches and works had been carried out to study the epidemiologic link between allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. The results had been well documented. The earlier study showed that 53% of children, who had allergic rhinitis, also had sinusitis [J Allergy Clin Immunol 1978;61:310-4]. They proved this from the children abnormal sinus radiographs. Whereas, recent study showed that up to 70% of children, who had allergy and chronic rhinitis, had abnormal sinus radiographs [J Allergy Clin Immunol 1988;82:935-40]. 78% of the patients who had recurrent sinus infection, rhinitis allergy was coming together with their extensive sinus disease. For the children who had otitis media with effusion, 40 to 50% of them had allergic rhinitis [J Allergy Clin Immunol 1997;99:S787-97.]. This was confirmed by positive allergy skin tests or increased serum IgE antibodies to specific allergens test.

Scientist had proposed a model for the development of sinusitis and otitis media. Their proposed model assumes that the earliest cause for sinusitis is not bacterial infection but it is due to the obstruction in the nasal cavity, which hinders the normal movement of air and secretions in and out of sinuses. Virus that causes nasal inflammation is upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) type, which is called rhinovirus. Research had been carried out to study the effect of this virus to the nasal diseases. The result showed that when rhinovirus is inoculated into the nasal passage of a group people, one third of these people would develop sinus abnormities and typical sinus disease symptoms [J Allergy Clin Immunol 1992;90:474-8]. Another study also showed that 87% of healthy adult, who voluntarily went through self-diagnosed colds, had maxillary sinuses illness [Engl J Med 1994;330:25-30].

Fluid inside the sinus cavity must be drained normally to keep the nasal healthy. When nasal being infected by bacteria or virus, or exposure to allergen, dust or chemicals, thicken secretion will be developed and it has higher possibility blocks the narrowed sinus ostia (opening that connect to the sinus cavity). Accumulation of these secretions in the sinus cavity will lead to further obstruction, mucosal swelling and also thicken the sinus mucosa. This will create an anaerobic environment that further favorite the bacterial growth and lead to infection. Congested sinus ostia must be resolved if not, it will lead to recurrent acute and eventually chronic nasal disease. This model also explained why chronic sinusitis is resistant to the antimicrobials treatment alone. To treat the sinusitis properly, antihistamines and corticosteroids have to be used as a combination with the antimicrobials treatment.

A similar model had been developed by scientist to explain the occurrence of otitis media with effusion. 83% of the children had at least once occurrence of acute otits media by the time they reach 3 years old [J Infect Dis 1989;160:83-94]. This model hypothesizes that nasal inflammation that is caused by allergens or URTIs virus will further cause inflammatory swelling and obstruction of the Eustachian tube. Obstruction of the Eustachian tube will increase negative pressure in the middle area and without improper ventilation; fluids will accumulate in the middle ear. Obstructed Eustachian tube will open occasionally with an effusion and this will suck the inner nasal secretion, which contain bacteria, virus and allergens into the middle ear cavity. Consequently, this will cause acute bacterial otitis media.

From the information above that have been gathered from various scientific publications, we know that common nasal allergy should not be left untreated. This is because it will lead to obstruction, fluid accumulation, bacterial infection and acute disease. If these diseases are not treated properly or successfully, a chronic state of inflammation, nasal congestion, and sinus infection will be developed and it can cause mucosal damage and ultimately, chronic disease. If the disease spreads to the middle ear, it will cause permanent hearing impairment

Saturday 13 February 2016

Don t let the outtakes take you out

One of my favourite things I like to watch is the bloopers and outtakes that are shown of mistakes made during the making of a movie. Most DVD’s have a section of outtakes to be viewed, and often they will set me off laughing, especially when you know what was supposed to happen.

In one sense it seems strange to laugh at other people’s mistakes, and yet we all do it, and our enjoyment is not usually of malicious intent. We laugh because we can all relate and identify how much part of being human such bloopers are!

We all make mistakes, and have many bloopers and outtakes in a lifetime. Some of them may be funny like movie bloopers, a stupid mistake and we are able to laugh at our selves. Other outtakes in life, however, are not funny, and are neither unforeseen nor self imposed. I am referring to the tragic turns of events that happen in life that can turn our life and routine around in a moment. Accidents, disaster, the death of a loved one happen unexpectedly, and can profoundly affect our lives. These are outtakes we would prefer not to happen or even replayed in life. Some of life’s outtakes have the potential to embarrass, humiliate, hurt, or disappoint us and also can stop our hopes and dreams for ever.

