Friday 29 July 2016

5 simple ways to speed up your pc according to microsoft

By following a few simple guidelines, you can maintain your computer and keep it running smoothly. While most people would not think of skipping preventative maintenance on their automobiles, they do not apply the same care to the machine that holds their business and banking data, pictures, music, and important communications.

The majority of this article was first published in segments by Microsoft demonstrating how to use their tools available in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Windows Vista to more efficiently maintain your computer and safeguard your privacy when you're online. The Computer Man in conjunction with the Remote Helpdesk 1 Team decided to add it to Remote Helpdesk 1's Online PC Repair Articles and Web Based Computer Repair Blogs because most problems the Tennessee Mountain Man and Computer Man see are caused by a lack of simple preventative computer maintenance by users.

1. Free Up Disk Space

By freeing disk space, you can improve the performance of your computer. The Disk Cleanup tool helps you free up space on your hard disk. The utility identifies files that you can safely delete, and then enables you to choose whether you want to delete some or all of the identified files.

Use Disk Cleanup to:

• Remove temporary Internet files.

• Remove downloaded program files (such as Microsoft ActiveX controls and Java applets).

• Empty the Recycle Bin.

• Remove Windows temporary files.

• Remove optional Windows components that you don't use.

• Remove installed programs that you no longer use.

Tip: Typically, temporary Internet files take the most amount of space because the browser caches each page you visit for faster access later.

To use Disk Cleanup

A. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup. If several drives are available, you might be prompted to specify which drive you want to clean.

B. In the Disk Cleanup for dialog box, scroll through the content of the Files to delete list.

Choose the files that you want to delete.

C. Clear the check boxes for files that you don't want to delete, and then click OK.

D. When prompted to confirm that you want to delete the specified files, click Yes.

After a few minutes, the process completes and the Disk Cleanup dialog box closes, leaving your computer cleaner and performing better.

2. Speed Up Access To Data

Disk fragmentation slows the overall performance of your system. When files are fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk when the file is opened to piece it back together. The response time can be significantly longer.

Disk Defragmenter is a Windows utility that consolidates fragmented files and folders on your computer's hard disk so that each occupies a single space on the disk. With your files stored neatly end-to-end, without fragmentation, reading and writing to the disk speeds up.

When to run Disk Defragmenter

In addition to running Disk Defragmenter at regular intervals—monthly is optimal—there are other times you should run it too, such as when:

• You add a large number of files.

• Your free disk space totals 15 percent or less.

• You install new programs or a new version of Windows.

To use Disk Defragmenter:

A. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Disk Defragmenter.

Click Analyze to start the Disk Defragmenter.

B. In the Disk Defragmenter dialog box, click the drives that you want to defragment, and then click the Analyze button. After the disk is analyzed, a dialog box appears, letting you know whether you should defragment the analyzed drives.

Tip: You should analyze a volume before defragmenting it to get an estimate of how long the defragmentation process will take.

C. To defragment the selected drive or drives, click the Defragment button. Note: In Windows Vista, there is no graphical user interface to demonstrate the progress—but your hard drive is still being defragmented.

After the defragmentation is complete, Disk Defragmenter displays the results.

D. To display detailed information about the defragmented disk or partition, click View Report.

E. To close the View Report dialog box, click Close.

F. To close the Disk Defragmenter utility, click the Close button on the title bar of the window.

3. Detect And Repair Disk Errors

In addition to running Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter to optimize the performance of your computer, you can check the integrity of the files stored on your hard disk by running the Error Checking utility.

As you use your hard drive, it can develop bad sectors. Bad sectors slow down hard disk performance and sometimes make data writing (such as file saving) difficult, or even impossible. The Error Checking utility scans the hard drive for bad sectors, and scans for file system errors to see whether certain files or folders are misplaced.

If you use your computer daily, you should run this utility once a week to help prevent data loss.

To run the Error Checking utility:

A. Close all open files.

B. Click Start, and then click My Computer.

C. In the My Computer window, right-click the hard disk you want to search for bad sectors, and then click Properties.

D. In the Properties dialog box, click the Tools tab.

E. Click the Check Now button.

F. In the Check Disk dialog box, select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box, and then click Start.

G. If bad sectors are found, choose to fix them.

Tip: Only select the "Automatically fix file system errors" check box if you think that your disk contains bad sectors.

4. Protect Your Computer Against Spyware

Spyware collects personal information without letting you know and without asking for permission. From the Web sites you visit to usernames and passwords, spyware can put you and your confidential information at risk. In addition to privacy concerns, spyware can hamper your computer's performance. To combat spyware, you might want to consider using Microsoft Windows Defender, which is included in Windows Vista, and is available as a free download for Microsoft XP SP2. Alternatively, there are other free anti-spyware software programs available.

5. Use Ready Boost

If you're using Windows Vista, you can use ReadyBoost to speed up your system. A new concept in adding memory to a system, it allows you to use non-volatile flash memory—like a USB flash drive or a memory card—to improve performance without having to add additional memory.

intenet based pc repair by computer man

Windows ReadyBoost improves system memory and boosts performance.

Adding system memory (typically referred to as RAM) is often the best way to improve a PC's performance, since more memory means more applications are ready to run without accessing the hard drive. However, upgrading memory can be difficult and costly, and some machines have limited memory expansion capabilities, making it impossible to add RAM.

Windows Vista introduces Windows ReadyBoost, a new concept in adding memory to a system. You can use non-volatile flash memory, such as that on a universal serial bus (USB) flash drive, to improve performance without having to add additional memory "under the hood."

The flash memory device serves as an additional memory cache—that is, memory that the computer can access much more quickly than it can access data on the hard drive. Windows ReadyBoost relies on the intelligent memory management of Windows SuperFetch and can significantly improve system responsiveness.

It's easy to use Windows ReadyBoost. When a removable memory device such as a USB flash drive or a secure digital (SD) memory card is first inserted into a port, Windows Vista checks to see if its performance is fast enough to work with Windows ReadyBoost. If so, you are asked if you want to use this device to speed up system performance. You can choose to allocate part of a USB drive's memory to speed up performance and use the remainder to store files.

Choosing great pool table lights

When you’re looking for lighting for your pool table, you should consider three primary things: first, the practicality of the light; second, the quality, brightness, and direction of the light; and thirdly, how great it looks in your pool room.

The practicality of pool table lights covers several different things as well. You need to consider how large your room is and how high the ceiling is. Your pool table lights won’t do you any good at all if they get in the way of playing. With a very low ceiling, you almost certainly won’t be able to choose one of those cool Tiffany-style stained glass hanging lights because you won’t be able to play properly. Your pool table lights should never get in the way of your pool cue either.

If you do have a low ceiling, consider going with track lighting or recessed lighting instead of traditional pool table lights. It doesn’t look as cool, but it also won’t get in your way while playing, and that’s the important thing.

The second most important thing to consider in pool table lights is the quality of the light and its direction. For a pool table, lights should pool on the table surface to highlight your game playing area, and they should be bright enough to easily see the game, yet not so bright as to interfere with the atmosphere that should reign over a good game of pool.

This is why pool table lights that are suspended from the ceiling are very popular; you can use very bright bulbs, yet still, with the directional lighting traditional pool table light shades give you, have a nice dim atmosphere throughout the rest of the room. Never choose translucent or transparent shades for your pool table lights; instead, stick with metal shades, opaque glass shades, or Tiffany-style stained glass shades.

Finally, you want just the right atmosphere in your pool room, and your pool table lighting has a great deal to do with that. Dark green shades, Tiffany-style stained glass, and, if you can find them, beer-advertisement shades are some of the best pool table lighting designs you can choose for great atmosphere. But it really depends on what you’re trying to accomplish with your design.

For the traditional “smoke filled room” atmosphere, even if you don’t smoke, translucent green glass shades for your pool table lights are an excellent choice. The light pools nicely on the table, and the color of the shades ensures that your overall lighting stays dim and casual in feel. For a more classy atmosphere, stained glass shades are a fine choice. Pool table lights topped with a stained glass shade send a multicolored soft glow throughout your pool table room, giving a more feminine feel but not so feminine that guys can’t enjoy them as well. This soft, relaxed feeling is why many beer companies choose to do their customized pool table lighting shades in a stained glass style.

One other choice you’ll need to make is whether you want a row of two, three, or four lights for your pool table lighting, or a single large light for the center. Multiple lights give a slightly more diffuse, soft light to the area, while a single large light gives a somewhat harsher, but sharper, light, more likely to focus on the table and game themselves. Multiple lights also eliminates a lot of the shadowing problems you might have on your pool table itself, making it easier to see table details.

No matter what pool table lighting option you choose, the most important consideration is that you’re happy with the final result. Consider your choices carefully before installing anything.

Thursday 28 July 2016

Doggy dental care tops list of most. frequently diagnosed health problems

Do you consider yourself a good dog owner? Is Fido not only the happiest pup on the block, but also the healthiest?

There are nearly 44 million U. S. households that own approximately 74 million dogs. Although many of these owners treat their dog more like a family member and less like an animal, most are unaware of one of the biggest health risks for their dog.

Periodontal disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem in pets. In fact, more than 80 percent of dogs have it by the time they are 4 years old.

Periodontal disease begins when bacteria and food debris build up along the dog's gum line. Plaque is created and, soon after, tartar forms on the teeth. Eventually the gums swell, and pockets form that can trap bacteria and lead to more serious problems.

"Doggy breath, loose teeth, bleeding gums, mouth pain and even infections in the heart, liver and kidney are signs of advanced periodontal disease," says Jan Bellows, DVM and owner of Hometown Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic in Weston, Fla. "To avoid these health problems, owners must take steps to care for their dog's teeth-much like they care for their own."

Only one in five owners have ever attempted to brush their pet's teeth and only 2 percent brush with enough frequency to maintain proper oral health.

In addition to brushing, Dr. Bellows uses ORAVET™, a plaque-prevention gel that stops disease-causing bacteria from attaching to the teeth. It is the only sealant available on the market.

After an in-clinic cleaning, the sealant is applied to the dog's teeth, creating an invisible barrier that reduces bacterial plaque adhesion. Owners then apply the odorless, tasteless homecare gel to the dog's teeth once a week. It typically takes less than a minute to apply.

"As a veterinarian and as a pet owner, this gel gives me a valuable tool in preventing oral disease in dogs," says Dr. Bellows. "It's easy to use and is a perfect complement to tooth brushing, dental diets and dental chews."

Bad credit cards - how bad credit credit cards can help rebuild your credit

Unfortunately, not everyone has the fortune of having a perfect credit history. If you find yourself in this position, it’s actually quite simple to rebuild your credit rating with bad credit credit cards.

Bad credit credit cards are offered by companies for a very good reason, money. These companies often charge outrageous interest rates and fees to cardholders in return for a credit line.

So does this mean that you shouldn’t apply for a bad credit card? Absolutely not.

These cards, if used responsibly, can help you reestablish a history of making payments and boost your credit card history. Just remember that the fees can really add up, so avoid carrying a large balance from month to month.

There are other options available to those with bad credit such as prepaid credit cards and secured creditcards. As with bad credit credit cards, these are more expensive to the cardholder than traditional cards but they can help improve your credit rating and offer you the convenience of carrying a credit card, despite the fact that your credit history is blemished.

If you have fallen on hard times and have messed up your credit history, it’s not the end of the world. Using methods such as these can help you restore your credit history over time and get you back on track with the credit bureaus.

Sure, you’re going to pay a price for getting a second chance with higher than normal fees. However, if you’re careful by limiting your spending and paying off your outstanding credit card balances each month, the high interest won’t be a factor for you.

Hopefully this article has given you some ideas for ways to rebuild your credit with bad credit credit cards. Used wisely, these cards can be a great way to get back into good standing with the credit card agencies.

Success-- the key and the fire

Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help you accomplish about anything you can dream or imagine. Self-discipline is the act of controlling our emotions, actions, thoughts, words and personal direction. Some people seem to be naturally self-controlled and some seem to have no self-control at all. Others seem to constantly struggle with self-discipline.

Discipline is learning to say "no" to our primitive uncontrolled cravings and selfish destructive desires. We develop self-management when we begin to distinguish the difference between what is actually needed and what is truly unnecessary.

Because of the ease of modern society and our ability to get anything we want at a push of a button or the swipe of a card, it is far more difficult to exert self-control today than it has been in any other time in human history. Added to this is the brainwashing of advertising that tells us to crave things.

The first step to gaining self-control is to identify the areas where we are out of control. Work on self-denial in the areas you want to change. Deny your self a certain pleasure each day. Then begin to start small with little victories each day, like eating one less snack or watching one less television show.

A key to discipline is developing routines. People who have routines tend to be more disciplined and accomplish more. If you are one of those people who have trouble with routines, try adding just one at a time. Keep it simple. Work on the things that are most important first. Evaluate yourself regularly to see how you are doing. Reward yourself for keeping at it. Once it becomes a habit, it is much easier to maintain.

Of course, routines can be done to excess, so remember to give yourself a little healthy leeway in case the unexpected comes up.

The power behind some of the world's greatest achievements is strong motivation and the ability to persist despite previous failures. Motivation is the fire that fuels our efforts toward success. There is no use in trying to master self-discipline if you have no motivation to have it. Motivation is a result of strong personal desire that directs a person's actions and thoughts and helps create situations that move toward a specific accomplishment.

Motivation must come from within, not from an outside source. For example, if you diet because your spouse wants you to, it is poor motivation, and you will probably not do well at it. It is only when you truly desire to control your habits and behaviors that you will achieve self-discipline. Motivation brings about true change.

One way to increase motivation is through pressure. Tell your friends, co-workers and family about your commitment to change something in your life. Peer pressure can be a powerful motivator.

Motivation works hand in hand with self-discipline and organization. Lack in these areas can lead to a greater number of failures and failures lead to poor motivation. When you begin to structure your day and organize yourself, the motivation that moved you to change will continue to add fuel to the fire.

As you work toward change in your life, you will eventually experience failure. The only way to defeat failure is through persistence and perseverance. The most common reason people give up on achieving their goals is because they encountered failure once or twice and they become afraid to try again. Winston Churchill once said, "Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm." Before you even begin, you must plan to deal with failure. Be ready to persevere. Vow to never give up, no matter what, no matter how long it takes!

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Pampering your pet

There are 69 million households in the United States that call a pet part of the family, according to a 2006 survey by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA). These pet owners know how hard it can be to find the perfect accessories and gifts for their special friends. Whether you are looking for a practical dog house, pet-proof seat covers for your car or a Halloween costume for your cat, shopping online is the best way to score unique pet products at reasonable prices. With just a few clicks, the Internet will help you find everything you need to care for your pets and, in the process, you'll discover a community of people who are as passionate about their pets as you.

APPMA estimates that in 2006, $38.4 billion will be spent in the U. S. on pet products. The following tips will help you hone in on pet gifts that can be fun for your pet, while also providing you value:

Identify Your Pet's Needs

Everyone has seen a dog chase after his own tail, going round and round in circles until he gives up. You can avoid a similar chase of your own by taking the time to consider what products your pet will actually use, as well as what would make your life easier as a pet owner. With Yahoo! Shopping's (shopping. yahoo. com) integrated ratings and reviews, you'll be able to see what other pet owners thought about a particular product or merchant. This will help you make smart decisions about all the must-haves for your pet, whether it is a puppy, a parrot or a komodo dragon.

Broaden Your Horizons

The Internet has opened up a whole world of pet products you never even imagined existed, from designer pet umbrellas, specialized spa treatments, unique detergent for washing pet clothes, pet first aid kits and even a nest for your pet rock. Visit the Yahoo! Shoposphere from Yahoo! Shopping, where merchandise is sorted into lists by members of an online community and discussed in a blog-like fashion, giving you insight into how the self-replenishing food bowl or the cat hammock came in handy for other pet owners.

Make Your Pet Part

of the Family

Great pet gifts can be enjoyed by pets and families together. There are several ways to maximize the family fun factor of giving your pet a gift. You can have the present wrapped for a child to open or pick presents that will make for interactive fun, such as a fetch ball or other pet toy that requires human interaction.

The Internet provides an easy way to gather new ideas, find the best bargains and indulge your beloved pets-all without leaving the comforts of home.

Give your pet a present with help from the Web.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

How to maintain your mental health

In recent years people have realized the importance of proper diet and exercise, and recent surveys show that over the last 20 years people are eating better and working out more often, resulting in people living longer, but people are still lacking in their understanding that their mental well being is just as important as their physical health.

Today most people get on average 4 to 6 hours of exercise every day, and make sure that everything they put in their mouths is not filled with sugars or preservatives, but they pay no attention to their mental health, no vacations, not even the occasional long weekend, 60 hour weeks, taking work home with them and even working weekends. All of this for hopes of one day getting that big promotion. What good will it do you when your brain overloads and you have a breakdown in the office.

In the end your physical health will suffer no matter how well you eat and how often you exercise. You will wind up with high blood pressure, stress and tension all of which raises the chances of you having a stroke or heart attack.

In hopes of helping you avoid this I am providing you with the things I do to keep my mental health in tip top condition.

My absolute favorite thing to do to refocus myself is to go for a long ride on my Harley. Nothing brings the world back into focus like riding free like the wind, there is no better forms of therapy as far as I am concerned.

Another great way to relieve the stresses in your life and help put a sparkle in your mental health is a trip to the casinos. Most people go to the casinos and expect to go home a winner, I do not. I go to have a good time.

I enjoy the skill required in
blackjack or poker, or just like pressing my luck on the roulette wheel or slot machine. I also make sure not to take my credit cards with me to the casinos. Every week I put a few bucks on the side and when I have enough to go to the casino I go, and have a real good time. This way I can blow every penny I bring with me and know I am not hurting my self financially.

Sometime I just like to sit at a poker table, blackjack table or roulette table and just make small bets. This may not be as exciting as risking large sums of money, but in the end I play longer, and I probably win more often. The best part is because I do not expect to win I am not disappointed when I don’t win, and on those occasions that I do win beside going home with more money I have a supper big smile on my face because the night was all that much better.