Times of crisis and tragedy can not be prevented, but how you handle these outtakes will affect the rest of your life. There is always a choice in any crisis. We can choose to grieve, but cling on to hope and move forward, or choose to cling onto the past and become stuck there. We cannot choose our circumstances, but we do have a choice how we respond to them. We can succumb or overcome, and our choice will determine our future. When we drive a car our focus is the road ahead; if we spend all our time looking in the rearview mirror failure is more or less inevitable! The same is true in life, we will fail, or at best remain at a standstill if we keep looking back and focusing on the events behind us, reliving the past.

A young African-American girl was born to unwed impoverished teenagers, in the racially charged backwoods of Mississippi in the middle of the twentieth century. She was abused by male relatives, and became pregnant at age fourteen. This girl did not seem to have many choices about her future and its potential to turn around towards success. However, this girl determined that these devastating outtakes of her life would not predetermine her future. Despite her circumstances this girl learned how to succeed by working hard, being true to herself and communicating with compassion and honesty.

This woman’s success story may seem like a fairy tale, for Oprah Winfrey is now one of the most well known and influential women in the world. However Oprah would acknowledge that her tragic childhood experiences have helped her remain true to her commitment to persevere and aim for excellence.

Oprah Winfrey is well known for her TV show, O magazine and book club, but also for the way she had explicitly described her own battles with depression, her weight and her relationships. She has made many connections between her past struggles and poor choices to the ‘aha’ moments that motivated her to take those experiences and learn from them, ultimately bringing her to a place more success and respect. Oprah chose to overcome, not to succumb.

Oprah is one of numerous examples of people who overcame the outtakes of their life and did not allow the odds to intimidate them. Just as actors learn from their mistakes and use them to improve their performance, so can we use our outtakes to improve our lives.

Don’t let your outtakes ‘take you out’; use them to take you forward.

The internet s biggest myth - do you believe it

We run across it all the time - and it is perfectly fitted to our greed.

The myth of easy wealth, Lazy Man's wealth, 'An hour a day' wealth, and so forth. This so perfectly matches our vision of what life should be, and because of this, it has the power to suck many people into its vision.

Very few marketers are capable of putting together a winning campaign based on telling you the truth - that making money on the Internet is going to take effort, knowledge, money, and time. Who would pay you to tell you how difficult it truly is? People want easy solutions, not someone telling them how likely it will be that they will fail!

Some marketers even feed on the 'back-end' of this myth... selling to people who've discovered that it's not quite as easy as they thought - with a new myth: You just haven't learned the 'simple trick' that those rich guys are hiding from you. This new myth feeds not only on the original greed, but on another powerful concept - envy.

Most people tend to lose sight of the basics of money. Money is nothing more than a convenient way to trade work.

If I'm a farmer, I don't want to trade my hard won grains or vegetables to someone who has sat on a couch all day long while he was out in the field working. He wants to trade his hard work for someone who is equally willing to work hard - perhaps to the carpenter who can fix his barn.

Society has also figured out a way for the poet to get his food, even if the farmer is illiterate. This is one of the secondary functions of money, to provide a way to gain the labor of others even if they don't directly benefit from your labor.

Now while I'm sure that there are some fancy-pants economists who are now engaged in laughter over my overly simplistic monetary concepts - it's time that someone states the simple truth - there is a meaning for money, and if you don't understand it, how do you expect to master it?

Why do people think that they can command the free labor of others? Of course, I perfectly realize the power that such an idea has - it's a very hypnotic idea... "Free" is such a powerful concept, and Internet marketers make the most of it! More power to 'em, I say - if you don't realize what you're spending your money on, then you simply don't value your own labor very highly. Nothing wrong with that - your money is yours to do with what you will...

But don't imagine that everyone feels that way. There's nothing you can purchase on the Internet that will instantly transform you into a millionaire. This is a lesson that many people learn only after spending for dream after dream. (The lottery works this way too!)