Another reason why I love the casinos is how far they are from where I live so I can take my bike out in the morning have a good 3 hour drive to Atlantic City then at the end of the day I get to enjoy another 3 hours on my Harley, and if the weather is really bad I can either take my truck or just stay home and log on to one of the many online casinos available to choose from.

I also enjoy watching an hour or 2 of television every night, some light sitcoms are a great way to lighten your minds load, and laughing out loud for 30 seconds every day is a great way to release stress.

Video games are also great for stress release, if you are mad at your boss what better way to get it out of you then boxing, just imagine you are pounding on your boss and hope you don’t lose.

I hope you try some of these methods or think of some of your own to help keep the stress down in your life and keep your mental health in as good of condition as the rest of you.

Monday 25 July 2016

The care and use of fresh ricotta cheese

Among cheeses, ricotta cheese is unique in that it is made from whey instead of milk. Usually made using the whey that is a by-product in the creation of mozzarella or provolone cheeses, it takes a lot of this liquid to make a little ricotta cheese. To create it, the whey is boiled so that the remaining proteins curdle, and then the resulting solids are removed. The process is simple enough that ricotta cheese can be made at home.

Storing the Cheese

Ricotta cheese is what is known as a fresh cheese, meaning that it is not salted, smoked, or has any other processes applied to it in order lengthen its shelf life. In fact, if you notice any bit of mold on your cheese, do not try to remove it and use the rest of the container. While this may work in some cases, by the time mold shows up on ricotta cheese, it has gone bad. This cheese freezes very well, so if you have bought or made a lot, storing some in the freezer will extend its shelf life.

Cooking with Ricotta

Ricotta cheese has a very mild, even sweet flavor, which makes it a perfect choice for desserts. You can use ricotta cheese as an ingredient in cheesecake, and ricotta cheese that's been beaten smooth and mixed with sugar and other ingredients creates the filling for a cannoli. In an Italian dessert called a cassata, ricotta is put in between layers of cake, like frosting for a layered cake in the United States.

Though ricotta cheese is good for desserts, it's also great in savory dishes as well. Some lasagna recipes call for the use of ricotta, adding its mild flavor to the mix. Its flavor and its softness also have made it an ideal choice for many stuffed pastas, from ravioli to variations like manicotti and stuffed shells.


Though ricotta is a fresh cheese, there are ways to prepare it that gives it a longer shelf life. Salted and pressed like a regular cheese, it becomes a hard cheese that's best suited for grating or shaving slices off of. You can also bake ricotta cheese, which gives it a brown crust, sometimes going all the way through the cheese. Another similar method uses smoking instead of baking in order to give ricotta a flavorful crust that aids in storage. But whether you use it fresh or try one of the preserved variants, ricotta cheese is a great food to use in your cooking.

Selecting the perfect wedding reception location

Choosing a wedding reception location involves more than just making sure all your guests can fit comfortably into the space. This location is where the majority of the wedding day festivities will take place so there needs to be enough room to accommodate eating, dancing, socializing, and all the other fun activities that happen at receptions like cutting the cake and throwing the wedding bouquet.

Many couples choose larger-sized hotels or function halls for their wedding receptions because typically, everything they need to pull off this memorable event is right there on-site. As an added bonus, these types of wedding reception locations usually include the services of a wedding coordinator who will work with the couple to meet their every need. And the great thing about having a reception in a hotel is that overnight accommodations don't require any extra planning.

Selecting the wedding reception location as soon as possible is highly advisable, especially if you need to accommodate a large number of guests and especially if your wedding will be held during the busy season. Although you do not need a firm head count, you will need an estimate. A medieval castle on a lake may not accommodate 250+ guests. Also, determine your wedding reception budget beforehand as this likely will have an impact on your wedding reception location options. You may want to consider arranging your wedding off-season when rates on reception locations will typically be much lower.

You will be required to make a down payment to reserve the space and date and this typically will be non-refundable. You'll want to make sure you understand the cancellation policy as it may involve more than losing your deposit. Also discuss arrival and departure times to make sure all the elements you have planned can be accommodated during this timeframe.

Besides the types of venues already mentioned, plenty of other wedding reception location options are available, and they'll each vary in terms of space, price and amenities, so it's important to pay close attention when visiting the ones you're considering. Smaller gatherings can be held at places such as at home, a museum, a botanical garden, or a park. Although these may be smaller in size, the details will still need to be coordinated by someone so don't forget to ask for help, even if that means hiring a wedding coordinator.

When you're looking at wedding reception locations, try to plan out the space, much like you would if you were buying or renting a home. Where will dining and dancing take place? Where will the guest book and place cards be located? Is there a secure area for wedding gifts? Will you need a stage for your musicians? Are there electrical outlets for the DJ? Your photographer will want to know about the lighting and whether there's a suitable location to take wedding party photos. Is there a way to control the temperature? If the reception will be outdoors, you'll need a back-up in the event of uncooperative weather, which may add to your costs.

How to get a book published - the competition is tough in the book publishing industry

How to get a book published is a question every author asks themselves.

How difficult is it to get a book published by a commercial book publisher? Well the odds are better gambling in Las Vegas. It has been estimated that 25 million people in the United States consider themselves writers and only 5% have been published anywhere. At any one time 5 to 6 million manuscripts are looking for a publishing home.

Most major book publishing houses, and many small presses, will not accept submissions that aren’t represented by a literary agent. During the research of The Publishing Primer: A Blueprint for an Author's Success, we asked literary agents how many unsolicited query letters/proposals/sample chapters, they receive. For the typical agency it is close to 5000 per year. On the average these agents accepted only 11 new clients, that’s about 1out of every 500 submissions.

Of course writers submit to more than one agency in the hopes of obtaining representation which makes the odds a little better, but not much.

It has been estimated that the five large book publishing companies, Random House Inc., Penguin USA, Simon & Schuster, Time Warner and HarperCollins, account for nearly eighty percent of all book sales in the US. This has occurred for the same reasons any other industry goes through consolidation: by combining certain administrative or staff functions, costs can be reduced and profits increased. Publishing, relative to many other industries, has not enjoyed a high Return on Investment (ROI) for investors. Now, book publishers are much more focused on having every single book they publish be profitable. This means a more risk averse philosophy, with a preference for publishing authors with successful track records--a sound business strategy.

How to get a book published by a commercial book publisher isn't an easy task, but with perseverance and a good book you can do it.

Becoming an information filter and a knowledge sponge


As the title states, "Become an Information Filter and a Knowledge Sponge." On your daily journey to achieve your WHY, you will travel through many different avenues and sometimes you will ask yourself, "Why do I need to meet this person or experience this situation?" The key is to truly understand that you must become an information filter and use your personal God-given filters -- your eyes and your ears. I always say that you were born with 4 inputs (2 eyes, 2 ears) and 1 output (mouth).

When you decide to become a filter and filter through all the information that is taken in through your inputs, you will begin to find answers to the reasons for certain experiences in your life. What you learn from each situation that you experience will be the foundation for future decisions. My personal view is that "every failure is a stepping stone to success, which in turn will become a very long and lovely stone walkway into the castle of your dreams." Very simply, this quote means out of every failure you will filter information that will empower you to make wiser decisions based on information you learned from your personal failures!

As you begin to realize you must become a filter - listen and observe more than you talk, you will be amazed at the insight you gain. When you combine becoming a knowledge sponge, along with being a filter, you will empower yourself to achieve your WHY! Becoming a knowledge sponge is very simple. You must immerse yourself in the knowledge of the #1 people in your field of endeavor. When I first became a distributor in a direct sales organization, I simply did some research and found out what the #1 earners in direct sales/network marketing were doing. As I result, I broke all records and built enormous sales organizations. I was nothing special, but the methods I used were special because they were proven to work. Remember, the smartest people are those that realize they are not the brightest or the best.

Each day that you embark upon your journey toward your Why, you need to be constantly absorbing as much information as possible. Success leaves clues, and usually it is a long list of failures accompanied with one major success. I can tell you that if you have failed in the past and right now are questioning your actions, just become an information filter and knowledge sponge. Start to utilize your four inputs and before you know it, you will hit the mark and succeed! I highly suggest listening to positive personal development tapes and reading some positive material EACH AND EVERY DAY in order to saturate your sponge with the proper knowledge!

Find your WHY and Fly!

John Di Lemme

FindYourWhy. com

Sunday 24 July 2016

Online business degrees

If you just can’t seem to get ahead in this life, you might need to improve your education. But how can you go to college when you have such a busy life? You have a job to go to, bills to pay and kids to feed. If you’re like most people, you live paycheck to paycheck so how can you possibly get a college degree? Well, one thing you can do is sign up for online college classes and get an online business degree. With an online business degree, you can take care of all of your responsibilities and you’ll get what you need to succeed in this world.

Imagine being able to attend classes, study and learn any time you want to, anywhere you want to, as long as you have a computer and an internet connection. You can even ask for help when needed and you’ll get the same amount of attention as you would if you actually had a living, breathing professor in front of you. You can learn and obtain all the knowledge you need to get an online business degree so that you can finally get that dream job.