Now, are there smart ways to earn money? Certainly! One of the best concepts that can easily be applied on the Internet is the "work once, paid often" idea. Write an info product, and you'll spend time and effort doing so - but you'll sell the same "work" over and over again. Quite a bit different from getting paid to sell an automobile... after all, if you want to get paid - again-, you have to sell another automobile.

But this idea that you must have your own product, or that you must provide services (as an advertiser, for example) to someone else who holds a product, seems to get lost in the shuffle. Keep this concept in mind - if you want to earn money on the Internet - you must have labor to trade for it. Is it the labor of knowledge put into an infoproduct? Or the ability to put together a new service on the net? What - ever it may be - it's not the dreams that many marketers are selling you these days on the Internet.

Friday 12 February 2016

How to use an article directory

An article directory is a type of web site that organizes articles, sometimes referred to as content, into categories and ways that make them easier to find. An article directory may also include an article search engine that lets you find articles of interest to you.

Some kinds of article directory help you to find articles that have been published in print media. You may be able to search by media, for example, newspaper articles, or by topic

Other types of article directory let you find articles that are available for repeat, reproduction, or purchase. For example, if your PTA is doing a newsletter and you want an article about first aid, you can search an online article directory to find one that is suitable for you to use. Other types of article directory help you to find content that you can add to a web site, which will interest people who visit your web site to look at your products and would like more information on related subjects. For instance, if your primary business is selling sewing supplies, you might want to add content about different kinds of fabrics. If you cannot afford to commission original content, an article directory may help you find content that you can reproduce, or to which you can link.

Some article directory sources are actually article distribution services. You can submit an article you have written to such a directory, either for free distribution or with the hope of getting paid when your work is used.

Students should be aware that using an article directory to find articles they could copy for school reports is not a good idea. Many schools today use software that can check to see if your work is plagiarized. Teachers are also very good at recognizing your normal language patterns and can usually tell when you are trying to pass off as your own something that another person has written.

Thursday 11 February 2016

Why free dating sites just dont work

The main difference between online dating websites and other membership sites is that on joining a dating website, you are required to make an attractive profile, which is used alomost as a marketing tool to present yourself to other members in the best possible light. Without a completed profile you haven't a chance of attracting other genuine members who are seeking a partner.

Completing a profile of one's self is regarded by many as the most boring, time consuming chore you could ever be asked to perform by any website. And a large percentage of surfers will "put it off till later today or tomorrow" which in most cases means it will never be done. And in fact oftentimes they will never even return to the website.

Most researchers will agree that those who join a website community solely because its free rarely return to the site or sustain an interest longer than a few days. And it's not because they are forgetful and don't remember registering, because the website administrators will almost certainly send out reminders on a daily basis.

The online membership communities which includes dating sites would not exist if it weren't for the members in their databases and it's important that all members who bother to sign up, take an active part in the community and the services it offers. Otherwise it is a waste of not only the indolent member's time, but also the time of the website administrator and other genuine members.

Whereas, on the other hand, in the case of those membership sites that charge a monthly fee to become a member, they will have very few users who register, then stay away or don't bother to complete a profile. Once a user has been tempted to take out his or her credit card, they will be much more inclined to take their membership seriously enough to create a decent profile and visit it several times a day to monitor interest from other members.

The 'fee charging' sites will find it much tougher to get sign ups, but whats the point in having a couple of thousand members in your database if fifteen hundred of them are dormant and don't even respond to your emails? Much better for all concerned to just have five hundred interested members who pay regular visits to the website and use the facilities to the full.

But what of fee charging dating sites that offer a free period as a trial membership? Well that word "free" continues to cause complacency, but to a lesser degree. Whilst a free period may attract prospective members to a trial period, there are still a large percentage of these free users, who do not return to the website after subscribing.

Many dating sites who offer a free trial period, require the user to complete a profile before they are accepted as a free member. Some users however, will want to explore the member database before joining, and if required to join before they are allowed to search, a large percentage of these users will simply move on, and prospective members will be lost.. perhaps to a competitor website.

The highest number of long term signups per 1000 site visitors is enjoyed by those dating sites offering a free trial period, along with a script that will auto delete profiles not completed within a given period of say seven days.

The lowest number of long term signups per 1000 site visitors reflects the success rates of the 'absolutely free for all' membership websites, dating or otherwise.