If you’re worried about how to pay for your online business degree, you will be happy to know that many online schools have financial aid available. All you have to do is click on the link they offer that will describe the financial aid plans they have and how to sign up for them. Some of them are loans that you have to pay back but there are also grants that don’t need to be repaid. Both are great ways to get your online business degree without going broke.

Once you have your online business degree, however, you’ll then be able to get the job of your dreams. You can finally make that salary you’ve been hoping for to pay for all of life’s financial obligations while still leaving some left over to actually enjoy yourself. All of this can be yours, you just have to work for it. The first step is finding a school and then signing up for online classes. Then, all you have to do is work hard and do what you’re told and you’ll have that online business degree in no time. Just make sure you have the motivation and the self discipline to keep focused on your goals because it’s all too easy to get off track when you’re trying to get an online business degree unless you have the discipline to keep going even when the going gets tough.

For Information Contract, Telecommuting and Part time Jobs in India Visit bharathcontractjobs. com/index. php

Chill out in taba heights

Fantastic! What a wonderful place to relax. Just put your wallet, keys and phone in the safe and chill out in Magnificent surroundings The hotel in the resort of Taba Heights, Sinai. The hotel is designed the style of a Nubian Village and really sets the mark in Taba.

The views and grounds are spectacular - you can see Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel at over the gulf of Aqua on the Red sea. At night this is particularly stunning as the mountains take on a red hue reminiscent of sunset at Ayres Rock in Australia.

The hotel has its own huge, 500 metre stretch of beach on the Red Sea where you can snorkel straight off the beach amongst the beautiful coral Reef.

There's more than enough sun-lounges (and the hotel was full) and food which is great. The staff are friendly and can't do enough to help.

If you want to go out and party beware! There are hardly any Bars or restaurants out side of the hotel Complexes. However, we were given a dine around card at reception which allowed us to eat in the Neighbouring hotels including the Intercontinental, Sofitel & the Marriott. Most of these hotels were within a 15 minute walk from the Hyatt Regency. Not that you could get bored with the food at the Hyatt there are over 5 restaurants to choose from all with an International theme.

One evening we went in to on a Bedouin feast hosted in the desert by the local Bedouins. Where we drank tea, danced, and smoked the customary Shisha pipe. One day during our our stay we went to Water world for the day they have a range of water sports and diving classes for all levels. The underwater scenery was unforgettable.

Due to the remoteness’ & tranquillity it is recommended that you take plenty of reading material as the books and Magazines they have on offer in the hotels are limited and Expensive.

Overall I can say that this hotel is definitely worthy of its 5star Grading and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to go and really want to relax within a peaceful setting.

I can recommend booking with online company Holiday click who specialise in Taba Egyptian holidays. I found their staff very helpful and knowledgeable. We went in Early July and paid Ј429 for 7 nights half board and were given a free upgrade to sea view on arrival. Holidayclick contact details: holidayclick. co. uk 0800 4082009

Saturday 23 July 2016

Install a cold air intake for better performance

A simple way for any car buff to get more power out of his or her ride is to install a cold air intake system. A cold air intake is designed to reduce the temperature of air entering a vehicle to maximize the engine’s power. The net result is a vehicle that performs better, saves on fuel, and produces a nifty intake tone. Additionally, a cold air intake will improve the look of a vehicle's engine bay. Fortunately, installing a cold air intake system is not a difficult job: you can do it yourself. Let's take a look at the advantages of installing a cold air intake.

More Power – Denser, colder air acts like “food” for your engine. The lower the temperature of the air entering your engine, the more efficient it runs. If an engine could speak it would say, “feed me cold air.” By installing a cold air intake you give your engine what it really wants. The result is more horsepower and torque as your engine taps into power that would have otherwise have gone to waste.

Better Fuel Economy – There is a mistake that some make when they discuss performance parts: many power enhancements actually increase fuel mileage, they don’t reduce it. An efficiently operating engine eats up less gas and a cold air intake delivers better overall fuel economy because the engine does not have to work as hard. Greater efficiency equals better fuel mileage.

Top Notch Sound/Great Looks – Open up your vehicle’s engine bay for all of the world to see and you will hear plenty of positive remarks about your colorful air intake system. Cold air intakes come in a variety of colors and some have paintable surfaces for special customization. Moreover, a cold air intake produces a throaty intake tone when traveling around town or while moving down the highway.

There are many brands producing cold air intake systems, but you must determine the right part for your particular make and model. Top selling brands include K&N Intake, AEM Cold Air Intake, Volant Air Intake, and Injen as they are some of the most noteworthy intakes for the at-home mechanic. For the best selection and lowest prices, shop with a reputable online wholesaler.

Enjoy your cold air intake system as you reap the many benefits of owning a well engineered and attractive device.

Credit bureau basics

Credibility counts. And no one knows it better then the credit bureaus. These are the places where you can get a rating to certify your creditworthiness. And of course they charge you for it. The approach is simple enough. They keep an eye on the credit transaction that a person enters into and then its repayment. The banks and credit card companies use this information before striking a business with an individual. Credit bureaus are not watchdogs. They are just observers who want to know if a borrower is respecting the borrowed monies. They have to keep a track of how borrowed money is used. Trans Union, Equifax etc. are some of USA’s credit bureaus. They are governed under an act and also under a mandate to revive a person’s reputation if he can get a hiatus of at least seven years after one bad credit. But if one goes bankrupt then the time for him to prove his creditworthiness is an extra three years.

The average American lives under some kind of debt all the time. The number of bills that flows in through the letter-slit of every home at the beginning of every month shows this. The piling up of bills can leave any one dumbfound. A proper management of the bills has to be understood in order to clear them. The to-do-list approach is one such way to get tem off your shoulder. Pen them down in order of last day of payment. The bills for services that sustain a person have to be paid in priority. The gas, telephone bills are some such debts. Tax too finds itself on a higher podium then the others. No bill is les important however; some are more important then other. So the ones that are not, can be kept at a secondary priority. It varies from a person to person in deciding, which is which.

A monthly budget has always been a good tactic to handle overspending. At the beginning of the month expenditure list must be made. This works as a guideline throughout the month and also a corrective parameter. A budget is not a very complex document. The sources of income and expenditure have to be listed and then it has to be calculated which exceeds which and by how much?

Its always better to be in the good books of the credit bureaus. And for doing so it becomes important what the secret eyes are watching. A model proposed by Fair Isaac & Company is used to figure out the credit rating. It includes data about outstanding debts of a person, since when is the person running on credit, what types of credit dies he takes and what kinds of accounts thus he operate with. Apart from these there are many more but the rating program keeps these into top priority.

Many people do not have a clear picture of what a credit bureau does. A CB is never biased against the minorities, which is a big misconception that it is. These are absolutely secret services and they never disclose the information about a person about any other one. So now if you want to get your money credibility right, get in to the good lists of the credit raters.

Friday 22 July 2016

Get the perfect dartboard and install it properly

Dartboards are typically made of sisal fiber and a slim metal wire lines every section. The numbers showing the scoring sections in the board is usually made of wire. The dartboard is divided into twenty sections, each with a scoring of one to twenty points, by wires that extend from the small inner circle to the outer circular wire.

1. Hanging Procedure:

A dartboard should be hung in such a manner that the distance, using the center of the bullseye as a point of reference, is five feet and eight inches parallel to the hockey line. Hang the dartboard on a backing, such as a backboard or any type, such as plywood, to prevent occasional wild darts from ruining your wall. Ideally, the backing is twice the size of the board and you could cover it with either felt paper or cloth so that it looks neat. Make sure too, that the backing is secured firmly to the wall and should not sway or vibrate, when hit by darts. The hockey, or the line measurement has to be 7 feet 9.25 inches from the board’s face horizontally to the floor. To obtain a precise measurement, start from the line from the bullseye going down to the floor, measuring 9 feet 7 3/8 inches.

2. Lighting

Install some lighting. Shadows can be created due to poor lighting. Put up a bright light, making sure that it is concentrated and aimed to the board. Place a cover to keep off incoming darts as well as to hold back the light, away from the thrower’s eyes. Your lighting should be set up in a way that it radiates to the entire area of the board, not causing any shadow and not interrupting your throw. The location of the scoreboard should be on either side of the board and not to interfere with the next player’s shot when one is scoring. The scoreboard’s size will be up to you. If you plan on having a lot of people over, a wide scoreboard may be the best choice so you can write challenges aside from the score. There are many kinds of scoreboard available, so choose the one that you are comfortable with. While others prefer the classic blackboard and chalk, you may not, as it does create chalk dust that gets on to your hands and fingers, and you might also be allergic to chalk particles. If you are, there are many alternatives.

3. Scoring:

Traditionally, sections of the dartboard is numbered and colored black and yellow. By hitting one of the large numbered sections, you score according to the value of that section. By hitting the thin outer portion of the board which are red and green, you score a double point, whatever the value of that certain section. Likewise, when you hit the thin inner portion of these sections, halfway between the central circle, colored red or green and the outer wire, your score is triple the points of whatever value that is imbedded in that section. Hitting the bullseye or the inner red area scores fifty points and hitting the green outer ring scores twenty five points. There is no score when you hit outside the outer wire. Any dart that is thrown on the board but does not remain on the board, such as a bouncing dart or a dart that fell after it has been thrown, scores nothing. Some rules, however, allow scoring if a dart hits an obvious scoring section and then drops and is caught before it reaches the ground or floor.

4. Dartboard Types:

Traditional bristled dartboard

Bristles has the function of holding on to the darts so that it cud not fall easily to the surface and puncture it. It naturally heals itself if cleaned and dust is removed.

Magnetic dartboard

A dart with no needle, it uses high energy magnets in making the darts stick to the board. This board is made from rubberized iron to attract magnet. This is a great practice game for kids. Very safe and attractive, as cartoon characters are displayed on the face of the board.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Are home based franchises for real

With so many work at home based business franchises available today, you have to wonder how many of them are really legitimate. Some of them sound amazing and promise astounding sales and profit with little effort or upfront investment.

A wise investor will do the homework before purchasing a home based franchise so that there are no surprises after the deal is done. Careful consideration must be given to the kind of franchise that would be most suitable for your situation and work with your long term goals and business plan.

What is a home based franchise anyway?

A home based franchise is a business that you purchase from a franchisor that you can operate from home. In many cases, this is the most cost effective way to start a business because there is much less overhead and start up cost when you already have the location and space right within your own home.

After you decide to purchase a home based franchise, you become the franchisee and the company that sells you the franchise is the franchisor. As part of the business agreement, you are required to make an initial investment which is usually lower when you are operating a small franchise from your own home.

Once established, you must pay franchise fees and/or royalties to the franchisor depending on the amount of business and sales each month.

How do you know the home-based franchise is legitimate?

First, get as much information about the franchise that you possibly can. Ensure that you understand exactly how the home-based franchise works and research the franchisor's performance and reputation.

Ask the franchisor for this information and check out independent reviews as well. It is all useful as you consider the legitimacy of the franchise, the franchisor and in some cases, the opinions of other franchisees that have already purchased their own franchise.

Don't ignore the red flags!

Find out what the initial start-up cost is and what other financial obligations and requirements must be met before a franchise may be purchased. A legitimate franchisor will be able to provide full details and will be willing to give you all the requirements in writing before you decide to go through with the purchase. If a franchisor demands an unusually high initial investment, find out what is included in the fee and what you can expect to receive as part of your start-up package. Go into detail and discuss anything that is not clear or that you do not understand. A reputable franchisor should have no problem providing a clear explanation for every one of your investment dollars.

Beware of franchisors that promise you immediate wealth and huge success in a very short time frame with very little investment. An honest franchisor will tell you that starting a franchise, even home-based, is not an overnight success. It takes hard work and planning plus plenty of time and effort to build a home-based franchise. Although a franchise does provide the framework as well as ongoing support and training, you must build your profits over time.

No high-pressure sales tactics A reputable franchisor with good business practices will not make you feel as if you must make your decision immediately. If your prospective franchisor is pressuring you to pay the initial investment costs without giving you sufficient time to make an informed decision to purchase the home-based franchise, be wary. It may not be a legitimate franchisor you are dealing with and you should be careful.

Most franchisors are able to provide plenty of information and proven business plans that they are familiar with and are not in a rush to have you sign the dotted line.

Turn a profit in a home-based franchise There are many home-based franchises available depending on your interests, experience, and passion or investment choices. Franchises vary from home inspection to photography and even pet training. Take a look at some of these home-based franchises.

Pillar to Post provides superior home inspection services for any prospective home buyer. They have been ranked #1 in the home inspection category for the past 5 consecutive years by Entrepreneur Magazine. And franchise operations can be home-based.

Vendstar allows you to use your home as your franchise location. You make your money by distributing and servicing vending machines in various locations. The number of machines is up to you!

Molly Maid is undoubtedly a brand name you are familiar with in household cleaning services. With a low start-up investment, you hire and train a team of cleaning experts and use your own home as your franchise base.

Bark Busters offers a specially developed dog training service that allows you to work in a wide variety of settings and provides extensive training and support for all franchisees. Enjoy your job every day while you make the profit in your own home-based franchise.

PortraitEFX is just as the brand name implies. It is a professional portrait photography franchise where your franchise is home-based but you go to various locations to complete photography projects for your customers. From little league games to weddings, the opportunities are ready and waiting for you to get started!

An informed decision is the best decision When you are considering purchasing your own home-based franchise, there are many things to research, investigate and decide. Make sure you leave no stone unturned as you make one of the biggest decisions of your life. Starting a business franchise offers no guarantee of fast money and wealth. Take your time to think about the opportunity and whether it works with your goals and plans for the future.

Think about the time, money and effort required for the home-based franchise you are considering. Think about the franchise requirements and operating details as you ponder your next move.

Above all, do your homework Before committing to any home-based franchise, research the franchisor. Check into the company's reputation and business performance reviews.

The best backpacking foods

Maybe your favorite backpacking food is a freeze-dried turkey dinner. There really is no "best" backpacking food. There are reasons to bring certain foods, though. Here are ten foods, and the reasons you might want to consider them.

1. Nuts. This is one of the most calorie-packed foods you can take. That means less weight to carry. With lots of protein and other nutritonal benefits, nuts are one of the best backpacking foods.

2. Olive oil. Add a little to your soups or dip bread in it. The best of the oils health-wise, you can eat it before sleeping, to stay warm, because fats generate heat when digested.

3. Trail mixes. Any mix with raisins and nuts is great for backpacking. Vitamins, minerals, protein, and the best reason - convenience.

4. Corn products. Tortilla chips or corn nuts are convenient, and they don't seem to cause the tiredness that potato chips and other simple carbohydrates can cause.

5. Ramen noodles. When you need a hot meal fast, there isn't much that's better.

6. Instant coffee. A necessity for caffeine addicts, and it's good to have a stimulant available for emergencies.

7. Wild edible berries. Learn to identify a few, and you'll have a nutricious excuse for a break along the trail.

8. Instant sports drinks. Pour a little in your water bottle and shake. Replacing electrolytes doesn't get more convenient.

9. Instant refried beans. When you want sustained energy, eat beans.

10. Your favorites. Having your favorite foods can help salvage a rainy backpacking trip spent in the tent.

Always consider the nature of the trip when you choose your backpacking food. Hot meals are much more important in cold climates, and convenience is king, if you want to make miles. A bottle of rum might even be appropriate, if it's a trip wih friends.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

The story of the guillotine

The guillotine was first put to lethal use on April 25, 1792, at 3:30 PM, in Paris at the Place de Greve on the Right Bank of the Seine. It separated highwayman Nicolas Jacques Pelletier's head from the rest of his body.

The device was perfected - though not invented - by Doctor Joseph Ignace Guillotin (1738 - 1814). The 'e' at the end of the noun is a later, British, addition. Ironically, he belonged to a movement seeking to abolish capital punishment altogether.

Guillotine-like implements were used on delinquents from the nobility in Germany, Italy, Scotland and Persia long before the good doctor's era. Guillotin and German engineer and harpsichord maker, Tobias Schmidt, improved and industrialized it. It was Schmidt who transformed the blade, changing it from round to the familiar form and placing it at an oblique, 45 degree, angle. The process of severing the head - the blade falling, cutting through the tissues and severing the head - took less than half a second. More than 40,000 people were guillotined during the French Revolution and in its immediate aftermath (1789-1795).

Nor was the guillotine abandoned after the French Revolution. As late as 1870, one Leon Berger, an assistant executioner and carpenter, added a spring system, which stopped the mouton at the bottom of the groves, a lock/blocking device at the lunette and a new release mechanism for the blade.

The murderer Hamida Djandoubi was beheaded on September 10, 1977, in Marseilles, France. The guillotine was never used since.

a.. Total weight of a Guillotine is about 580 kg

b.. The guillotine blade with weight is over 40 kg

c.. The heights of the guillotine posts average about 4 meters

d.. The guillotine blade drop is about 2.3 meters

e.. The falling blades rate of speed is about 7 meters/second

f.. The actual beheading was completed in 2/100 of a second

g.. The power when the guillotine blade stops at the bottom is 400 kg/square inch

Critical illness insurance. critically important time to take cover

Back in 1999, the Imperial Cancer Research Fund stated that one in every three people in Britain will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life. With rapid medical advances the chances of survival from a major illness are improving but the consequences of suffering such an illness continue to be substantial and life-changing.

Critical illness insurance policies are designed to help you cope with the changes which will be necessary should you be diagnosed with a “qualifying medical condition”. Most policies will pay out following a diagnosis of heart disease, cancer, stroke, renal failure, paralysis, major organ transplant and coronary artery bypass surgery as well as a range of other conditions. There is normally a one-off tax free payment which is intended to assist you with costs, typically the need to adapt your home or car or maybe re-train for a different occupation. It's not only the bread-winner that can benefit from this type of cover and you should take account of child care and housekeeping costs which would be involved should Mum be out of action.

Unfortunately, at a time when most people are suffering from the shock of learning that they have been diagnosed with a critical illness, they and their families may learn some additional disturbing news. The insurance industries latest figures show that, on average, around a quarter of all claims are rejected!