Trevor Taylor - SugarDaddyHaven. com

Mortgage lenders your options

Finding your dream home is usually the simplest part of the house buying process! Once you see somewhere you want to put in an offer for, you’ll want to move fast. It helps, therefore, to have your mortgage sorted before you find somewhere you want to buy.

You can choose a lender and mortgage, apply for the loan and get your mortgage ‘approved on principle’ before you even start looking for a house. This means that you know what your budget will be and can be fairly certain that your mortgage will be accepted. The lender will still want to see the valuation survey, however, and there may be other checks that have to be completed before the deal is closed.

While most people used to take out their mortgage with a building society or bank, these days there are a number of other options to consider. Smaller, specialist mortgage providers can offer good deals and are sometimes more flexible about terms.

Banks and Building Societies

Since the market has become much more competitive, the larger finance houses have adapted their practice to become much more flexible with their mortgage deals. You will have the advantage of knowing that a reputable lender provides your mortgage, and local branches can make your day-to-day banking more convenient.

Insurance Companies

Some companies now offer their own range of mortgage products, which can give good terms, along with insurance products and investments. Legal and General are a well-known example. Check that you are not committed to taking out insurance policies with the lender along with your mortgage.

Specialist and Centralised Lenders

Generally this type of lender operates from one location – you won’t be able to visit a local branch, but they may offer lower rates as a result of having fewer overheads to cover. Virgin Direct and Mortgage Trust are two lenders who can offer particularly flexible mortgages. Telephone and internet banking make this kind of borrowing more convenient.

Local authorities

Council house residents may wish to apply to their local authority for a mortgage. There are also some mortgages available from some authorities for people who wish to renovate derelict houses – contact your local council for more information.

It’s good practise for a lender to subscribe to the Mortgage Code – this is a voluntary scheme that means the lender has promised to uphold commitments to good service.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Orlando vacation rentals - close to the action

Choosing to rent an Orlando vacation home means you will be right in the heart of all the action Orlando has to offer.

From the point you arrive a short 20-30 minute drive from the airport will take you to your home from home for the duration of your stay. Hundreds of vacation rental villas are well within a 30-minute drive to all the main Walt Disney World attractions. Furthermore many of these can actually be found situated a mere 15-20 minute drive away. On the days you wish to explore other Orlando attractions e. g. Universal Studios or Sea World again your vacation villa will have you centrally and conveniently based to access these locations easily.

So close to shopping…

No one can visit Orlando and be able to resist the temptation of visiting some fabulous shopping malls. Again, less than half an hour’s drive away you can find yourself at Belz or the Premium Outlets or the Lake Buena Vista Factory Outlets or the Florida Mall. Let us not forget the more recently built Mall at Millenia for slightly more discerning tastes.

Sometimes you will want to take in the true value of your vacation rental villa and have a leisurely day at your holiday home relaxing by the pool, sunbathing, catching up with other members of your party who may have been indulging in different activities to you. Wouldn’t it be lovely at the end of such a relaxing day to go out with your party to a dinner show?

Evening entertainment is only minutes away…

In Orlando you are truly spoilt for choice and the variety of themes for the dinner show is endless to cater for everyone’s needs and tastes. To sample the Wild West there is Dixie Stampede or for those who enjoy cowboy movies then a trip to the Kissimmee Rodeo is for you. Step back in time to Medieval Times or a Pirate’s Adventure. Watch breathtaking horses at Arabian nights Adventure Dinner Show.

With everything SO close at hand an Orlando vacation villa will allow you to “mix and match “your holiday to everyone’s delight – often combining several varied activities in the same day. Where else could you have breakfast by your own poolside, tour a shopping mall in the afternoon then eat dinner with Mickey and Friends at one of the wonderful themed character restaurants in the Walt Disney World theme parks before stepping out to watch one of the magical night time laser/firework displays only to return to the comfort and privacy of your holiday home to plan more activities for the following day?

Surely it cannot get any better than this?

5 traffic strategies of shawn casey internet marketer attorney

You do not have to be an expert webmaster or copywriter to drive traffic to your site or blog. Last night I logged into Success University and took a course on the subject of traffic with noted Internet marketer and attorney Shawn Casey. It was about a 35 minute audio presentation with the most important point being to simply take action.