As soon as a claim is made, the insurance company will request a huge amount of information from your doctor. It's quite likely that much of this information is not relevant to the illness for which the claim relates. The insurer is using this information to ascertain whether or not the insured has been completely truthful on the original insurance application form.

The reason for this is what the insurers call non-disclosure and if any medical information has been omitted, they can use this as grounds for refusing the claim.

It appears that the non-disclosure may not be related to the critical illness. Claims have been turned down for various reasons, including the case of a woman with breast cancer whose case was rejected because she hadn't listed treatment for depression on the original proposal form.

The rejection rates are shown as follows:

Company % of rejected claims

Scottish Equitable Project 28%

Norwich Union 26%

Friends Provident 25%

Legal and General 22%

Bupa 21.5%

Skandia 21%

Prudential 20%

Standard Life 20%

Scottish Widows 18%

Scottish Provident 11%

Scottish Equitable Guardian 10%

Average 23.5%

Despite the insurers claim that these rejections are perfectly legal, the Law Commission appears to think differently. There has been a consultation document published recently and the Commission makes the statement “It is possible for an applicant to act reasonably and honestly and yet still fail to meet the duty of disclosure.” The conclusions of these consultations will be reported on as soon as they are available.

It is therefore extremely important that when applying for this very valuable form of insurance, you disclose all previous illnesses. It's probable that if you have to claim, then your medical records will be thoroughly examined and if the insurers consider you omitted medical information, they may “throw out” the request.

Compare companies for the best rates. Read the small print. Spend some considerable time in listing medical conditions. Relax – it may never happen.

Hello from orlando - part 7 yeeehaaw our high-speed adventure at boggy creek airboat tours

After my rather quaint and leisurely scenic boat ride through Winter Park, a rather different boating experience was in store for me: a high speed airboat ride through Lake Tohopekaliga, provided by Boggy Creek Airboat Rides.

We got started early in the morning and took the first tour out. The temperature must have been about 45 degrees Fahrenheit or so, and in wise anticpation we both wore our Canadian winter jackets. Good thing, because it gets pretty darn cold zooming along at high speed on the airboats.

We were the first ride out of the gate, and fortunately we were provided with white blankets which kept us reasonably warm. Off we went on our 6-passenger airboat, exploring the coastline of Lake Tohopekaliga, getting a glimpse at various types of wetland birds, including bald eagles, ospreys, egrets and cranes that live here in the Central Florida Everglades. The name of the lake means "sleeping tiger" and it extends over 11,968 acres.

Our captain, "big and beefy Chad", took us around to give us an idea of an authentic Florida lake experience. At one point he drove the airboat onto land and got out of the boat to take a picture of us. After the picture he really cranked it up as he went northwards on Lake Toho. At the northern end of the tour he took us into some sidearms of the lake where we got see the marshy wetlands up close. On the way back he took his foot off the brake and firmly put it on the gas pedal. He mentioned that airboats can reach speeds up to 65 miles per hour, I think we must have been pretty close. He even did some gentle turns with the boat which turned into an exhiliarating high-speed slalom experience for all us in the boat.

I looked over at my husband, and he had a strange smile on his face. After the ride was finished he admitted that he was really scared, for one thing he doesn't swim and he was worried about exiting our high-speed vessel. But not to worry, Chad brought us back safely, and I for one, being a bit of a high-speed freak myself, was glowing with the experience - I truly had a blast!

According to Michelle Peters, who works at Boggy Creek Airboat Rides, the company was founded by her sister and brother-in-law, Margie and Chris Long, in 1994 and operation was started with one 6-passenger airboat. Today, the Boggy Creek Airboat Rides are among the top 10 Orlando attractions according to the Orlando Business Journal. The company now has eight 18-passenger boats and two 6-passenger boats.

The company is AAA approved and all of its captains are Master Captains who have to undergo a one-year apprenticeship. The Coast Guard does surprise inspections to ensure compliance with all safety regulations. Michelle also mentioned that the Water Management Authority uses their airboats because they virtually float on the water and are less invasive to plant and wildlife than regular propeller driven boats.

In addition, the company has added swamp buggy rides to their offerings about 4 months ago. The swamp buggy was completely custom built by a company that regularly builds monster trucks. We entered this monster vehicle from its rear end over a ramp and started our swamp buggy tour.

Chad, being the all-round talented individual that he is, also took us out on the swamp buggy, this custom-built monster contraption. We went through some solar-powered remote controlled gates onto a working cattle ranch. Florida actually still has a pretty sizeable cattle industry, and the historic term for Florida cowboys actually is "cow men".

On our swamp buggy ride we saw a variety of wildlife, including cattle and some awefully cute baby cows. We also caught a glimpse of the very tail end of an alligator, who was doing its best to hide itself under the leafy vegetation surrounding a little pond. We also saw some deer and a whole range of different birds, including the tall sandhill cranes who seem to be totally unafraid of human beings. The ground was pretty wet in some areas, and I was amazed that our vehicle was capable of plowing through all the muck - we even crossed a river!

Boggy Creek Airboat Rides and Swamp Buggy Tours is a great family outing, and the high-speed experience will even soothe teenagers' cravings for high adrenaline fun. Airboat tours are generally half an hour long, are offered every half hour and don't require reservations. In the summer, the company offers night rides that are an hour long. Michelle mentioned that on one of the night tours last summer she saw 17 alligators, who are nocturnal creatures and come out in full force at night time.

Well, we didn't really get a good view of any alligators, but the combination of airboat ride and swamp buggy tour really kick-started our engines for the day!

For the entire article including photos please visit

travelandtransitions. com/stories_photos/orlando_boggy_creek. htm

Tuesday 19 July 2016

How to save money while on vacation

A holiday does not have to cost you an arm and a leg if you know how to look for and take full advantage of the many exciting money saving offers that are available to you throughout the internet. Many companies offer specific online savings and packages that you cannot find anywhere else. These online savings and offers are available to you online only, so you will have to visit their websites to take advantage of them, and they are not made available to those who visit them offline.

Many travelers can enjoy a bundle of savings by booking hotel reservations, airline tickets, or car rentals online. Additionally, they can also find packages that will allow them to do many things they will enjoy for a fraction of the cost. These packages can often include many exciting attractions you can see within an area, hotel, transportation, and sometimes certain meals are included with in the packages. Packages are geared towards every interest, for example, they could be geared towards specific destinations world wide, such as Paris, Italy, Florida, Hawaii, and the like.

Other packages could be geared towards specific events or activities, such as hiking, camping, jungle adventures, cruises, singles events and trips, couples geared outings, musicals, major shopping trips, or site seeing in exciting new places. There are many websites on the internet that are available to you by simply using one of the many popular search engines. Websites like expedia. com offer a one stop shopping source for flight tickets, trains, car rentals, and hotel reservations. In addition, they offer advice on traveling, points of interest, and an easy to use online reservation request.

The internet has made it so much easier to plan a trip that the whole family can enjoy, you can plan your entire itinerary right on the internet and find some excellent travel and safety tips that you could use. If you need to purchase new items to take with you on your holiday you can also do that online with many special deals from online retailers that sell the products you need.

Take full advantage of all the internet has to offer by booking your entire holiday online and safe a ton of money in the process. After all a holiday is enjoyed so much more, when it is a bargain and money saving one. It will leave you more money to spend on necessities and fun things you want to do.

Monday 18 July 2016

Seo and semantics for successful sem

Semantics is not something new to the internet or websites. Semantics have been around since the ancient ages and we use them almost everyday in some situation or the other, vocally or in writing. Effective communication today consists of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure etc. But here is the surprising part: there are different sets of semantics being used around the world.

In English, you will not find the use of Х or ї as they are not English semantics. These differences can create problems in delivering effective communication through a semantic web.


HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and it is like the universal web language. HTML is an easy to use and flexible code/language where you can integrate text and graphics together to create a scalable website. But HTML has one major drawback. Although it can define what content to place where on a web site page, it can’t really discern the relationship between the content and its use for providing valuable results for various user queries. This is exactly the reason why SE’s exist.

For example: There is a HTML page of product listings. The HTML code will define this as but it will not be able to identify item #2342 as a lip moisturizer that costs $3.99. This is the limitation of HTML and it will only be able to identify a text block that describes the lip moisturizer and it should appear right next to the image of the product.

SE’s on the other hand use proper semantics to identify the relationship between various chunks of text on websites. The semantics help the visitors to identify the relationship between the lip moisturizer and its image.

There are two objectives that can be accomplished by web site owners by using different semantic standards. Firstly, the semantic standards will enable different web site designers to describe web site content accurately to SE’s and secondly the semantics will facilitate a clearer mode of communication between SE spiders and the web site. As a result, your website will get targeted traffic.


As you have learnt that there are certain limitations of HTML and hence to fight these limitations, different programming languages have been developed. Some of the programming languages include RDF or Resource Description Framework, OWL or Ontology Web Language and XML or eXtensible Markup Language. These programming languages have increased the usefulness multifold for the web.

If you use only HTML then it will not be possible for the search engine to produce useful links for keywords like ‘graphic designers in Florida’. The SERP’s will display numerous graphic designer sites from all over the world, out of which some will be situated in Florida. It is not that this specific information is not available; the fact of the matter is that it is contained within web pages of different sites, all of which are indecipherable to web spiders.

W3C and Semantics

The W3C or the World Wide Web Consortiums primary objective is to standardize, and improve It is a daunting task and will also entail the standardization of different development tools, programming languages, as well as browser specs.

Among many challenges, one of the important is the standardization of the semantic web technology, which is under construction. One of the problems is that there is nothing as universal semantics. The semantics for English will not go with the French semantics. The writing styles like a research article with footnotes and bibliography is different from a blog and hence will employ different types of semantics. This makes W3C standardization of semantics virtually impossible.

Semantics and SEO

The main objective of creating semantic standards is for making the websites easily viewable or readable on different machines or browsers. Standardization of semantics will allow the SE’s to spider the content and index it based on specifics. A good SEO will be able to do this during site optimization and you can very well imagine the kind of positive results that will arise out of optimization of semantics.

The future will see search engine users being able to access local events, news, local sales, and compile content which is similar from multiple sources access the data within a user-defined context.

The standardization of semantics is still in its early phases and we will have to wait some more before we get to benefit from the entire process.

Cultured pearls as a gift

Almost every woman loves pearls. They exude timeless elegance. Pearl jewelry gives a woman the look of grandeur and the shimmering white of the pearls against the body feels awesome. Purity is compared to a pearl, because of the flawless whiteness of the pearl.

You would have bought cultured pearls for yourself or for a family member or friends, but do you know what exactly a cultured pearl is? There is also a wrong notion that a cultured pearl is an artificial pearl.

When something like a parasite or some organic matter gets implanted in an oyster or mollusk, a pearl is formed. These are called natural pearls as they are formed by nature. A cultured pearl is something that has the intervention of humans. A pearl farmer inserts a similar object into the oyster or mollusk and the pearl that is thus formed is called a cultured pearl. The rest of the process remains the same. The only difference being implanting the organic matter into the oyster.

The size of the pearl, either natural or cultured depends on the length of time it remains in the oyster. The larger the size, the more valuable is the pearl. All these cultured pearls are grown on pearl farms.

Cultured pearls are very valuable jewels in today’s world. No jewelry box looks complete without cultured pearl jewelry. Just like natural pearls, each cultured pearl is different from one another.

The value of the cultured pearl depends on the color, size, shape, and luster. The brightness and luster of the cultured pearl speaks volumes about the quality. A cultured pearl should be flawless without any marks on it. It should be round without any dents. The roundness of the cultured pearl determines the price.

Cultured pearls are found in various colors, white, black, rose, cream, blue, yellow, green, mauve, gray, and lavender. The Indian rose-colored pearl is very famous and most-liked. The color of the pearl is determined by the oyster or mollusk and their environment. Think of the rainbow and you will find all those colors in cultured pearls.

Did you know that pearl is the birthstone of people born under the Gemini star sign. Mystical powers and healing ability is associated with pearls.

There are several types of cultured pears, like Oriental pearls that are saltwater pearls and freshwater pearls that come from freshwater mollusks or oysters. Freshwater cultured pearls are less expensive and are more affordable for people on a budget.

Cultured pearls are not as durable as gemstones. They need to be handled and stored with a lot of care. You should keep them away from humidity or dryness. Do not spray perfumes or let your cultured pearls come in touch with your makeup. That is the reason why they say, cultured pearls should be the last jewelry to be worn when dressing up. After removing them, it would do them good to wipe clean with a clean and soft cloth before storing the cultured pearls in a soft velvet pouch.

Cultured pearls make perfect gifts for loved ones. All sorts of jewelry is made with cultured pearls, from plain pearl strands to pearls set in gold or other precious metals, or in combination with other precious gemstones. Cultured pearls give beauty to any jewelry they are set in. Pearls look extremely elegant on elderly women too and give them a dignified and sophisticated look, more than any other metal can. A plain strand of expensive pearls can be a lovely and thoughtful gift.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Here s a valuable golf workout tip

Here is a golf workout tip that you can afford to ignore at your own peril.

Even as more and more golfers get into golf-exercises and physical training programs, many do not realize how important warming up is.

A valuable golf workout tip to take note of is the fact that it is imperative to warm up before exercises or getting to the course to start taking swings at the golf ball.

What this golf workout tip does for you is to ensure that you do not start straining your muscles when they are cold. There are two things that can happen to anybody who ignores this golf workout tip.

Firstly it is easy to pick up an injury that will hinder your progress in the game for a long time to come. One of the most dreaded injuries in golf is the golfer elbow.

The second inevitable result is that even if you are lucky to escape injury despite not warming up, you will find yourself performing well below par. Your muscles will tend to be still very stiff and even performing a good golf swing will be very difficult indeed.

Yet performing warm exercises and thus fulfilling this golf workout tip need not be so difficult. There are wide ranges of different warm up exercises you can perform that will hardly take up any time.

For example you can walk briskly from your car to the course and if the distant is rather short, you can quickly walk back to your car and then back to the course again. Make sure that you exert as much effort as possible into your brisk walk.

You can then do some brief stretch exercises before you start swinging at the golf ball.

This is a golf workout tip that should help any golfer tremendously in efforts to improve their game.

How to achieve a winning online presence

In the online world of the Internet whether you like it or not your initial success is about 80% dependent on your image. If you think image is important to success in real world business, then just think how much more important it is to online business where your success literally depends on what your visitors see on a computer screen! Just think about that for a moment.

To succeed you simply must communicate the right image, period!

Anything less will fail. You'll simply loose the edge!

Give yourself the Best Possible Chance: Use a Professional Web Design Service!

A professional looking and stylish web design helps to establish a strong, positive online presence. In the visually competitive world of cyberspace where first impressions and image do battle on the front line, it's hardly surprising that a strong, positive presence plays a vital part in internet success! It's true there are many web site design programs, tutorials, and online site builders available on the Internet, but nothing quite compares to the expertise and experience of a professional web site designer.

First Impressions are VERY Important!

It is vitally important that your web site conveys the right image and with maximum impact. You never get a second chance with a first impression, and nowhere is this truer than on the Internet where everything is visual! It has been proven that you have no more than six seconds to grab a visitor's attention. Therefore if your web site lacks that "professional look", and communicates the wrong message, you will almost certainly loose out on many potential customers.

Communicate Nothing but Professionalism right from the Start!

Your web site conveys a great deal more information about you and your business than you might at first expect. Most of this information is communicated on a subliminal level just below consciousness, but make no mistake: it IS communicated.

If your web site looks disorganized or over busy; if it has no sense of style, no visual flow or co-ordination, then you will be seen in a similar light. You will come across as disorganized, indecisive, un-professional, lacking control, and without sense of purpose - do you really think you'll be taken seriously?!

Now contrast that with a web site that looks stylish, organized, structured, polished and professional. A web site like that just oozes success! What subliminal message does it send to visitors? Simple: the person or persons behind this site are seen as being well organized, positive, competent, decisive and above all SUCCESSFUL!

Granted, there are other factors involved in running a successful online business such as content, products, reputation etc., but there is no getting away from the fact that image is the initial front line influencer. The message or image that is conveyed in the first few seconds a visitor sees your web site is crucial to whether they stay or leave. Any other factors only come into play IF they stay! Never ever underestimate the power of first impressions, especially online!

The Power of Subliminal Visual Communication!

Using a professional web designer will give your web site that professional look, the edge, that "something extra", that indefinable quality that attracts visitors and captures attention. So what exactly is it, this indefinable something extra…?

It's something that professional designers have a knack for; they instinctively know how to arouse curiosity and capture attention through artistic design and visual communication. This is something that most of us just can't quite grasp; we know it when we see it, but we're not quite sure why.

Have you ever looked at a web site and thought: wow, that's a great looking site! If you have, have you ever wondered exactly why it impressed you so much? Chances are it wasn't down to the high quality photographs or that the fonts or graphics were particularly striking. In actual fact it's far more subtle than that and is rarely down to one single factor.

This is the power of subliminal communication in action. It is a combination of many factors all communicating at the subliminal level that arouses your attention. Skillful colour co-ordination for one can be a powerful attention arouser. And then there are the many subtleties of page composition; the way in which various shapes, blocks of colour and text, all relate to one another on the page. All these visual cues have a direct impact, and ultimately influence how your senses process the page. Very skillful page composition can even lead the eye in a predetermined direction – how powerful is that?!

Are You Getting Negative First Impressions?

So if your web site isn't attracting the amount of traffic and attention you'd like, it really could be down to negative first impressions. It can be that simple! So many people fail to see this, yet it is so obvious. They spend weeks or even months pondering over why they're not generating the traffic or making the sales. Then out of sheer frustration they begin tweaking their web pages in a desperate attempt to rank higher in the search engines! It really doesn't matter how many visitors you get to your site: if they don't like what they first see – they will leave!

So take a hard long objective look at you web site as if for the first time: does it instantly attract you, arouse your curiosity, does it communicate professionalism, competence etc.? Be brutally honest with yourself. If the answer is no or you're not sure, then it may be time for a design face-lift and a new positive image.