I’ve often found myself in the “Paralysis by Analysis” boat so it was good to hear a message of avoiding it from a guy of his stature.

Strategy 1: Get Your Own Website

Casey said that you absolutely need your own website and that you will never get search engine optimization using generic affiliate sites. I agree with that and will add that it’s much easier to start and maintain a blog, but that’s my opinion. One thing he said that I found compelling was that you should never submit your site to search engines and that it actually works against your ranking. It is much better for their spiders to find you with updated content.

If you are not a webmaster or technically savy, you can do a search for hosting providers that have easy to use templates you can use to cut and past your way to a descent looking site. Once you find a hosting company you’ll need to purchase your domain name or URL if you haven’t already done so. If you haven’t, my suggestion on this is as follows:

*** If you’re hosting company sells domain names, keep it under the same roof and buy it (register it) with them. You can probably get it cheaper elsewhere but it is one less thing you have to deal with when you point your URL to your site.

Strategy 2: Keep Your Content Fresh

Search engine spiders like fresh content and on the Internet, content is king. In Shawn Casey’s explanation, he stresses that you do not need to be perfect; you need to be consistent. Write about things you’ve recently learned, what your thoughts are, anything, just do it and do it regularly.

If you don’t like to write at all, Casey suggests going to article directories to use other authors’ articles to put on your site as fresh content. You must, however, keep the author’s resource box in tact with the article when using their material.

Three of the more popular article directories are:

•isnare. com

•goarticles. com

•ezinearticles. com

There are hundreds of others smaller ones. If you are taking the blog approach, you will want to let the search engines know every time you update your site with fresh content with a process called “Pinging”. The easiest way to do this is to go to “pingomatic. com” , enter your URL and/or RSS feed link, and request pings. Within seconds, you get messages of which engines accepted your ping request.

Strategy 3 – Get Links Back to Your Site (Reciprocal Linking)

Casey, and many other successful marketers, contend that in order to get top search engine ranking, you need other websites out there linking back to yours. The more websites linking to your website, the higher your raking will be. He says that you can do this manually but it would take a lot of time and work.

Instead, he recommends using Link Metro by Brad Callen. (As I write this, it’s Father’s Day and I remember getting a notice recently that Brad just became a father so props to him and all the others out there!) With an advanced membership which is only $20 a month, you can completely automate and monitor your link building efforts. I can’t expound on it because I just learned about it last night from Shawn Casey, but I will say I’ve used other products from Brad Callen and have found them to be useful so I will give this a try and let you know how it goes later on my work at home weblog nathangurley. com. Shawn Casey endorses it wholeheartedly and there are countless other believable testimonials on there so I’ll give it a shot soon.

Strategy 4 – Press Releases

Another strategy Shawn Casey discusses on his Success University course is the use of press releases. Again he stresses that it doesn’t have to be perfect or a literary masterpiece. Just write the thing and get it out there with links back to your site. Like strategy three he says there are free to submit to press release sites but doesn’t necessarily regard them highly. Here he recommends PRWeb. com where the PR is short for, you guessed it, press release. With the increasing number of people getting their news from the web and avoiding traditional forms of media (probably because they are so biased), news distribution on the web is firmly planted and the search engines are not only part of it, they are competing to get it in front of you and people with news are competing to get it on the search engines so it should be a healthy market for years to come.

Strategy 5 – Article Marketing

In Strategy 2, Casey discussed getting fresh content from articles directories. You can be on the reverse side of that and get reciprocal links using a technique known as Article Marketing. Instead of going to these directories to get content, Casey suggests writing content and submitting them yourself. What happens is, you become the author and the expert and your links are in your author reference box pointing back to your site. Once your article is accepted, you get instant credibility and links back to your site. If others like what you wrote and put your article on their site you get more links back. It's almost like creating viral traffic.

For those who still do not want to write, Casey suggests going to elance. com where he says you can hire people to write articles for you. Either way, the reputable directories do not like self-promotion and affiliate links and such in your articles. They want information that others will find useful and will reject your submissions if you are merely trying to promote yourself.

Simply write useful information that people can use and use the strategies discussed by Sean Casey and you will get traffic.