With the continually falling prices of web design services, it now makes perfect sense for anyone who's serious about their online business to enlist the expertise of a professional designer. If you really want to give yourself the best possible chance of online success, then you must use only the best possible design technology. So get the Professional edge, and WIN!!

Please do bring on the cheese fondue

Ah, cheese fondue! The aroma of meltingly pungent cheese and wine - bubbling gently and ready for dippers of bread. It's a romantic dinner for two, or a wonderful ice-breaker for a party or get-together. It's the perfect meal to foster intimate conversation and create lasting memories of good times by all.

Lots of Pots

Cheese fondue can be used as a meal, or as an appetizer. The pots made for cheese fondue are of heavy, heat resistant earthenware or heavy metal. A controllable heat unit that maintains low, even heat is what keeps the cheese melted and slightly bubbly without burning the cheese or over heating it. You want the consistency to be smooth and sauce-like.

If you don't have a fondue pot, you can also use a casserole dish or one of ceramic material - it must be heat resistant! Use it over a well-regulated alcohol, canned heat, or butane flame. You can also try it over an electric hot plate or candle warmer, although this is not recommended! Other types of fondue pots are the classic fondue bourguignonne pan, electric fondue pots and chafing dishes.

Control Your Heat!

If your heat source isn't manageable, you will end up with cheese that cools too much and the result is a big glob of hardened cheese that becomes undunkable. If your heat source is too hot, the cheese ends up being stringy and starts to separate into a globby, gooky mess.

It's not as hard as it seems. That's why making a small investment into a real fondue pot is worth it. Your fondue pot usually comes packaged with the right style of forks, your controllable heat source and a pan that was made for this kind of cooking.
Okay, ready to try out a great cheese fondue recipe? Look no further! I have them all right here for you. Create your own memories. Make your guests smile. Treat your family to something entirely different than Hamburger Helper. You'll be happy you did!

What you'll need:

- 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 cup of buttermilk

- 1 lb. Swiss cheese (diced or shredded)

- 3 Tbsp flour

- 1/2 tsp dry mustard

- 1 clove of garlic (halved)

- Keilbasa sausage or other dippers*

- Asparagus Tips or other dippers*

- Fondue pot or equivalent

If you choose to use processed Swiss cheese, just be aware that it tends to thicken up more readily than natural cheese and normally needs to be thinned if it stands very long.
First, heat the buttermilk and garlic halves in a pot. Once the buttermilk is heated through, remove the garlic halves. Don't bring to boiling point. Then combine the cheese, flour, and seasoned salt. Add to the hot liquid by small handfuls and stir until all the cheese is uniformly melted and blended.

Next, place the buttermilk cheese sauce mixture over a low flame (your canned heat or equivalent) to keep the cheese simmering gently - you don't want it to boil! You might find you'll need to add a little more of whatever liquid you have left to keep the cheese properly thinned and for a good dipping consistency.

This yummy recipe serves 5 or 6 as an appetizer and easily serves 2 for a meal. For a variation on the theme, try Swiss Cheese Dipping Sauce found on my web site. (See information below)

*Some other dipper ideas are small cubes of cooked ham and toast to dip into the melted cheese. Chill your tender asparagus spears and serve with the Keilbasa. Can also be served with cherry tomatoes and rye bread slices.

At the table dip your dippers into the cheese and use the rye bread to catch the drips from pot to plate. YUMMY!


Important: Please feel free to republish this article on your web site or in your ezine. However, you are not allowed to modify any part of its content and all links should be kept active.

The legalities and issues with an irs levy

An IRS levy is an order from the Internal Revenue Security directing TVA to withhold a specified amount of an employee’s pay to satisfy a tax debt. If the IRS determines that we owe back tax then it may issue an IRS levy requiring the deductions from the pay till the back taxes are paid. They may ask the person to sign an agreement of consent authorizing the amount to be deducted. The IRS levy can allow an amount to be exempt from withholding based on the o employee’s tax filing station and the number of exemptions claimed.

A legal step taken by Internal Revenue System to seize anyone’s property in order to satisfy his debt is IRS levy. They are different from liens. Lien is just a claim used as security for tax debt whereas in IRS levy they actually take the property to do so. If one cannot make arrangements to settle the debts then the IRS seizes or sells any type of personal or real property which one possesses. For example, the IRS can seize and sell property like boats, houses, cars, etc. Even they can levy property that is actually the debtors’ but is help by someone else like the wages wit the employee, balance at the bank account, license, rental income, etc.

An IRS levy is issued only when he requirements are met. The first condition is when IRS sends a notice or demand for the payment of the tax assessed by them. Secondly, when the person refuses or neglects to pay the tax and lastly when a final notice of Intent to Levy i. e. a legal notice of IRS levy is sent 30 days before the levy. A person receives one more notice with this notice known as Notice of Your Rights to Hearing. These notices can be given anywhere at our business place, at home or can be registered with the return receipt.

One may ask the IRS to review the case or can even request to Office of Appeals by filing a request to the IRS officer listed in our notice. This request filing should be done within 30 days of the receipt of the IRS levy notice.

When the IRS levy, levy our wages, salary or bank account, the levy ends when it is released or when on e pays the tax debt or at the expiry of the time of legal collection of tax. When the IRS levy, levies the bank account, the bank holds the funds in deposit for 21 days. This time is given as the relaxation period to solve the problem at hand. After 21 days, the bank sends the money to the IRS along with the interest, if applicable, to the IRS.

If IRS makes any mistake, like while levying bank account, the bank charges are borne by the debtor. In such a condition one is entitled to have the reimbursement for such charges. For this reimbursement one has to file a claim to the IRS within one year after the bank has claimed the charges.

There are two different types of IRS levy programs. One is FPLP i. e. Federal Payment Levy program and the other is SITLP, which is State Income Tax Levy Program. Under the FPLP, the IRS may levy money from the federal payments received like Social Security benefits, retirement from the Office of Personnel Management, federal employee’s salaries, etc. FPLP electronic levies the federal payments made through Department of Treasury, Financial Management services. When these agencies levy through FPLP, they take 15% from each of the payments till the account is resolved. One can call IRS employee for assistance if he is already working with them.

Under the SITLP, IR levies the state tax refund. This implies to individual state tax refunds only. Inclusion of business tax refunds in the future is under consideration. If the state tax refund is levied, the state issues a notice of advice about the levy. If one receives an advice, legally, for the Rights of Hearing then this IRS notice of advising is not issued.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Giving love getting love giving to get

Love. We need it from the moment we are born to thrive. We might survive but we do not thrive without abundant love. No wonder we work so hard to get it. No wonder we try to be perfect and do everything right to have control over getting love. No wonder we get anxious, angry or depressed when we do not get the love we need. No wonder we use numerous substance and process addictions to numb the pain when we feel alone and unloved.

When we were little, our parents or other caregivers needed to be our source of love. We were too young to access the love we needed by ourselves. Our parents were like God – they were our source of life and love.

As we grew older, we were supposed to shift our focus from getting love from our parents to receiving the love that is God. Yet, because most of our parents didn’t know how to do this for themselves, many of us never learned to access the love that is infinite and always available to us.

As adults most people are stuck in trying to get love and avoid pain.

• Do you try to get love by giving yourself up to others, hoping they will give you the love you need? Are you giving to get?

• Do you try to get others to love you through intimidation and guilt? Do you get angry, manipulative, or blaming to try to get others to give themselves up and give you what you want?

• Do you shut down and numb out with food, alcohol, drugs, TV, gambling, sex, work, and so on, to avoid the pain of loneliness and aloneness? Do you use addictions to avoid the pain of not feeling loved?

• Are you trying to make people, substances, things or activities your source of love?

There is only one true Source of love. The Source of love is the universe we live in. The Source of love is whatever is your concept of God/Spirit. God is Love, and that love is always around us and within us, but you will feel it only when your heart is open to learning about loving yourself.

As long as you are trying to get love from others and avoid pain with your addictions, your heart is closed and you cannot feel the love that is always here for you. Only when you shift your intention from getting love and avoiding pain, to loving yourself and sharing your love with others, will you stop feeling so empty, alone and lonely. Only when you stop making people, things, activities and substances your source and turn to Spirit as your Source will you feel the fullness of love within.

The key to this shift is to stop making others and addictions responsible for your feelings and decide to take full, 100% responsibility for your own feelings of joy and wellbeing. When your intent shifts to learning about taking loving action for yourself, you will learn how to fill yourself with love from your Source and share that love with others.

Sharing love is totally different that giving to get love. Sharing love comes from a full place within, a place that does not need anything back from another person. When we learn to take loving action in our own behalf, we get so filled with love that it just overflows. When this is the case, we receive great joy in sharing our love. We no longer try to be the source of love for others, nor do we make others our source of love.

Today, focus on opening to learning about what is in your highest good. Ask the question throughout the day, “What is in my highest good right now?” As answers pop into your mind, take the loving action on your own behalf. Then notice how peaceful and fulfilled you feel, and how good it feels to share your love and joy with others.